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Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2016-03-05 09:31:47

I was just looking at my SETI@Home charts at Looking at the dates on the horizontal axis, it seems like the data sources for "SETI@Home World Position (by total credit) History, lower is better (based on the daily update numbers)" and "SETI@Home World Position (by total credit) History, lower is better last months (based on the daily update numbers)" are flipped my mistake. Similarly for "SETI@Home Total Credit (based on the daily update numbers)" and "SETI@Home Total Credit last months (based on the daily update numbers)".


[BOINCstats] Willy
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2016-03-05 10:00:16
last modified: 2016-03-05 10:14:28

I don't see that. If I understand you correctly, the data is reversed, meaning what is shown as the position for 2016-03-04 is actually the position for the other end of the chart, 2016-01-05. If we would apply that to "SETI@Home World Position (by total credit) History, lower is better last months (based on the daily update numbers)" and we reverse the data then man, you are doing bad!

As for "SETI@Home Total Credit last months (based on the daily update numbers)", if we reverse that, your credit declines.

So, maybe it's rendering wrong on your end (or mine is wrong but showing correct charts for me), so h this is what it looks like to me: Link
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Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2016-03-05 10:10:14

What I mean is, "last months" chart shows data for 2007 thru 2016, non"last months" shows data for 2016-01 thru 2016-03. Shouldn't it be the other way around? "last months" means "recent months", right? If so, the date range should be 2016-01 thru 2016-03 for the "last months" chart, not the other way around.

While at it, you might actually want to name it "recent months" instead of "last months", and move that extra phrase to a better position, for example "SETI@Home World Position (by total credit) History, recent months, lower is better (based on the daily update numbers)" and add something to the other one to distinguish them better, like "SETI@Home World Position (by total credit) History, all data, lower is better (based on the daily update numbers)".
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2016-03-05 10:14:03

Argh, so it's the title which is wrong (according to you). Maybe I should replace "last months" with "all time"?
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Tuna Ertemalp
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2016-03-05 10:18:02

[BOINCstats Willy wrote:

Argh, so it's the title which is wrong (according to you).

Yup. Titles don't match the date range in the horizontal axis.

[BOINCstats Willy wrote:

Maybe I should replace "last months" with "all time"?

Sure, that would be the simple solution. But I like my suggested titles better.
Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-02-17 10:02:05

Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-04-17 17:23:41

Since Willy is working on misc things on the site after moving it to the Google Cloud, I'll bump this up again.

[BOINCstats Willy wrote:
Maybe I should replace "last months" with "all time"?

Yes, you should. The way it is now is constantly hurting my eyes... And, note that there are two "last months" charts that need to use "all time".

Ideally, the 2nd chart, that is currently "last months" but should be labeled "all time", should be at the top, since it spans the longest amount of time. Then the current 1st chart that shows the last two months would move to the 2nd spot, and therefore be right on top of the 3rd chart that uses the exact same last two months. Heck, I would actually even suggest that the current #6 chart, the other "last months" line graph should be actually #2 so that the "all time" information (total credit & world position) becomes the top two charts, and then the rest of the charts simply show the last two months.

Pages: [1]

Index :: BOINCstats Bug Report :: Project, Charts, World Position & Total Credit, all vs. last months is flipped