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BAM!ID: 91043
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2014-02-26 02:34:41

lets put in some hours on this one to celebrate Hubble's achievements
BAM!ID: 105644
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2014-03-01 05:03:54

Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2014-03-31 00:18:41

Where's Igor?
scole of TSBT
BAM!ID: 160411
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2014-04-22 00:46:41

I'm in. Let's go TSBT!
BAM!ID: 5884
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2014-04-24 09:56:30

Where`s the challenge? ;-p
BAM!ID: 5884
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2014-04-24 16:16:23

;-) oki.. I`ll better not disturb the silence. ;-))
BAM!ID: 75286
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2014-04-26 02:35:02

I know what you mean... My guess is some are out napping or something, comparing this challenge to the one we had a few weeks back...
EmSti [BlackOps]
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2014-04-28 00:23:47

Sorry, I failed to come out and play. We just did Milkyway challenge a few weeks ago, I just wasn't interested this time around.
BAM!ID: 121197
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2014-04-28 01:01:27

A bunch of my computers broken and Igor not coming out to play , still little old TSBT sitting in 5th, not the worst.
BAM!ID: 5884
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2014-04-28 10:51:46

Ja.. as I`ve said many times: There are too many challenged issued - and too often with little thought behind it.. as if "I issue challenges because I can". :p I`m probably the only one in the whole Boinc who think there should be a limit of how many challenges each team are allowed to issue pr year. If so, challenges would become "something more special". ;-) I dont know why people feel such a need to have an unlimited allowance for this. ;-p
BAM!ID: 5884
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2014-04-28 10:54:58

..and I dont know why Willy think its such a good idea to give this unlimited allowance.. lol
BAM!ID: 148989
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2014-04-29 14:51:22

I agree, to many challenges in the last time. It´s good for some projects to get a "push" but in the next time we (TITANS) dont participate in upcomming challenges and we will switch back to our mainprojects.
BAM!ID: 148989
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2014-04-29 14:54:17

Sorry for my bad bad english)
BAM!ID: 5884
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2014-04-29 21:20:54

;-) Hei Artemis! How nice that youre agree with me! hehe. Oh.. your english is not worse than mine. ;-) Mine is btw called Norweglish - and Ive managed pretty well with that so far. ;-))
BAM!ID: 141844
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2014-05-01 01:16:06

There really are too many challenges from the same projects. As fun as it is to participate in a great competition, it is nice to get back to projects! We are a small team, and from a team perspective, if we can break the top fifty percent....we did great! On a personal level a top fifty is super! Look forward to seeing everyone down the road a bit. By the way.....Congratulations to team Sicituradastra for the top team credits and top three personal credits; Luis R. Resto* #1,Ross* #2,and JHMarshall #3! Way To Go!!! Until next time, best of luck crunching!
BAM!ID: 141844
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2014-05-01 01:18:02

I too am Norwegian......But I only know English. Even then some people wonder if I do know English!
BAM!ID: 141844
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2014-05-01 01:23:10

Thank you to all who participated!
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Index :: Challenge Chats :: 24th Anniversary - launch of the Edwin Hubble Telescope