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BAM!ID: 4449
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2016-01-05 17:01:01

Don't know if this is a WCG only related problem or general, but the statistics by OS have not updated for a while now. Looking at the WCG export folder, they seem to be refreshed every 6 hours at
Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2016-01-05 18:42:08

BAM!ID: 4449
Joined: 2006-08-23
Posts: 33
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World-rank: 479,217

2016-01-18 15:19:39
last modified: 2016-01-18 15:21:30

Something is afoot... Where until yesterday the By-OS page totaled 37 OSses, now exactly 30 days after the last update the has increased to 10132 OSses, to include thousands of Android sub versions, probably every custom make of manufacturers that ever had Android on them. The total hosts is decimated, as if all that had activity in that past 30 day period got subtracted, but that makes no sense as last I looked there were 311251 Linuxes, now 312309 and largest contributor at that, total credit having incremented, as if something is updating, just not what.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2016-01-18 15:28:26

Host update has been suspended for nearly a month and the last run was incomplete. It will go back to its old state in a couple of days. Next run which will be complete will start this evening and complete a couple of hours later (that is, if all goes as planned).
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Pages: [1]

Index :: BOINCstats Bug Report :: Breakdown Hosts by OS not updating since December 19, 2015