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Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
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2017-04-10 20:56:28

I am not sure if these two tables are to match, but I thought I'd raise the issue. If I am wrong, please let me know what the real meaning is.

First: My "Prefered BOINC combined stats" is set to "Without ASIC".


Right at this moment, I am #71 on Position in Country. Right above me are "Fire$torm [BlackOps]" and "UW-Madison CAE". The OVERTAKE column has the values 339 & 10, respectively. By the time you read this, it'll probably be a different rank & people. But no matter.

3down 1down 0equal 69 Fire$torm [BlackOps] 2,233,703,028 34,213 213,648 804,885 41,333 339 Detailed stats↕SETI.USA
4up 2up 0equal 70 UW-Madison CAE 2,208,814,029 4,500,342 17,192,907 58,273,443 2,083,382 10 Detailed stats↕University of Wisconsin - Madison
8up 3up 2up 71 Tuna Ertemalp 2,206,770,470 9,848,078 61,354,588 191,256,643 7,445,852 1 Detailed stats↕Microsoft

At the same time, looking at my Country OvertakeStats, the "Will be overtaken by Tuna Ertemalp" section starts with:

Username Days to overtake Rank Credit BS-RAC Options
1 UW-Madison CAE 1 70 2,208,814,029 2,160,105 Detailed stats
2 Fire$torm [BlackOps] 4 69 2,233,703,110 138,050 Detailed stats

I.e., the same two people, but the DaysToOvertake values are 1 & 4, respectively.

So, how do the values 339 & 10 in the first table relate to the 4 & 1 in the second table?? Am I wrong in thinking that 339 & 10 is actually supposed to be 4 & 1?

Also, what is the "1" shown for my own name on the first table? In other words, what does OVERTAKE=1 between me & myself even mean?

Is this a bug in the first table, or in my understanding of it?


Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
Joined: 2007-10-31
Posts: 535
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2017-04-10 21:03:47

And, I just tried with "Prefered BOINC combined stats" = "With ASIC"

3down 0equal 0equal 140 Calphor 2,294,413,690 0 0 0 11,814 - Detailed stats↕Ars Technica
5up 0equal 0equal 141 mclaver 2,274,129,014 3,419,502 24,024,856 106,917,498 3,340,403 6 Detailed stats↕Minnesota Crunchers
3up 2up 0equal 142 tictoc 2,258,513,207 1,917,009 43,983,135 67,799,138 3,614,717 326 Detailed stats↕
10up 2up 0equal 143 Tuna Ertemalp 2,257,073,198 9,848,078 61,354,588 191,256,643 7,449,030 1 Detailed stats↕Microsoft


1 tictoc 1 142 2,258,513,207 4,053,603 Detailed stats
2 Calphor 5 140 2,294,413,690 0 Detailed stats
3 mclaver 5 141 2,274,129,014 2,965,539 Detailed stats

Note that this time even the order of the people I will overtake is different, not just the values, between tables, as well as whether I will be overtaking someone (as Calphor has "-" in the first table and "5" in the second).

Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
Joined: 2007-10-31
Posts: 535
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2017-04-17 17:49:13

Just updating the links since I moved up in this world...

Overtake column in
Days to overtake column in

Is there anyone who can explain to me what I am seeing below (now, against a slightly different set of fellow crunchers)?

[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-22 14:12:46

The country list is not your personal list. The column "Overtake" does not show when you will overtake that other user but it shows when that user will overtake the one above him/her. So, a '1' on your columns means you will overtake the user above you in one day. '326' in that same column for user tictoc means he will overtake mclaver in 326 days.

The overtake page is your personal overtake page and it shows when you will overtake or be overtaken.

Tuna Ertemalp wrote:

Also, what is the "1" shown for my own name on the first table? In other words, what does OVERTAKE=1 between me & myself even mean?

Is one of those things you have to clarify. I don't see this.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
Tuna Ertemalp
BAM!ID: 37744
Joined: 2007-10-31
Posts: 535
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2017-04-22 17:22:34

[BOINCstats Willy wrote:
Tuna Ertemalp wrote:
Also, what is the "1" shown for my own name on the first table? In other words, what does OVERTAKE=1 between me & myself even mean?
Is one of those things you have to clarify. I don't see this.

You answered it. That "1" in my line means I'll take over the one above me in "1" day. It seems, given my high RAC, that value is going to be 1 pretty much always, so it looked weird that I always have a 1 there, combined with my misguided thought that it means when I will overtake myself.
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Index :: BOINCstats Bug Report :: The Overtake value doesn't match the DaysToOvertake