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BAM!ID: 16342
Joined: 2007-01-04
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2011-09-07 09:34:52


I found a little odd result. There is a user "Fredrik" # 578 in the Swedish stats. He gained 1081889 points that is related to an other swedish user "ORAKLET". In the stats below "Best five days" for Milky Way I assume it is an error in the link to the right owner of the result. May be you can check this up.


BAM!ID: 64136
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2011-09-07 11:03:41

bernt wrote:
I found a little odd result. There is a user "Fredrik" # 578 in the Swedish stats. He gained 1081889 points that is related to an other swedish user "ORAKLET". In the stats below "Best five days" for Milky Way I assume it is an error in the link to the right owner of the result. May be you can check this up.

Hi bernt,

The result isn't odd. It's just what has been exported by the project.
I can only explain the increase at MilkyWay of Fredrik and decrease of Oraklet, that Oraklet transferred his MilkyWay credits to Fredrik.

How? E.g. by giving his account key to Fredrik. Fredik then changed Oraklet's account information to his own e-mail etc. That's a possibility.
BAM!ID: 16342
Joined: 2007-01-04
Posts: 5
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World-rank: 9,895

2011-09-07 15:48:07

Clear as cristal!
Thanks for your swipt reply.

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Index :: BOINCstats Bug Report :: Strange results