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Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2016-03-04 19:42:19

1) It would be great if creating a new thread or posting to an existing thread would automatically subscribe me to it. I find myself always clicking SUBSCRIBE after I create a new thread or respond to something existing, since I want to be alerted in my email of any new posts. I have never found myself clicking UNSUBSCRIBE. If I am atypical, maybe a BOINCstats setting like "Auto-Subscribe to threads you create or post in".

2) It would be nice to see the threads that I am subscribed to as well as the forums in which I have subscribed thread(s) highlighted in some way in the list view, like a yellow background or similar. That with the combination of the "new post" icon that already exists would be a nice combination to see quickly any activity of interest, especially for those who choose to not receive email notifications for subscribed threads.

3) Speaking about the "new post" icon. I did not narrow this down, yet, but lately I have been frequently seeing a forum with the "new post" icon, I would go into the forum, but the forum wouldn't have anything unread. No, it is not a matter of going back and forth between the forum list and the threads in the browser without refreshing the forum list. For example, something I read on my phone earlier in the day would be marked as read as a thread, but the forum would indicate that there is something to read inside. Yes, my phone is logged in to BOINCstats. There must be a bug lurking around there.

Just thoughts...

Dr Who Fan
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2016-03-04 21:38:29

Tuna Ertemalp wrote:

3) ... For example, something I read on my phone earlier in the day would be marked as read as a thread, but the forum would indicate that there is something to read inside.

Seen similar issue ONLY when I get an email notification & I use the link in the email... then maybe come back later that day or next day on the same PC or a different PC to the forums.
Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2016-03-04 21:41:32

Yessss... That's it.
Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-04-17 17:55:26

Tuna Ertemalp wrote:

1) It would be great if creating a new thread or posting to an existing thread would automatically subscribe me to it. I find myself always clicking SUBSCRIBE after I create a new thread or respond to something existing, since I want to be alerted in my email of any new posts. I have never found myself clicking UNSUBSCRIBE. If I am atypical, maybe a BOINCstats setting like "Auto-Subscribe to threads you create or post in".

Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-04-30 22:11:04
last modified: 2017-04-30 22:12:17

Any chance of this happening? After the slew of posts I made today, I again remembered how much I notice the lack of such a feature...

Although I really care about #2, I would say #1 & #3 are just as valuable, and #3 is actually a bug that ideally needs to be fixed.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2019-08-11 13:23:50

Implemented suggestion 1 and 2. Better late than never.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2019-08-11 14:52:21

I'm overcome with joy and thankfulness!

BAM!ID: 207641
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2022-09-09 08:13:52

lack of such a feature is not a good thing to have , very important
Pages: [1]

Index :: Comments and suggestions :: Suggestions about subscribing to forum threads