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2005-10-09 17:40:19
last modified: 2006-02-10 18:25:04

In all Boincstats screens the column divider for the left hand column (Shout box, server status, etc) appears in the middle of the screen. All the text is the normal width, but the divider is wasting 1/3 of the screen and I can't see everything on the right hand side.

I use WinXP SP2 and IE6.0 with all the latest patches.

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<tr><td><strong> Active Projects:</strong><br /><br /></td></tr><tr><td>
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<img src="/graphics/menu_closed.gif" border="0"><strong>BOINC combined</strong></a><br />
<br /><a href="/index.php?pr=burp"><img src="/graphics/menu_closed.gif" alt=" " border="0"><strong>BURP</strong></a><br /><br /><a href="/index.php?pr=cpdn"><img src="/graphics/menu_closed.gif" alt=" " border="0"><strong>Climate Prediction</strong></a><br /><br /><a href="/index.php?pr=einstein"><img src="/graphics/menu_closed.gif" alt=" " border="0"><strong>Einstein@Home</strong></a><br /><br /><a href="/index.php?pr=lhc"><img src="/graphics/menu_closed.gif" alt=" " border="0"><strong>LHC@Home</strong></a><br /><br /><a href="/index.php?pr=pah"><img src="/graphics/menu_closed.gif" alt=" " border="0"><strong>Predictor@Home</strong></a><br /><br /><a href="/index.php?pr=pg"><img src="/graphics/menu_closed.gif" alt=" " border="0"><strong>PrimeGrid</strong></a><br /><br /><a href="/index.php?pr=rosetta"><img src="/graphics/menu_closed.gif" alt=" " border="0"><strong>Rosetta@Home</strong></a><br /><br /><a href="/index.php?pr=sah"><img src="/graphics/menu_closed.gif" alt=" " border="0"><strong>SETI@Home</strong></a><br /><br /><a href="/index.php?pr=szdg"><img src="/graphics/menu_closed.gif" alt=" " border="0"><strong>SZTAKI Desktop Grid</strong></a><br /><br /><a href="/index.php?pr=xtrem"><img src="/graphics/menu_closed.gif" alt=" " border="0"><strong>XtremLab</strong></a><br /></td></tr><tr><td height="16"><font color="#D5D5D8">- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -</font></td></tr>
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<tr><td><strong>Status BOINCstats server:</strong></td></tr><tr><td class="small">Checking PrimeGrid<br />for teams XML update</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Last daily update:</strong></td></tr><tr><td class="small">2005-10-09 16:53:44 GMT<br />01:44:40 ago</td></tr>
<tr><td><strong>BOINCstats server time:</strong></td></tr><tr><td class="small">
2005-10-09 18:38:24 GMT<br /><tr><td><strong>Currently online:</strong></td></tr><tr><td class="small">32 users</td></tr></table><hr class="menu">
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<tr><td><strong>Status schedulers:</strong></td></tr>
<tr><td class="small"><a href="" target="_blank">BURP</a>:</td><td class="rightsmall"><font color="#1CD51C">online</font></td></tr><tr><td class="small"><a href="" target="_blank">Climate Prediction</a>:</td><td class="rightsmall"><font color="#1CD51C">online</font></td></tr><tr><td class="small"><a href="" target="_blank">Einstein@Home</a>:</td><td class="rightsmall"><font color="#1CD51C">online</font></td></tr><tr><td class="small"><a href="" target="_blank">LHC@Home</a>:</td><td class="rightsmall"><font color="#1CD51C">online</font></td></tr><tr><td class="small"><a href="" target="_blank">Predictor@Home</a>:</td><td class="rightsmall"><font color="#1CD51C">online</font></td></tr><tr><td class="small"><a href="" target="_blank">PrimeGrid</a>:</td><td class="rightsmall"><font color="#FF0000">offline</font></td></tr><tr><td class="small"><a href="" target="_blank">Rosetta@Home</a>:</td><td class="rightsmall"><font color="#1CD51C">online</font></td></tr><tr><td class="small"><a href="" target="_blank">SETI@Home</a>:</td><td class="rightsmall"><font color="#1CD51C">online</font></td></tr><tr><td class="small"><a href="" target="_blank">SZTAKI Desktop Grid</a>:</td><td class="rightsmall"><font color="#1CD51C">online</font></td></tr><tr><td class="small"><a href="" target="_blank">XtremLab</a>:</td><td class="rightsmall"><font color="#1CD51C">online</font></td></tr></table>
