Pages: [1]
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
Joined: 2012-03-01
Posts: 334
Credits: 6,262,336,664
World-rank: 570

2017-06-21 14:37:41

Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
Joined: 2012-03-01
Posts: 334
Credits: 6,262,336,664
World-rank: 570

2017-06-21 19:58:57

There are 817 participants with a credit score
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
Joined: 2012-03-01
Posts: 334
Credits: 6,262,336,664
World-rank: 570

2017-06-22 00:15:00

9980? What makes this number?
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
Joined: 2012-03-01
Posts: 334
Credits: 6,262,336,664
World-rank: 570

2017-06-22 00:16:37

There are now 830 participants with a credit score.
Pages: [1]

Index :: Challenge Chats :: First challenge in the united LHC@Home after integration other subprojects (ATLAS, LHCb, vLHCathome, CMS Simulation)