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BAM!ID: 1560
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2008-08-05 18:19:48

With the larger number of projects now, even using the two-column signature, it is still very long. Would it be possible to get a three-column version added?

Reno, NV
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2008-08-05 19:30:19

With the larger number of projects now, even using the two-column signature, it is still very long. Would it be possible to get a three-column version added?

Great idea!

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2008-08-06 15:33:26

With the larger number of projects now, even using the two-column signature, it is still very long. Would it be possible to get a three-column version added?

Great idea!

Except that two columns is already pretty wide. I have a big screen and the current 2 column banners seem just the right size. If they were any wider they look like they would effect the size of the page and I keep the resolution on my monitors as high as I can go.

One option that might help is to use the BAM signitures, and set an idle project threshold to limit what gets displayed.
This signature was stolen from somewhere.

BAM!ID: 1560
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2008-08-07 14:08:51

There are ways to reduce the width. For example, exclude columns such as rank and/or RAC.
Reno, NV
[AF>WildWildWest] RLDF
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2008-08-11 19:56:35

i agree with a more flexible signature :
- possibility to choose 1,2 or 3 columns
- possibility to remove BSrac and to add daily credits
- possibility to choose the projects for the signature
- possibility to switch between global and team rank

thanx for the good job
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2008-08-11 20:21:45

Keep the ideas coming!

I won't change the signature for another 1~2 weeks at least (kind of busy with another project) but I will work on it.
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[AF>WildWildWest] RLDF
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2008-10-16 12:26:46

what about this suggestion ?
did you work on it since august ?
[AF>WildWildWest] RLDF
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2008-11-14 01:20:05

another idea :
a special signature with a limited list of projects the user can choose
i need a signature with this list of projects in this order :
- Rosetta
- Yoyo
- milkyway
- proteins
- ibercivis
is it possible ?

thanx for your good job with boincstats
BAM!ID: 1560
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2009-01-14 06:59:52

Keep the ideas coming!

I won't change the signature for another 1~2 weeks at least (kind of busy with another project) but I will work on it.

Bump? 3 or 4 columns would be sweet!
Reno, NV
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2009-01-15 05:45:02

Why not trim it down by only displaying your active projects?
BAM!ID: 1560
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2009-01-16 06:32:56

Why not trim it down by only displaying your active projects?

That wouldn't trim it by down by very much. In any case Willy already said he would address it. We just need to get him to re-focus his attention.
Reno, NV
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2009-01-16 07:56:55

Why not trim it down by only displaying your active projects?

That wouldn't trim it by down by very much. In any case Willy already said he would address it. We just need to get him to re-focus his attention.

It looks to me that you would trim about half of your projects if you only displayed active projects. You can also set the definition of active when you set up for it if you still want more trimed. I have idle projects defined as less than 10 RAC for my sig.

BOINCing since 2002/12/8
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2009-02-15 13:08:55


Add more columns than two (but no more than 4) by adding a number after "banner", for example:

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2009-02-15 13:22:47
last modified: 2009-02-15 13:24:26

Great! Your simply the best!

Grüße vom Sänger
BAM!ID: 1560
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2009-02-15 15:01:24

Awesome! Thanks!
Reno, NV
BAM!ID: 13859
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2009-02-16 07:37:48

Too bad they don't fit in the forum, at least on a 4:3 monitor at 1024x768.

I'm sticking with my suggestion of limiting to your active projects. Think of it as signature trimming...
Pages: [1]

Index :: Comments and suggestions :: * three columns for signature?