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BAM!ID: 209109
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2017-04-15 15:09:08

Answer to Willy.

For some reason my add post has no title box, hence why my posts have no title! :?

Also, it has no edit button, which is why I could not answer your question in the previous post.

Also, I have noticed that within our account, the charts for daily, weekly, and monthly, says 'no data'.

Hope it helps.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-15 15:39:54

Please link to the page with the "no data" error.
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BAM!ID: 209109
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2017-04-15 16:01:20

This is the link. It just says 'no data to display for some of the charts'.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-15 16:49:03

Try to clear your browser cache and refresh the page. For some reason all charts are working here.
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BAM!ID: 209109
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2017-04-15 21:03:20
last modified: 2017-04-15 22:00:57

I tried on a different computer, as well as clearing all data out of the browser (cookies, etc), but still with the same issue.

I also tried CTR-L + F5 which forces non-cache version.


I just asked a friend who also is on BOINC to take a look at our page and see if he also can see the issue; he can.

Additionally he said the same problem is also on his account too: 'no data to display on the bottom charts'.

He is on a completely different network to us.


Thank you for looking into this, as well as resolving the stats link, and missing subject form fields. Its much appreciated.
BAM!ID: 209109
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2017-04-16 20:17:35
last modified: 2017-04-17 16:49:09

There is another thing I have just come across.

On this page:

It is displaying the text for a SQL query at the top of the page, above the ad banner.
Tuna Ertemalp
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2017-04-17 01:20:26

When I go to, the last three pie charts (day/week/month credit) are missing and replaced by "No data to display".


[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-17 07:07:05

Theses charts did not show anything on my screen so I did not see them (although I should've known they should be there).

Fixed the problem.
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BAM!ID: 209109
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2017-04-17 12:13:16
last modified: 2017-04-17 12:14:09

I can confirm the last 3 charts are now showing data; however the 3rd chart is now missing completely - just completely blank white space?

It is the chart below: "BOINC combined Credit per day (based on daily update numbers)", and above: "BOINC combined World Position (by total credit) History, lower is better (based on the daily update numbers)" charts.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-17 12:51:45

Yeah, that was stupid, left a little bit of debug code in there.

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BAM!ID: 209109
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2017-04-17 16:37:45
last modified: 2017-04-17 16:41:44

Yeah no worries; debug statements etc, so useful, and yet easy to forget to remove and/or update!

Feel free to remove these 2 forum post's (as this one has SQL showing TB name's).

Thanks for the quick fix(s).
Pages: [1]

Index :: BOINCstats Bug Report :: charts for daily, weekly, and monthly, says 'no data'