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<table width="160" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" align="center"><tr><td><form name="shout" action="" method="post"><input type="text" value="Name" name="shoutname" size="20" maxlength="25"><br><input type="text" value="Shout" name="shout" size="20" maxlength="250"><br><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Shout!"> <input type="reset" value="Reset"></form></td></tr><tr><td class="middle"><a href="/page/faq.php#39"><strong>Rules</strong></a> </td></tr></table><p><table width="160" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" align="center"><tr><td BGCOLOR="#DEE3E7">Willy: @meadoel: Please go to the bug section of the forum, and give me some details like OS, browser, versions, and attach a file with the source-code of this page.<div align="right">
2005-10-09 16:54:19</td></tr><tr><td BGCOLOR="#EFEFEF">meadoel: Unfortunately, It's been like that for weeks. I assume it's not a site bug. I did clear out cookies to no avail.<div align="right">
2005-10-09 16:15:41</td></tr><tr><td BGCOLOR="#DEE3E7">schloss: @meadoel: usually happens when people post links in here<div align="right">
2005-10-09 16:11:20</td></tr><tr><td BGCOLOR="#EFEFEF">meadoel: Any idea why the left column of Boincstats takes up 1/2 the screen?<div align="right">
2005-10-09 15:43:18</td></tr><tr><td BGCOLOR="#DEE3E7">Black Piet: @Mike: have you checked your firewall yet<div align="right">
2005-10-09 09:18:06</td></tr><tr><td BGCOLOR="#EFEFEF">Tom Awtry: LHC@home - Server Status, Up, N0 Work!<div align="right">
2005-10-09 08:47:45</td></tr><tr><td BGCOLOR="#DEE3E7">Tom Awtry: LHC@home - Server Status, Up, New Work!<div align="right">
2005-10-08 22:00:17</td></tr><tr><td BGCOLOR="#EFEFEF">Mike Stasick: My computer won"t communicate w/boink<div align="right">
2005-10-08 13:53:49</td></tr><tr><td BGCOLOR="#DEE3E7">UBT - Timbo: @KEP: Why not CPDN - their WU's take a year to crunch (and you don't need to be online - so long as you return all the data before the year is out!!<div align="right">
2005-10-08 12:07:13</td></tr><tr><td BGCOLOR="#EFEFEF">Tom:: LHC@home - Server Status, Up, out of work!<div align="right">
2005-10-08 09:51:53</td></tr></table><hr class="menu">
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<p>Detailed user, host, team and country statistics with graphs for<br />BOINC, BURP, Climate Prediction, Einstein@Home, LHC@Home, Predictor@Home, PrimeGrid, Rosetta@home, SETI@Home,<br />SZTAKI Desktop Grid and XtremLab.</center></p>
<br />
<table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"><tr class="header"><td> </td><td class="right">Users</td><td class="rightsmall" width="3%">last day</td><td class="right">Hosts</td><td class="rightsmall" width="3%">last day</td><td class="right">Teams</td><td class="rightsmall" width="3%">last day</td><td class="right">Countries</td><td class="rightsmall" width="3%">last day</td><td class="right">Total credit</td><td class="rightsmall" width="3%">last day</td><td class="right">Last XML update</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#DEE3E7"><td bgcolor="#BCCBD5"><a href="/stats/project_graph.php?pr=bo">BOINC combined</a></td><td class="right">289,064 </td><td class="rightsmall">+747 </td><td class="right">806,978 </td><td class="rightsmall">+2,160 </td><td class="right">28,805 </td><td class="rightsmall">+49 </td><td class="right">216 </td><td class="rightsmall">0 </td><td class="right">4,445,081,088 </td><td class="rightsmall">+16,522,240 </td><td class="right"><br /><br /></td></tr><tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF"><td bgcolor="#BCCBD5"><a href="/stats/project_graph.php?pr=burp">BURP</a> </td><td