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BAM!ID: 105644
Joined: 2011-08-27
Posts: 33
Credits: 1,376,572
World-rank: 179,811

2014-03-01 05:03:22

BAM!ID: 81300
Joined: 2010-02-13
Posts: 3
Credits: 251,017,174
World-rank: 6,104

2014-03-04 17:26:55

BAM!ID: 81300
Joined: 2010-02-13
Posts: 3
Credits: 251,017,174
World-rank: 6,104

2014-03-06 23:57:19

The ngb:setiteam welcomes you to or first PrimeGrid challenge. May you do well and find some primes
BAM!ID: 141472
Joined: 2013-03-05
Posts: 1
Credits: 668,874,549
World-rank: 3,012

2014-03-07 05:26:35

Hello deKay
BAM!ID: 86939
Joined: 2010-06-29
Posts: 36
Credits: 314,337,472,579
World-rank: 23

2014-03-07 17:37:19

Thank you from the behalf of our team deKay89, personally missed the start, but you are never to late for a nice challenge, so let's crunch & enjoy, the first round is on me, so Cheers !
BAM!ID: 141472
Joined: 2013-03-05
Posts: 1
Credits: 668,874,549
World-rank: 3,012

2014-03-08 05:09:00

Hello Manakka
BAM!ID: 141472
Joined: 2013-03-05
Posts: 1
Credits: 668,874,549
World-rank: 3,012

2014-03-08 05:10:22

BAM!ID: 159685
Joined: 2014-01-22
Posts: 1
Credits: 0
World-rank: 0

2014-03-08 20:47:19

Great challenge, ngb:setiteam! Very nice crunching from Sici* I'll be around at
BAM!ID: 5884
Joined: 2006-09-10
Posts: 441
Credits: 37,535,171,948
World-rank: 163

2014-03-09 15:07:21

;-)Checking in before dinner. Have a great Sunday everyone!
BAM!ID: 62867
Joined: 2008-12-16
Posts: 4
Credits: 1,642,006,596
World-rank: 1,562

2014-03-09 21:08:18

Hi Moon*, you have tough crunchers in your team. Congratz Special greetings to KWH*, tng* and RaymondFO*. This is a hard fight for user rank 2
BAM!ID: 81300
Joined: 2010-02-13
Posts: 3
Credits: 251,017,174
World-rank: 6,104

2014-03-10 23:22:11

The time is almost up. Impressive performance by Sicituradastra, almost over 100 Million Credits! But also by BOINC@Poland and L'Alliance Francophone who had a tough battle for the second place.

The user toplist shows two one man armys on top. For the Universe ( Apaszko-Kaszkiety ) and ElricM both made a significant amount of credits for their team. Followed by a big block of Sicituradastra users.

Thanks for participating and see you soon Our next challenge is for the Rosetta-Project starting at the beginning of April.

Did anyone find a prime?
BAM!ID: 62867
Joined: 2008-12-16
Posts: 4
Credits: 1,642,006,596
World-rank: 1,562

2014-03-10 23:43:31

Hey deKay, I found 5(!) Great Contest ! Thanks Sicituradastra for the tough challenge
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Index :: Challenge Chats :: PrimeTime