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BAM!ID: 112793
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2013-08-05 13:43:27

Twelfth edition of the serie of challenges between teams [Twenty Four] issued by the french team "BRIGADE DU COSMOS". [Twenty Four] serie of challenges aims to celebrate an important day of the History or of the year. 24 hours of intense crunch tribute to this day ! For this [Twenty Four 012], we pay tribute to one of the best internet search engines founded on 27 september 1998 by Larry Page & Sergueï Brin. What would our research without Google Chrome today ? Silicon Valley produces what is best in the field of Internet and Google is the proof. A turnover of 50 billion dollar across all its subsidiaries (YouTube, Gmail, Android, Google Earth ...). Long live to Google !
Onur Ulusoy
BAM!ID: 105814
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2013-08-11 09:22:12

Laßt uns das beste hoffen.
BAM!ID: 105644
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2013-09-06 04:30:41

BAM!ID: 112793
Joined: 2011-12-10
Posts: 27
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2013-09-06 18:02:10

Hello LLBXS78 ! I invite you and your team to join this challenge ! Come crunch with us !
BAM!ID: 30393
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2013-09-20 18:13:06

SEARCHER and Team BOINC@Pfalz fight with you.
BAM!ID: 112793
Joined: 2011-12-10
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2013-09-23 14:54:25

Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2013-09-24 10:35:40

Let's Google the little green fellow to see whether he's really from Mars (,_Go_Home)!
BAM!ID: 112793
Joined: 2011-12-10
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2013-09-24 16:15:12

A warm welcome to a new team in the {BDC} Challenges : Moon and Star ! Happy Crunching !
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
Joined: 2012-03-01
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2013-09-26 23:23:17

Why has LLBXS78 not joined in one of the last challenges? Interface problems? Try a different browser, might help.
BAM!ID: 112793
Joined: 2011-12-10
Posts: 27
Credits: 1,752,759
World-rank: 157,690

2013-09-28 07:56:51

A warm thanks to the 18 teams who participated in this challenge ! Congratulations to the top three teams : GPU Users Group, SETI.USA & The Knights Who Say Ni! Stay tuned for the next challenge issued by the BRIGADE DU COSMOS !
Pages: [1]

Index :: Challenge Chats :: [Twenty Four 012] Google Day Crunch