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BAM!ID: 95678
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2014-09-23 11:45:17

SIMAP final challenge! (SIMAP will leave BOINC by end of 2014).
BAM!ID: 151374
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2014-11-11 16:56:42

А ниче что заданий осталось на месяц счета?
к 22 декабрю проект закончится.
BAM!ID: 95678
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2014-11-19 14:35:59

В последнее время судя по графику с заданиями всё стабильно. Они пока есть регулярно.
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2014-11-28 16:27:01

SIMAP poject manager Thomas Rattei wrote:
"Das timing im Projekt hat sich gerade geändert. Daher wir werden nach dem Ende des jetzigen Batches keine weiteren Workunits mehr rechnen. Am 22.12. werden wir nur noch wenige Rest-Workunits haben, für eine Challenge wird dies nicht reichen. Es wäre am besten die challenge jetzt oder in der ersten Dezemberhälfte abzuhalten, da gibts noch ausreichend Arbeit.

Beste Grüße

Project SIMAP will be completely out of work or only supplying a few tasks not enough to feed a challenge. He suggested to start the challenge now or in the first half of December.Hopefully the issuer of this challenge (Yura12?) will react and re-schedule the challenge timing
BAM!ID: 95678
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2014-11-28 19:03:21

Yes. All right. I welcome the re-schedule of challenge to an earlier time, at the beginning of December. For example, on December 6 or earlier may (as the administrator of boincstats decides). Re-schedule on any time, as it will be better.
Да. Хорошо. Я приветствую перенос соревнования на более раннее время, на начало декабря. Например, на 6 декабря или может раньше (как решит администратор boincstats). Переносите на любое время, как будет лучше.
Tester - BOINCstats SOFA member
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2014-11-29 21:39:42

@Yura12: I suggest you PM [BOINCstats]Willy with your request.
BAM!ID: 95678
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2014-11-30 14:12:39

Ok. I send private message to Willy
BAM!ID: 317
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2014-12-02 01:15:30

The challenge is re-scheduled with a duration of 14 days; it would be the longest BOINCstats challenge ever seen and crunched. Certainly a worthy finale for SIMAP
scole of TSBT
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2014-12-03 23:27:46

There's currently no work for SIMAP. Website says new work is being prepared and scheduled to start on Dec 10.
scole of TSBT
BAM!ID: 160411
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2014-12-04 10:31:11

OK. Work available now.
BAM!ID: 57534
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2014-12-04 20:16:26

Work Available now but the Challenge will never last 14 Day's if the Project doesn't produce more work ...
Dirk Broer
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2014-12-04 23:18:07

Work? Look at
Dirk Broer
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2014-12-04 23:18:36

Work? Look at the Batch monitor!
scole of TSBT
BAM!ID: 160411
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2014-12-04 23:52:49

Once BlackOps is finished filling up, there should be enough work for the rest of us
BAM!ID: 98760
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2014-12-05 00:26:04

Ha! Save some for me - at least a small pile! :-)
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2014-12-05 01:43:53

And once we've finished there will be no more Simap within BOINC...
Haunted Forest
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2014-12-05 05:18:24

Forum moderator - BOINCstats SOFA member
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2014-12-05 12:54:43

Sadly, this will be the last SIMAP Scramble. The BOINCstats SOFAs will long remember positioning for the start, the hummers and the resends. . . those were the days. . . .
BAM!ID: 160425
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2014-12-05 13:10:42

Sad that this will the last. Good luck all!
BAM!ID: 87006
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2014-12-06 01:11:02

Crunch on! until the w/u's run out... then I guess It will be crunch off? heehheehe
BAM!ID: 25282
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2014-12-06 05:05:44

last run people
BAM!ID: 64136
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2014-12-06 09:46:38

SIMAP's scientist wrote:

Thanks for the news - great We have already adapted to the challenge, have freed disk space to have sufficient workunits ready. So the challenge can start and can run until all workunits are distributed.

BAM!ID: 317
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2014-12-06 12:16:11

The race has started, the bunkers are opened, new tasks are streaming in - I'm very curious about the course of the challenge. Thanks to Thomas and the whole SIMAP team for their efforts to allow us this final challenge
BAM!ID: 64136
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2014-12-06 12:34:19

"See full Team/User stats" not working or not working yet?? Willy?
BAM!ID: 317
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2014-12-06 12:52:46

@Crystal Pellet: You'll have to wait for the first stats update until 1 hour of the challenge has elapsed
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Index :: Challenge Chats :: SIMAP final challenge