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BAM!ID: 75286
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2014-04-18 00:15:25

We broke the server, like everyone else no doubt, getting feeder not running errors /rofl

Collatz server probably crying for mercy after all our contributions
BAM!ID: 5884
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2014-04-18 00:33:00

Well.. If Slicker is away, and this will not be fixed soon, then it would be nice if we got to know - so we can move on.
BAM!ID: 161690
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2014-04-18 13:14:54

Walked into the office and noticed the tower being very quiet...Like children, if they are silent something is SERIOUSLY wrong. Noticed that the project was down , oh well, hope everyone has a great weekend, early Happy Easter to those that celebrate it! I'm off to the hot springs next weekend! Yippee!
BAM!ID: 86939
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2014-04-18 20:49:05

...feelin' sad for all of us, despite of the team I'm crunching for, as this one would have been a record in total output...but perhaps next pizza time I guess... =)
Megacruncher TSBT
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2014-04-18 22:15:22

I've only got one, very slow, machine with any Collatz work, left. Rather a lot is waiting to be uploaded so with 26hrs to go all is not necessarily lost ... But in all likelihood it is Game Over.
Time to top up Milkyway & Primegrid, methinks.
BAM!ID: 20000
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2014-04-19 07:26:27

How about the issuing team calling an early close to this challenge? That way we are not sitting around waiting for a server that no one has any idea as to when it would likely be repaired. Of course it is a sad ending to what was turning out to be a fantastic and close fought challenge. ;-)
BAM!ID: 75286
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2014-04-19 13:23:15

It is unfortunate, that we won't be able to beat the 1 billion credits in the challenge here, as it looked like we would. But being Easter weekend, and this long after it went down, it's unlikely to get fixed in < 10 hours. Probably is best to just call it.
BAM!ID: 112308
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2014-04-19 14:16:20

Yep, it's unlikely that the server will come up before the end. At the same time, if it does, we finish the challenge as it was issued, if not it ends quietly in less than 10 hours. I'm sure no one is just sitting around waiting for it to come back online...I'm know I'm not. Let it finish.
EmSti [BlackOps]
BAM!ID: 119914
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2014-04-19 14:21:52

I think Slicker is away and doesn't have access because his laptop died a little while ago. When I mentioned the challenge was coming up, he indicate that he might be out of town. Guess the out of town part was the end of the week not the beginning.
EmSti [BlackOps]
BAM!ID: 119914
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2014-04-19 14:25:42

" I'm sure no one is just sitting around waiting for it to come back online" - Sphynx

I did for the first night, but moved on. Holding the collatz wus that are completed, just in case the electricity used will still proved some value.
EmSti [BlackOps]
BAM!ID: 119914
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2014-04-19 14:29:40

Sorry, Moon I didn't see you message earlier about "if Slicker is away". If it makes you feel any better, I didn't share with SETI.USA either. I remembered Slicker's comment after someone asked if he was fishing.
BAM!ID: 5884
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2014-04-19 15:21:04

;-) yes, I ment that being off fishing and or hunting could be all from a short evening to the whole Easter. ;-) But i think we have the answer to it now - and that we have to see this challenge end in a way none of us wished. Anyway: Have a great Easter holiday everyone! ;-)
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