class="right">1,195 </td><td class="rightsmall">+2 </td><td class="right">2,134 </td><td class="rightsmall">+2 </td><td class="right">240 </td><td class="rightsmall">0 </td><td class="right">54 </td><td class="rightsmall">0 </td><td class="right">214,345 </td><td class="rightsmall">+98 </td><td class="right">2005-10-09 18:01:00 GMT<br />00:37:26 old</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#DEE3E7"><td bgcolor="#BCCBD5"><a href="/stats/project_graph.php?pr=cpdn">Climate Prediction</a> </td><td class="right">52,281 </td><td class="rightsmall">+41 </td><td class="right">101,270 </td><td class="rightsmall">+81 </td><td class="right">2,517 </td><td class="rightsmall">+2 </td><td class="right">153 </td><td class="rightsmall">0 </td><td class="right">876,340,032 </td><td class="rightsmall">+1,286,336 </td><td class="right">2005-10-09 11:17:15 GMT<br />07:21:11 old</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF"><td bgcolor="#BCCBD5"><a href="/stats/project_graph.php?pr=einstein">Einstein@Home</a> </td><td class="right">63,029 </td><td class="rightsmall">+63 </td><td class="right">115,851 </td><td class="rightsmall">+126 </td><td class="right">3,312 </td><td class="rightsmall">+1 </td><td class="right">159 </td><td class="rightsmall">0 </td><td class="right">553,625,536 </td><td class="rightsmall">+2,304,192 </td><td class="right">2005-10-09 15:10:05 GMT<br />03:28:21 old</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#DEE3E7"><td bgcolor="#BCCBD5"><a href="/stats/project_graph.php?pr=lhc">LHC@Home</a> </td><td class="right">15,242 </td><td class="rightsmall">+38 </td><td class="right">35,494 </td><td class="rightsmall">+84 </td><td class="right">1,178 </td><td class="rightsmall">+1 </td><td class="right">118 </td><td class="rightsmall">0 </td><td class="right">55,205,084 </td><td class="rightsmall">+433,940 </td><td class="right">2005-10-09 12:10:03 GMT<br />06:28:23 old</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF"><td bgcolor="#BCCBD5"><a href="/stats/project_graph.php?pr=pah">Predictor@Home</a> </td><td class="right">29,030 </td><td class="rightsmall">+43 </td><td class="right">71,381 </td><td class="rightsmall">+90 </td><td class="right">1,805 </td><td class="rightsmall">+1 </td><td class="right">134 </td><td class="rightsmall">0 </td><td class="right">139,681,104 </td><td class="rightsmall">+379,840 </td><td class="right">2005-10-09 15:20:03 GMT<br />03:18:23 old</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#DEE3E7"><td bgcolor="#BCCBD5"><a href="/stats/project_graph.php?pr=pg">PrimeGrid</a> </td><td class="right">519 </td><td class="rightsmall">+14 </td><td class="right">996 </td><td class="rightsmall">+23 </td><td class="right">127 </td><td class="rightsmall">+2 </td><td class="right">49 </td><td class="rightsmall">0 </td><td class="right">1,359,989 </td><td class="rightsmall">+28,420 </td><td class="right">2005-10-09 18:01:48 GMT<br />00:36:38 old</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF"><td bgcolor="#BCCBD5"><a href="/stats/project_graph.php?pr=rosetta">Rosetta@Home</a> </td><td class="right">2,028 </td><td class="rightsmall">+97 </td><td class="right">5,958 </td><td class="rightsmall">+393 </td><td class="right">254 </td><td class="rightsmall">+9 </td><td class="right">65 </td><td class="rightsmall">+1 </td><td class="right">3,623,235 </td><td class="rightsmall">+231,465 </td><td class="right">2005-10-09 17:15:02 GMT<br />01:23:24 old</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#DEE3E7"><td bgcolor="#BCCBD5"><a href="/stats/project_graph.php?pr=sah">SETI@Home</a> </td><td class="right">221,452 </td><td class="rightsmall">+683 </td><td class="right">470,562 </td><td class="rightsmall">+1,319 </td><td class="right">25,663 </td><td class="rightsmall">+48 </td><td class="right">213 </td><td class="rightsmall">0 </td><td class="right">2,810,969,344 </td><td class="rightsmall">+11,774,720 </td><td class="right">2005-10-08 