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BAM!ID: 159685
Joined: 2014-01-22
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2014-03-16 16:47:16

Are the homes with the red glow owned by P3DN crunchers? You guys are making me hot
Sylvester@Planet 3Dnow!
BAM!ID: 10987
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2014-03-17 09:50:36

No. The houses with the photovoltaik at the roof are owned bei P3D crunchers. ;-)
BAM!ID: 159685
Joined: 2014-01-22
Posts: 1
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2014-03-18 00:04:39

A Green team! Very nice, Sylvester!
BAM!ID: 123976
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2014-03-18 14:23:36

Planet 3Dnow! and Russia, you guys rock out !
Our team is still trying to catch you guys !
Great job to both of your teams !

I think we got whipped here but it was sure fun and thank you to all of the teams that participated.
BAM!ID: 5884
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2014-03-20 16:55:10

I think we have done very well without bunkering.. ;-)) Thanx for the run. And congrats to P3D for the win! ;-)
BAM!ID: 98760
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2014-03-20 18:03:49

Yes, you did! Actually we all did pretty good - Einstein is a different kind of project, hard to get to run right on my rigs and I had to do a lot of fine tuning the settings. Congrats to P3DN!, you guys smoked everyone hands down.
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Index :: Challenge Chats :: Albert Einsteins - 135th Birthday Challenge