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Carlos Pinho
BAM!ID: 136188
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2012-12-13 10:06:02

After two days of the challenge I would like to thank you all the participants. We are making huge progress: first on the sieve of 2,1037- with applications lasievef and lasieve5f; second on the sieve of S11m301 with application lasievee and last on sieve of several small integers with application lasieved. All of these sieves are part of an effort to help several math related projects as OddPerfect, ElevenSmooth, XYYXF, Lucas and Fibonacci, GCW, n^n+(n+1)^(n+1) and finally the great Cunningham math project.
Once again thank you all and keep the cores running!

Best Regards,

Carlos Pinho
(Post-processing helper of NFS@Home Boinc Project)
Carlos Pinho
BAM!ID: 136188
Joined: 2012-12-03
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2012-12-13 10:07:57

After second day of the challenge part I, 4 days left, 2,1037- sieve:

Last 16e Lattice Sieve application wu received is at ~q=691.000M (goal to 1,000M)
Last 16e Lattice Sieve V5 application wu received is at ~q=1,361.000M (goal to 1,400M, then backwards from 1,000M until meet 16e in the middle)

Received means downloaded but not yet processed. Not taking into account with aborted wu's or the ones that passed the deadline.
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2012-12-13 20:59:22

Are the servers at the receiving end still up to it? Uploading gets increasingly difficult.
Carlos Pinho
BAM!ID: 136188
Joined: 2012-12-03
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2012-12-13 21:21:21

Sometimes 3 minutes delay, nothing special.
BAM!ID: 130321
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2012-12-13 23:20:04

Hello! looks like I woke up late again... In any case, thanks for the invite - Full speed ahead!
BAM!ID: 121197
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2012-12-14 01:24:08

Looks like i'm upholding Scotland's honour all on my own on this one !!
BAM!ID: 130321
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2012-12-14 02:33:20

@alezevo1 - And doing alright in any case! Good work!
BAM!ID: 121197
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2012-12-14 03:04:55

@ Raubhautz. Thanks. do you guys crunch on every challenge ?
BAM!ID: 130321
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2012-12-14 03:14:46

@alezevo1 - I think we have members that crunch on every challenge. I try to make all of them regardless of my H/W. It is fun, and has a purpose! In this case, the issuing school is local to me, so...
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2012-12-14 15:13:20

Timber! Server down!
Carlos Pinho
BAM!ID: 136188
Joined: 2012-12-03
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2012-12-14 17:12:38

Server is not down, it is only slow but can handle the actual work.
BAM!ID: 130321
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2012-12-14 18:48:59

Slooooooooow.... Like molasses in the winter-time! It's Ok, I just keep crunching... Fortunately, I opened up my cache before each event.
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2012-12-14 19:38:07

No cash anymore, flat broke of WUs
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2012-12-14 19:38:19

no cache either!
Carlos Pinho
BAM!ID: 136188
Joined: 2012-12-03
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2012-12-14 23:10:58

Plenty of wu's available for applications lasievef and lasieve5f. Also warned Greg to create more lasieved wu's.
BAM!ID: 75075
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2012-12-14 23:51:14

You're hitting the server hard, but that's great! I've turned off a few maintenance tasks for the duration of the challenge so that should help considerably. I am still running another for a few hours, so the server will remain slow for a few more hours, but you should be able to get and return work. Keep it coming!
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2012-12-15 00:44:25

Trying to get to the NFS forum to post a message that I can't get new work and I get a screen 'can't connect to server' again.
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2012-12-16 10:27:35

I found out how to get work for this project: disable all the rest. This increases the priority in the scheduler.
BAM!ID: 57534
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2012-12-16 11:03:35

DB ... D'oh ... lol
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2012-12-16 13:00:06

You can get mighty sick of "Project is not highest priority" when you've set it on 100%, STE/E
BAM!ID: 57534
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2012-12-16 13:08:58

I've always ran 1 Project at a Time so I don't have that Problem ...
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2012-12-16 13:20:50

I am competing in three challenges and run 32 projects at the moment
BAM!ID: 57534
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2012-12-16 13:51:06

That's why you have problems & I don't ...
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2012-12-16 14:27:43

I solved mine
BAM!ID: 121197
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2012-12-17 01:30:49

and somehow, 22 1/2 hrs to go, and i've single handedly held on to 10th.... yeah me.Will i hold out till the end?
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