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Dr Who Fan
BAM!ID: 1075
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2022-02-12 18:23:24

Showing NEGATIVE numbers in Daily, Weekly and Monthly Credit TOTALS for individual "computers" - CAN'T FIND WHAT IS MISSING.
It does NOT however show up in MY USER TOTALS Project list PAGE.

One "computer" Example: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+
BOINC combined	11,129,682.53	100.00	1,342	9,299	-1,095,577

Shows NEGATIVE 1,095,577 TOTAL CREDITS but all projects are showing positive totals.
Wondering if it has anything to do with Retired Projects Stats NOT being shown on individual "computer" page totals at bottom of host pages?
If I go to the Last 60 Days, there are NEGATIVE Numbers for Two Dates:
2022-02-02	11,112,620	-498,245
2022-01-31 11,610,677 -637,355

What happened on these two dates to cause just about all my "computers" to go NEGATIVE?

BAM!ID: 45986
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2022-02-15 14:44:59

I've seen that happen when the project assigns a new ID number to the computer. The old ID number is 'retired' and the new one is used instead. Most projects have an option to merge computers to get rid of the duplicates.
Dr Who Fan
BAM!ID: 1075
Joined: 2006-05-31
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2022-02-23 04:17:08

Fardringle wrote:

I've seen that happen when the project assigns a new ID number to the computer. The old ID number is 'retired' and the new one is used instead. Most projects have an option to merge computers to get rid of the duplicates.

That is NOT the case here. It's definitely something in the databases here at BOINCSTATS. No other stats sites show a problem. All the hosts in question have not been assigned new ID's.

BAM!ID: 180363
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2022-03-19 16:29:27

Dr Who Fan wrote:

Fardringle wrote:

I've seen that happen when the project assigns a new ID number to the computer. The old ID number is 'retired' and the new one is used instead. Most projects have an option to merge computers to get rid of the duplicates.

That is NOT the case here. It's definitely something in the databases here at BOINCSTATS. No other stats sites show a problem. All the hosts in question have not been assigned new ID's.

I noticed that too recently on the 'last week' and was wondering if it was related to WUProp being retired. The numbers that are showing seem like they would be WUProp amounts but I can't readily find my WUProp stats on here now...
Keith Myers
BAM!ID: 96147
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2022-07-07 00:44:51

Happened to me today on almost every host. Negative credits to the tune of a drop of 25M credits. Only one PC not affected along with the little SoC devices. 4 of 5 PC hosts show negative credits today.
Pages: [1]

Index :: BOINCstats Bug Report :: Showing NEGATIVE numbers in Daily, Weekly and Monthly Credit TOTALS for individual "computers" - CAN'T FIND WHAT IS MISSING