20:43:05 GMT<br />21:55:21 old</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF"><td bgcolor="#BCCBD5"><a href="/stats/project_graph.php?pr=szdg">SZTAKI Desktop Grid</a> </td><td class="right">1,233 </td><td class="rightsmall">+16 </td><td class="right">3,057 </td><td class="rightsmall">+29 </td><td class="right">183 </td><td class="rightsmall">0 </td><td class="right">54 </td><td class="rightsmall">0 </td><td class="right">3,291,581 </td><td class="rightsmall">+40,019 </td><td class="right">2005-10-09 14:30:02 GMT<br />04:08:24 old</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#DEE3E7"><td bgcolor="#BCCBD5"><a href="/stats/project_graph.php?pr=xtrem">XtremLab</a> </td><td class="right">109 </td><td class="rightsmall">+7 </td><td class="right">275 </td><td class="rightsmall">+13 </td><td class="right">28 </td><td class="rightsmall">+2 </td><td class="right">26 </td><td class="rightsmall">0 </td><td class="right">394,298 </td><td class="rightsmall">+43,147 </td><td class="right">2005-10-09 01:18:03 GMT<br />17:20:23 old</td></tr></table><br />
<table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td><center><p>To keep the combined BOINC stats accurate, it is important to<br /><strong>use the exact same email address for your user account and the exact same name for your team account in all BOINC projects!</strong><br />Duplicate team names make the combined BOINC team stats inaccurate. Check <a href="/stats/team_duplicates.php">here</a> to see if your team name is unique.</p></center></td></tr>
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<tr class="color1"><td>2005-10-10: Predictor@Home</td></tr><tr><td>UPDATE: Scheduler is back online.The number of slots in shared memory has been increased to 500. The scheduler has been taken offline to allow the work generator to catch up.<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="header"><td>2005-10-08: BOINCstats - Now available in French</td></tr><tr><td>BOINCstats is now available in French. Thanks to Mandrake for this accomplishment. Merci beaucoup!<br /><br />
Languages can be selected by clicking on the flags on the top-right of every page.<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="color1"><td>2005-10-07: PrimeGrid - Optimisation</td></tr><tr><td>A few workunits have been issued using a new version of
RSA application (4.05). The workunit completion time with this
application is optimised by 20%. If the test workunits come back
correctly, the 4.05 version will be released publicly.
<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="color1"><td>2005-10-07: Predictor@Home</td></tr><tr><td>We now have a database replication server and slave! The daemons have been turned backup on. You should be able to connect to the website, download work, etc.<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="color1"><td>2005-10-07: Einstein@Home</td></tr><tr><td>The Einstein@Home webapges were just upgraded to the latest boinc version.
Please report any problems in the Problems and Bug Reports message board.<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="color1"><td>2005-10-06: SETI@Home</td></tr><tr><td>We are currently unable to receive data from
Level 3 networks (including the popular Road Runner ISP).
This problem is being addressed by our network provider.<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="color1"><td>2005-10-06: Rosetta@Home</td></tr><tr><td>We are happy to announce that this project is no longer beta. We are getting very interesting scientific results
and the project is operating well thanks to user participation and input. We will post updated results soon so
stay tuned!<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="color1"><td>2005-10-06: BURP</td></tr><tr><td>Session 137 has completed in just 16 hours (Totalling 16 days of CPU time) which is a speedup of almost 2400%
compared to rendering this on a single system. Also, a few issues relating to mirror redirections was identified as well as
