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BAM!ID: 317
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2015-02-01 22:18:17

Tablets: Asus ME173X, Asus ME102A, Odys Xelio, Odys Neo, 3x Medion Lifetab Quadcore, Medion Lifetab Octacore, Trekstor Volkstablet, Octacore Smartphones: HUAWEI Ascend, Wiko Highway, Icefox F9, Dualcore Smartphones: Sony Xperia U, Sony Xperia V. Also Archos Cesium Windows 8 tablet and 3 entry-level Windows quadcore notebooks
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
Joined: 2012-03-01
Posts: 334
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2015-02-01 22:29:12

You are a one-woman android army!
BAM!ID: 121197
Joined: 2012-04-03
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2015-02-02 01:08:27

Puts my 11 quad core Android hoard to shame
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
Joined: 2012-03-01
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2015-02-03 01:19:17

Looks like Elektra* has a job in Android support of sorts..
BAM!ID: 121197
Joined: 2012-04-03
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2015-02-03 02:41:04

pity the nativeBoinc stats site seems to be dead.
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2015-02-03 12:50:30

Dead as in error 404: 'Nie znaleziono obiektu. Nie znaleziono żądanego URLa na tym serwerze. Jeśli wpisałeś URLa ręcznie, sprawdź, czy się nie pomyliłeś'
BAM!ID: 317
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2015-02-03 13:48:37

Nope, I have a job as health education nurse (Heilerziehungspflegerin) at But I couldn't resist to collect some tablets and smarties in special offers until my bookshelf got filled
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2015-02-03 20:53:43

I collect IBM PS/2 machines, but you can't really BOINC with them anymore
BAM!ID: 98760
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2015-02-04 06:56:35

@Dirk - those sound about as useful as my HP graphing calculator collection!
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
Joined: 2012-03-01
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2015-02-04 08:11:42
BAM!ID: 121197
Joined: 2012-04-03
Posts: 15
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World-rank: 18

2015-02-04 12:31:21

Just to let you know guys we'll be offering a pirate themed prize for this challenge - Lego, as per our other prizes. I think we'll do it randomly as per our other challenge prizes but will confirm details ASAP!

Posted by Kirsten over on the POGS forum.
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
Joined: 2012-03-01
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2015-02-04 15:01:41

Nice! I've always wanted a Lego casing for my Raspberry
BAM!ID: 317
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2015-02-04 16:26:48

Lego - does it run on Android or on Windows?
Dirk Broer
BAM!ID: 117974
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2015-02-06 00:49:34

Two days to go for the lego
BAM!ID: 161690
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2015-02-06 21:57:05

Tally Ho, all ye pirates. One day remains! Thar be buried treasure so dig harder! A big thank ye to Anguillan band 'o pirates fer a great challenge!
BAM!ID: 171296
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2015-02-06 22:22:56

Wish my team had accepted the challenge earlier; but am doing what I can in the space of ~3 days. :-)
BAM!ID: 98760
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2015-02-07 04:50:27

Arrrrr there Matey, and ye be doin' a fine job o' the last 3 days to be a Pirate!
BAM!ID: 153978
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2015-02-07 16:18:38

Aye, we're wishing ye and yer mates be joining the rest of the scurvy crews in these trifles as well, matey!
BAM!ID: 166533
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2015-02-07 16:52:13

We would be in 2nd place although P3DN is not reported here.
BAM!ID: 121197
Joined: 2012-04-03
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2015-02-07 19:36:57

Only a few hours left to secure your positions. Thanks to all the sallow landlubbers and all the salty old seadogs that took part. As for fastgeek, ya should be keelhauled for passing me before I could get into the top 10, but got to admire the speed with which you caught and passed me , yarrrr.
BAM!ID: 98760
Joined: 2011-04-05
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2015-02-07 21:31:57

CyrusNGC_224@P3D - yes, we missed you guys! Please join in next time.
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Index :: Challenge Chats :: Black Barts Pesky Pirates POGS Party