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BAM!ID: 217970
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2018-05-24 19:37:40

since today noon updates of the stats from World Community Grid are not working. I suppose this is caused by GDPR - the usual page hosting XML files with stats now is asking for username and password and this change is well explained in their FAQ

Access to World Community Grid's data export files is restricted to persons who agree to comply with certain requirements regarding the processing of such data, and who sign our Data Processing Agreement.

I'm wondering if BoincStats is going to do something in this regard or rather will stop processing WCG stats? That would be a pity
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2018-05-25 12:54:53

Alas I feel that BOINC Stats is not alone in this. Apparently HTML is available but XML is not. Team UK runs a stats page particularly for its members and this too is not updated. What was most disappointing was the lack of notice regarding the changes (thereby allowing admins to change code or comply with GDPR requirements in a timely fashion). I can only think that the lack of stats and competitive measurements will damage WCG and other BOINC projects in the future.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2018-05-25 14:27:38

There is some legal stuff to take care of which takes some time. After that BOINCstats will be able to update WCG stats again. Until that's done, no updates.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
BAM!ID: 217970
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2018-05-25 20:21:09

Thanks! I do realize that it cannot be done ASAP, but the most important thing is that you're aware about it. I will wait, no problem
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2018-06-02 21:25:50

That's sad and unfortunate. Hope that things get great again. A big cheerup to everybody who has to deal with this mess.
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2018-06-17 23:05:23

Any updates?
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2018-06-24 17:24:41

[BOINCstats Willy wrote:
There is some legal stuff to take care of which takes some time. After that BOINCstats will be able to update WCG stats again. Until that's done, no updates.

Any news on this, Willy?
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2018-06-25 07:16:06

I only got an email that they (the lawyers) are still working on it.

More information in their own forum.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
[CSF] Thomas H.V. DUPONT
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2018-07-04 15:53:05
last modified: 2018-07-04 15:55:42

Collateral Damage

[CSF] Thomas H.V. DUPONT
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2018-07-05 12:34:56

Would you have the possibility of by-passing this problem of activity of the members?
BAM!ID: 174034
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2018-07-06 09:17:31

I doubt he can. I don't think WCG is exporting anything to bypass.
[CSF] Thomas H.V. DUPONT
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2018-07-06 11:18:25
last modified: 2018-07-06 11:19:21

I think Willy can exceptionally unlock the lock setting to create a challenge in case of inactivity of all the members of a team
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2018-07-13 19:15:00

I got a notification that access to the stats exports should be restored momentarily.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
BAM!ID: 217970
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2018-07-13 19:20:18

That's indeed very good news just before the weekend - thanks for making it even better
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2018-07-14 02:15:15
last modified: 2018-07-14 02:15:58

I see WCG credits have been added to my account
BAM!ID: 229131
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2018-07-14 04:02:02

Thanks! I do realize that it cannot be done ASAP
BAM!ID: 8838
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2019-02-04 15:34:27

Has this problem returned? I've ensured that my password is the same between the sites, but on the My Projects page I continue to get "Project Not Updated Yet" as the status.

However, when I go to the My Details Stats page, there is data there. It seems to be a mismatch or a random issue. I've also noticed that when I update the resource share on the My Projects page for World Grid that i does not sync down to my hosts.

Thanks for any help/pointers.
LB89IT [Toscana]
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2019-02-13 00:30:45

ashealey wrote:

Has this problem returned? I've ensured that my password is the same between the sites, but on the My Projects page I continue to get "Project Not Updated Yet" as the status.

However, when I go to the My Details Stats page, there is data there. It seems to be a mismatch or a random issue. I've also noticed that when I update the resource share on the My Projects page for World Grid that i does not sync down to my hosts.

Thanks for any help/pointers.

i've the same problem, in WCG site 'ive 109,749 points, here 15,682
Dr Who Fan
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2019-02-13 03:05:43

LB89IT wrote:
i've the same problem, in WCG site 'ive 109,749 points, here 15,682

BOINC Credit/Points are approximately 1/7th of WCG Credit/Points. In simpler terms aprox 7 WCG credits == 1 BOINC credit.
Your WCG PTS 109,749 / 7 == aprox BOINC PTS 15,678.43.

Read this FIRST posting help topic at WCG: Points earned and what do they do or represent?
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