some errors regarding offset downloading on some of the mirrors. The last class of errors will need more debugging in
order to be fixed. Basicly a very successful test!
5.3GB of data was served using the mirror network during the last 16 hours.<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="color1"><td>2005-10-06: Predictor@Home</td></tr><tr><td>The Scheduler will be offline for several Hours while we implement our database replication server.<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="color1"><td>2005-10-05: Rosetta@Home</td></tr><tr><td>The server and web site upgrade to BOINC 5+ is complete. Work is flowing again and the site seems
okay and functional. There are some minor changes in the look and feel of the web site that were added to
stay consistent with BOINC and to make future upgrades easier. Please post any significant issues that come
up regarding the server and site upgrade at this
forum thread.<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="color1"><td>2005-10-05: BURP</td></tr><tr><td>A short render (session 137) has just started. The purpose is to
test recent changes in the mirror software and compare this to previous results. Part of this test is a loadtest, where
the system will be asked to run at full speed for a short amount of time. This may or may not slow down the website
depending on how well the test goes.<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="color1"><td>2005-10-05: Einstein@Home</td></tr><tr><td>The Einstein@Home webapges will be upgraded over the next few hours. Please report any problems in the Problems and Bug Reports message board.<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="color1"><td>2005-10-04: Predictor@Home</td></tr><tr><td>We have been having some issues with our connection to the internet this afternoon. It seems to be working now.<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="color1"><td>2005-10-03: Rosetta@Home</td></tr><tr><td>Wednesday, October 5th, we will be upgrading our BOINC server to support 5+ clients. This site will be offline during the
upgrade and will be back online the following day. You do not have to stop your client during this transition.<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="color1"><td>2005-10-03: BURP</td></tr><tr><td>Today we hit the limit for the number of users in this stage of the project - 3000 registered users!
Originally the expected user count was around 200-300 people at most. However, there has clearly been a lot more
interest in this project than anticipated. In order to still be able to effeciently manage testing and bugreports, account creation will be disabled untill
we reach the Alpha stage.<br /><br /></td></tr><tr class="color1"><td>2005-09-30: Predictor@Home</td></tr><tr><td>Work is flowing again!<br /><br /></td></tr><tr><td><br /><a href="/page/project_news.php">More news</a></td></tr>
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<tr height="80">
<td width="12"></td><td>
<table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td align="center">
<a target="_blank" href=""> <img src="" height=38 border=0 width=41 alt=""></a>
&#60;script language="javascript1.2">&#60;!--
&#60;script language="javascript">&#60;!--
EXd.write("<img src=&#092;"",
"l="+escape(parent.document.referrer)+"&#092;" height=1 width=1>&quot;//-->
<p align="left"><img height=1 width=1 alt=""
<td colspan = "3" align="middle" valign="top">
<br />
&#60;script type="text/javascript"> </script>
&#60;script type="text/javascript" src="">
&#60;script type="text/javascript">&#60;!--
google_ad_client = "pub-6182780839055066";
google_ad_width = 468;
google_ad_height = 15;
google_ad_format = "468x15_0ads_al_s";
google_ad_channel ="";
google_color_border = "D5D5D8";
google_color_bg = "DEE3E7";
google_color_link = "003366";
google_color_url = "000099";
google_color_text = "000000";
&#60;script type="text/javascript" src="">


