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BAM!ID: 142320
Joined: 2013-03-12
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2018-02-11 10:36:56

I'm not sure why they call these "team challenges" Gridcoin is an account manager which offers financial incentive... hardly a "team"
BAM!ID: 6010
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2018-02-11 19:48:29

I agree with you, Chooka.
BAM!ID: 6010
Joined: 2006-09-11
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2018-02-11 21:02:12

This should be my last challenge with my beloved tahiti radeons, so I choose to run with AMD Users. Thanks to all participants. Except gridcoin, of course ;-)
BAM!ID: 142320
Joined: 2013-03-12
Posts: 37
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2018-02-13 04:03:35

Yeah I'd like to see Gridcoin separated from the stats a bit like ASIC vs NON ASIC. It's not a level playing field. Certainly not a "volunteer" group or team imo.
BAM!ID: 6010
Joined: 2006-09-11
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2018-02-13 07:54:36

Mmm, bold idea. :-)
But, to be honest, they crunch the same WU like us. Maybe a "ghetto" is unfair.
I'm thinking at something like a "ban option": when someone start a challenge can exclude gridcoin or can let them partecipate.
Don't know if it's easy to do for developers.
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