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BAM!ID: 207024
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2017-02-16 14:01:40

The project is Amicable Numbers.

I've turned in a bug report to Willy.
BAM!ID: 162552
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2017-02-18 12:33:11

By the time this challenge starts, Gridcoin will have likely whitelisted this project. Let's crunch some wu's!
Bryan @ SUSA
BAM!ID: 73063
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2017-02-18 19:02:33

Welcome Customminer! There may also be a GPU app available by the time the challenge begins
BAM!ID: 408
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2017-02-27 01:26:55

There are 2 of us from USA attached to the project now so that's officially a team! I see some old friends here, perhaps we can make some new ones too!
Bryan @ SUSA
BAM!ID: 73063
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2017-02-27 04:17:25

@DrBob ... GO AVs Maybe next year!
BAM!ID: 195011
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2017-02-28 15:10:39

Rules question - I have a host that takes 7 hours to complete a task. Is it within the rules to kick off a task on that host 6 hours before challenge start? Is it "credits earned within the time frame" or "tasks run from start to finish within the time frame"? Don't want to be disqualified for cheating, but want to get all the credits I legally can!
BAM!ID: 155149
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2017-02-28 15:52:47

Bummer you are allowing bunkering
Bryan @ SUSA
BAM!ID: 73063
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2017-02-28 17:30:41

@bcavnaugh - on team challenges there is no way to stop it. Only those challenges run by projects can prevent it.

@Bill - anything that validates during the challenge period counts It doesn't matter when it was started.
Bryan @ SUSA
BAM!ID: 73063
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2017-02-28 17:47:27

@bcavnaugh - let me rephrase that, only challenges run by projects or teams that are willing to setup a database, download stats, and then publish the stats can prevent it.
BAM!ID: 408
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2017-02-28 18:28:37

Oh my, Bunkering? What is this bunkering you speak of?

@Bryan - Heck of a game last night, Wild won in OT. Really fun watching them this year! CRUNCH ON!
Bryan @ SUSA
BAM!ID: 73063
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2017-03-01 00:17:40

Uh oh!
scole of TSBT
BAM!ID: 160411
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2017-03-01 00:41:44

scole of TSBT
BAM!ID: 160411
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2017-03-01 01:19:37

The server is not down. Just busy
Bryan @ SUSA
BAM!ID: 73063
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2017-03-01 04:15:08

I'm wondering if the bug that kept BStats from displaying the project name is keeping them from getting the stats from the project. This may go down as the lowest scoring challenge of all time or at least tied for the lowest
BAM!ID: 141844
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2017-03-01 04:20:10

Wild are on a roll.... Good luck to all!
Sergei Chernykh
BAM!ID: 214396
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2017-03-01 05:26:44

The server was busy cancelling thousands of tasks that were bunkered and then expired... Please don't bite off more than you can eat.
Sergei Chernykh
BAM!ID: 214396
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2017-03-01 08:15:26

Update on the challenge: I see no requests for team stats in server's log, so it's not working as it should. I've set up db export to run every hour as a workaround, so when Willy needs this data, I can provide it.
BAM!ID: 408
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2017-03-01 11:24:18

So far this is as exciting as the WEP-M+2 Winter Challenge ...
On the brighter side another 2pts for the Wild last night.
Sergei Chernykh
BAM!ID: 214396
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2017-03-01 11:28:40

I'm making standings table on the project's site now. I have all data needed, so it won't take much time.
BAM!ID: 215574
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2017-03-01 11:40:08

Thanks for working on it Sergei.
Sergei Chernykh
BAM!ID: 214396
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2017-03-01 12:06:24

Here you go:
BAM!ID: 98760
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2017-03-01 15:47:17

Thank you, Sergei, that is actually really nice. Easy to read too.
BAM!ID: 141844
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2017-03-02 02:06:31

Thank You Sergei! Great Job!!!
BAM!ID: 195011
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2017-03-02 10:55:18

So Sergei, where are the User stats? :-)
BAM!ID: 76790
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2017-03-02 18:19:12

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Index :: Challenge Chats :: Be Amicable and Make New Friends