&#60;script language="JavaScript">
&#60;!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


[BOINCstats] Willy
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2005-10-09 18:09:39

I think something is wrong with Javascript on your system, or maybe you are blocking ads.

In your code I see this:

&#60;script type="text/javascript"> &#60;/script>
&#60;script type="text/javascript" src="">

This should be:

&#60;script type="text/javascript">&#60;!--
google_ad_client = "pub-6182780839055066";
google_alternate_ad_url = "";
google_ad_width = 120;
google_ad_height = 600;
google_ad_format = "120x600_as";
google_ad_channel ="";
google_color_border = "BCCBD5";
google_color_bg = "DEE3E7";
google_color_link = "003366";
google_color_url = "000099";
google_color_text = "000000";
&#60;script type="text/javascript" src="">

This is what is put into the code by me, and what I get when I visit the site.

When you look closely below the shoutbox, you see a wide white block. This is where the Google ad should be, but in your case it's a complete 404 (page not found) page.

Please reply whether or not you are using a ad blocker,a and if so, which one and version.
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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2005-10-09 18:29:15

I see something else that isn't from me:


&#60;script language="JavaScript">
&#60;!-- = SymRealWinOpen;


That's not my code.

I searched on this with google, and found this link: [url=' target='_blank][/url]

Do you run Norton Internet Security?
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.

2005-10-09 19:26:28

Willy, this is the same thing I was referring to before in the "Comments and Suggestions" - "Web Design" post. Indeed the Ad Blocking in Norton Internet Security is the culprit as everything looks fine when I turn it off. I am using NIS 2005 which (based on the link you gave) suggests Norton hasn't fixed the problem in the last two years. <!--emo&--> I guess I should have submitted the HTML code earlier.


I searched on this with google, and found this link: [url=' target='_blank][/url]

Do you run Norton Internet Security?


2006-02-10 18:15:36
last modified: 2006-02-10 18:31:52

Willy, it seems it's not possible to make an exeption in Norton Internet Security for your site... which is sad, because I don't want to disable the entire firewall etc. just because of this.

I found this code in your PHP-page:

&#60;script type="text/javascript" src="">
</td></tr></table><br /></td>
<td width="9" background="/graphics/bar_middle.jpg"></td>
<td valign="top" width="801" bgcolor="#F7F7F7">

If the "width=801" is related to this issue, maybe you can change it to something smaller? That is, if the table fills up anyway to its contents' width.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2006-02-10 19:18:57

If the "width=801" is related to this issue, maybe you can change it to something smaller? That is, if the table fills up anyway to its contents' width.

The layout of the page would be gone if I lower that value. It also wouldn't help with your problem, as your problem is with another cell of the table. The page will still be too wide.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.

2006-02-10 19:35:03

The layout of the page would be gone if I lower that value. It also wouldn't help with your problem, as your problem is with another cell of the table. The page will still be too wide.
OK, then I will just have to live with it until Symantec allows me to add an exeption rule to the ad block filter. It is possible to add exeptions, but only on contents in a site, not entire domains or pages (as I can see).
Lee Carre
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2006-02-10 19:59:31
last modified: 2006-04-13 19:46:54

From what i gather, I had this problem a while ago with Norton Ad Blocking (NIS or Personal Firewall)

the way i fixed it, was in IE (not that i use it anymore) right click the toolbar, and you chould see an option for something norton related, then click the button on that new toolbar and UNtick both "block..." items

after i did that the pages appeared fine, and that was with Personal Firewall 2004, so NIS will be able to do it as well

i'll try to find a page in the manual, or an image to show the dialogue box i'm talking about so that it's clear, but for NIS 2005 at least, to access it from the main "Norton Internet Security" control panel gizmo, for me to get to it, i have to just click "privacy control" then "configure" on the right,
then the "advanced" button near the bottom right to get the dialogue box [/font][font=Arial](it'll have a long list on the left of all the sites you've visited),
in the list of sites, scroll down untill you find,
then click the "user settings" tab,
and at the bottom of that tab, for "pop-up ads" UNtick the box, and select "permit"

