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BAM!ID: 3895
Joined: 2006-08-10
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2008-02-21 16:45:48

Hey Willy,

Don't know if this is a bug, or a quirk. but it is possible to have negative rank% on sig and accumulated more credits than % of users.
It seems that the number of users with credits is only updated at the daily update, but the users with credit and your numerical ranking among them is updated on every update (making it possible to be 92nd out of 91).
Specific instance Intellegence Realm, where I currently am 92 out of 91, with at least 135 people listed in the rankings (have to alter the url to see any beyond 100).

My CPID 870405e5518dc80048a6ddad44d86660
My BAM ID 3895
URL: see image in signature. If you review this after the daily update, you may need to wait until an incremental update to see negative ranking.

Again, I don't know if this is something that needs to be fixed, but I wanted to bring it to your attention.

This signature was stolen from somewhere.

BAM!ID: 3895
Joined: 2006-08-10
Posts: 377
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World-rank: 5,897

2008-02-21 20:31:08

I may have gotten myself out of the basement on Intelligence Realm, so here is another example. Not exactly what I originally reported but part of the same problem.

At the time of this post WCG is reporting 113310 participants with credits, but here is the link to the page starting with #113400 (90) higher.

One of the issues here is that you cannot get to this page by selecting the next 100, as it seems the paging is relying on the reported number of participants (nearly 100 short, but correct at the daily update).

Again, not anything I feel 'has to be fixed', but I would like a response since this number seems to be used in an number of things that update much more often the it does.

Thanks again.

This signature was stolen from somewhere.

[BOINCstats] Willy
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2008-02-21 21:13:16

Argh, give me a chance

Fixed it, was working on it when you posted your follow up post . I purged the WCG cache so you can see that it works now. Other projects where it happened will be fine when the cache is purged automatically.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
BAM!ID: 3895
Joined: 2006-08-10
Posts: 377
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World-rank: 5,897

2008-02-21 22:03:33

Argh, give me a chance

Fixed it, was working on it when you posted your follow up post . I purged the WCG cache so you can see that it works now. Other projects where it happened will be fine when the cache is purged automatically.

Thanks Willy, you da man!
This signature was stolen from somewhere.

Pages: [1]

Index :: BOINCstats Bug Report :: * Negative Ranking Percentage