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BAM!ID: 22782
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2008-06-04 14:37:09


It would be good if you could get the graphs to display the y-axis in a more readable format.

For example, my 'World Position (by total credit) history,, last months' graph currently runs tick marks from 9400 to 609400. This makes it quite hard to read!

It would be MUCH better if it ran to the nearest single significant digit - so in this case from 0 to 700000, grouped in lots of 100000

Just a thought! It shouldn't be too hard to do I hope


BAM!ID: 3895
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2008-06-04 15:23:06


I concur. I am not so much concerned about the numbering as the first bar in the bar graphs do not show. This is because the lowest value on the y-axis of the graph seems to be about the same as the lowest value, usually the first value.

Also, for some of the line graphs (particularly the last months) the scale can be a little odd, and in specific on the position graph, if you are hovering near the same spot (near based on scale) especially if it is your highest (lowest value) the line is flat and equal to the x-axis.

In both these cases, it is difficult to tell if the undisplayed points (value on the x-axis) is really on the x-axis or off the graph.

Another small note, on both dshannon's graph and my graph for world position last months the initial point is over 600K and the next point is under 300k for me and less than 100K for dshannon. I don't know exactly the mechanism, but it is related to the first time you show up on BOINCstats, and the unextreamly high value makes the world position last months graph fairly meaningless as we both spend most of the graph under the lowest bar in the graph. If the value is the result of some bug, it would be nice to be fixed so that future users don't see the same thing. If it is something that cannot be fixed, then if the first value could be dropped off of the charts, or the scale be chosen a different way or something, it would be greatly appreciated. (Just a note, I think what happens is the first time you show up, information is put in for a previous time period when you had no credits and thus were at the end of the list.)

I hope I didn't ramble to much. Thanks for all the work.
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BAM!ID: 22782
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2008-06-12 12:31:38


I think my previous post was a bit hideously garbled and not too easy to understand... I think that what it should do when generating a graph is to make sure that the lowest value on the y-axis should be a multiple of the distance between tick marks on the y-axis.

Let me explain with an example taken from my last 60 days graph (

The values displayed on the y-axis are 593,000; 643,000; 693,000; 743,000; 793,000; and 843,000.

So the 'distance' between tick marks is 50,000 (643K - 593K)

If the lowest value on the y-axis were forced to be a multiple of this, then the values on the y-axis would be: 550,000; 600,000; 650,000; 700,000; 750,000; 800,000; 850,000 and 900,000 (since my current total credit is > 850,000). That would make it WAY easier to read.

Similarly caspr's graph (I onl pick him because he has a shout on the page right now) - at - would have the y-axis values 210,000; 220,000 etc. up to 300,000 (not 213,000; 223,000 and so on)

As another thought, it would be nice if it could format the numbers with the thousand separator (, in english or . in many european languages) - which would make some of the really big numbers on graphs MUCH easier to understand.

Anyway, thanks for a very good stats site, I use it every day!


[BOINCstats] Willy
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2008-06-15 09:16:40

I made some changes, let me know what you think.

Result varies depending on the values on the y-axis but most of the times it does what you suggested.

As always: many charts are in the cache so not all charts may have the new "look" yet.
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2008-06-15 14:40:11
last modified: 2008-06-15 14:44:22

I made some changes, let me know what you think.

Result varies depending on the values on the y-axis but most of the times it does what you suggested.

As always: many charts are in the cache so not all charts may have the new "look" yet.

I switched languages, that always helps with caching problems. The graphs I can read even in Chinese
It looks fine imho, well done, en:

Hup, Holland, Hup!!!
Grüße vom Sänger
BAM!ID: 22782
Joined: 2007-04-07
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2008-06-17 15:16:11

Nice one Willy, thanks!
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