click ok,
ok again, then close the Norton Internet Security manager window and should work properly

an easier method might be going thru the options, in the main manger window, click options, then "Norton AntiSpam" (at least that's what it says for me) then under "ad blocking" on the left, choose, "general"
here you can turn ad blocking off completely, or click the "advanced" button to disable ad blocking for boincstats (as described above)

another method to get to the ad blocking settings is from the main window, click "AntiSpam" on the left, then click "ad blocking", then click "Turn On/Turn Off" as desired and/or click "configure" (then advanced to disable ad blocking for boincstats)

hope this helps some people out
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2006-02-11 01:11:41

<!--fonto:Arial--><span style="font-family:Arial"><!--/fonto--> click "privacy control" then "configure" on the right,
then the "advanced" button near the bottom right to get the dialogue box <!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc--><!--fonto:Arial--><span style="font-family:Arial"><!--/fonto-->(it'll have a long list on the left of all the sites you've visited),
in the list of sites, scroll down untill you find,
then click the "user settings" tab,
and at the bottom of that tab, for "pop-up ads" UNtick the box, and select "permit"

click ok,
ok again, then close the Norton Internet Security manager window and should work properly<!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->
Thanks, but I tried that already. I use NIS 2006 and it looks a bit differently in the advanced dialog. isn't listed there at all. I tried to add it and then add some "permit"-strings, but no luck. Maybe there are some strings I could permit there, but I don't know which ones, so I'm working in the blind just trying and failing.

BTW, I don't use IE, so that tip doesn't work here either.
Lee Carre
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2006-02-11 03:21:19

Thanks, but I tried that already.

I know they're not the most helpful of things, but i'll say it anyway... how about the manual (pdf), it must have something about setting filters for specific sites

(you'll need adobe reader for the pdf files)
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2006-03-16 14:41:11

I know they're not the most helpful of things, but i'll say it anyway... how about the manual (pdf), it must have something about setting filters for specific sites
Thanks. It fixed itself when I started to use Firefox actually. Firefox handles this differently than Opera I presume.
Lee Carre
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2006-03-18 07:53:04

Thanks. It fixed itself when I started to use Firefox actually. Firefox handles this differently than Opera I presume.
when i started with 1.0.7 it worked better even then, firefox is just worlds apart, but then i was using IE before the fox lol, even with adblock and NoScript both enabled it still works

Bad IE, bad!
be a good browser and go die somewhere
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Lee Carre
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2006-04-13 19:45:20
last modified: 2006-04-13 19:49:36

Willy, it seems it's not possible to make an exeption in Norton Internet Security for your site... which is sad, because I don't want to disable the entire firewall etc. just because of this.

I found this code in your PHP-page:

If the "width=801" is related to this issue, maybe you can change it to something smaller? That is, if the table fills up anyway to its contents' width.
the best thing to do is use relative values/units (in CSS) so the the page is better able to fit the display, but as willy said, all that's comming in the new site (at some point)

actually how is it comming willy?

guessing there are other things higher up the list at present
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2006-07-30 23:42:03

If anybody is still having troubles with this, I found the offending line.

This should be:

google_alternate_ad_url = "";

Because the url contains _ad. , the link is automatically blocked by Norton. Perhaps this filename can be changed Willy?

For now, this can be fixed by adjusting the ad-blocking settings in Norton. For NIS2006, open Norton Internet Security then click on "Norton Anti-Spam/Ad Blocking/Configure/Advanced" and then highlight the "[Defaults]" part of the list. Under the ad blocking list on the right, find the part where it blocks the HTML string "_ad." Highlight that section, and then click "remove". Hit "OK" a couple of times, and then refresh your browser.

While this will make the margin appear correctly again, it also means some ads will now get through. In particular, the text ads by Google now seem to be visible (and perhaps some other ads on other sites), but it at least blocks the image ads by Google. This solution isn't ideal, but it seems to get the job done by fixing the margin problem.

Hope it helps!


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