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2008-08-17 08:58:18
last modified: 2008-08-17 09:18:36


Yesterday ....all my troubles seemed so far away

Yoyo challenge - why the lack of information about it !

I can't take part in this challenge as i dont know how to allow yoyo to run with out my McAfee AV & F software having a fit and showing me how clever it is in detecting whatever it doesn't like - ( ME ! )

What Unit's to crunch - Any particular one or all 3
Cruncher - optimal golumb ruler

I didn't know what the start & finish time was - I assumed 00.00 UTC ( I'm +1 Here in the UK)

I can only speak and understand English.
(I wish my kids could - lol . They don't listen or seam to understand a word i say the little buggers !)

A little help and advise to be prepared in advance would of helped. I havent had my machines on all week as i was saving the electricity consumption cost to partake in the prime grid & simap challenge that is forthcoming.

..So a quick 24hr warm up wouldn't of upset the electric company that supplies me to much and i could of applied 60x cores of crunching power to further the teams advancement up the charts.

I do like a battle/challenge - Global Domination - LOL !

Kind Regards,

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2008-08-17 09:06:41

Yoyo is merely trying this new feature, and how it could be implemented. It's not really a challenge yet, if I understand him correctly. But as OGR is nearing an end, afaik he plans some real challenge for the near future.

There is a thread in his forum about this:
Grüße vom Sänger
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2008-08-17 09:16:40

Yoyo started implementing the challenge code last Friday and got it working on Saturday. To do a quick test he started the "Test a Test" challenge which runs now (Sunday). It's just a quick test to see if everything is working properly.

So, that's why there was no heads up.

<a bit of useless information>
If it's any consolation: I missed it too, I was working all day and after work went darting with some colleagues, when I got home the challenge was already started.
</a bit of useless information>
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2008-08-17 09:17:36

There is a thread in his forum about this:

Yep, that makes it all clear
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2008-08-17 14:08:17

I can't take part in this challenge as i dont know how to allow yoyo to run with out my McAfee AV & F software having a fit and showing me how clever it is in detecting whatever it doesn't like - ( ME ! )

One suggestion for fixing your McAfee woes. Try AVG for anti-virus. Free for personal use. And try ZoneAlarm for fire wall. Again, free for personal use.

It's what I use, but there are many other free anti-virus and firewall programs out there. Here is a list of free security products from Kim Komando. (Note: Kim Komando is a computer expert that has a weekly radio program in the States for all sorts of tech questions.)

Don't feel like you are stuck with a product that doesn't let you do what you want to do.
This signature was stolen from somewhere.

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2008-08-18 14:10:13

A one day challenge on YoYo is a little out of place. . .

I'm finishing up 2 on my C2Q that are running 31 and 26 hours.

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