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Mad Matt
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2010-07-04 09:10:51

Welcome to the July Marathon. Thanks to Willy for adjusting this challenge. It will start exactly at the same time the July Scramble will be finished and hopefully we have enough time to cover all work SIMAP is sending out in July! Have fun, folks.
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2010-07-04 14:40:55

Since this month's SIMAP Scramble has morphed into a marathon, another crunchathon is in order.

Join us in crunching mass quantities of SIMAP!
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2010-07-04 22:09:52

;-) I`ll ask the guys what they want.. Maybe we will join up for the long run too.
Mad Matt
BAM!ID: 4002
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2010-07-04 23:05:28

Definitely you should. It's not just about points and being first. Would be great to have the stars on board
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2010-07-04 23:37:55

;-) no, its mainly about what project they actually wants to crunch in. I might be a strange creature, but I dont force anyone.. ;-)) So.. tell me, with all this extra work - will the August Scramble start before Christmas? ;-D
Mad Matt
BAM!ID: 4002
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2010-07-05 15:07:56

Jonathan said he is not sure we will see much work, maybe we are even finished before - which is confusing. So I rather expect this to become shorter than expected.
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2010-07-05 16:50:52

With the already announced work, we have tasks for the first 4 days of this marathon. More to come, because atm only 3 of 10 parts of the environmental sequences are announced.
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2010-07-05 22:44:33

On October 31, 09, Simap released 5m sequences, and those lasted almost to the end of November. Will be interesting to find out how quickly we can go thru 5m now
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2010-07-07 11:40:02

From the look of things, the July Marathon will carry over seamlessly into the August Scramble. . . . it just don't get any better!
[AF>Occitania] Meteore31
BAM!ID: 42824
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2010-07-07 20:06:04

I put 14 cores on this challenge !
Mad Matt
BAM!ID: 4002
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2010-07-08 09:23:15

Considering Jonathan's estimations, SIMAP is indeed way behind the schedule. Still working on batch 3 of 10...There is A LOT to crunch for us!
[AF>Occitania] Meteore31
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2010-07-08 16:47:19

1 hour and go go go !
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2010-07-08 18:06:34

So it began or so it says.
I managed #21 individual in the just finished challenge, i wonder if i'll be able to keep it here
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2010-07-08 18:47:03

10070103 batch just appeared, 141k WUs. It seems we will have more to crunch than "just" 10 batches of metagenomes
[AF>Occitania] Meteore31
BAM!ID: 42824
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2010-07-09 14:16:05

We will win, lol
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2010-07-09 14:50:26

Maybe. . . .
[AF>Occitania] Meteore31
BAM!ID: 42824
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2010-07-09 15:18:43

Great marathon, one time we are 1st, another time we are 2nd !
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2010-07-09 15:43:16

SIMAP and the science it pursues will be the winner. . . just keep on crunching.
[AF>Occitania] Meteore31
BAM!ID: 42824
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2010-07-09 20:52:52

yes of course, keep on crunching, but this race is funny, lol
Mad Matt
BAM!ID: 4002
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2010-07-10 07:44:45

Regarding the weather, I am already sweating like taking part in a real marathon
[AF>Occitania] Meteore31
BAM!ID: 42824
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2010-07-10 10:39:02

If you want to be sure to arrive at the finish, you have to drink ! lol
Mad Matt
BAM!ID: 4002
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2010-07-10 14:05:15

Old people, children and crunchers should drink more water these days.
Forum moderator - BOINCstats SOFA member
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2010-07-10 16:23:28

. . . especially cornflakes in a can. . . .
[AF>Occitania] Meteore31
BAM!ID: 42824
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2010-07-11 00:10:03

Waouh ! Boincstats members, please wait AF members, lol
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2010-07-12 09:03:01

@Meteore31: Tell your members, it's not forbidden to crunch 24/7 and 7 days a week. Since the weekend is over, you revived.
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Index :: Challenge Chats :: SIMAP July Marathon 21 Days!