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Sir Mick
BAM!ID: 152711
Joined: 2013-09-18
Posts: 6
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2013-09-19 12:32:06

Hi all, I regestered yesterday and after 24 hours have not seen any stats come though. I change my BIONC user name to reflect my BOINCSTAT user name and are using the same email address. I have been doing Seti since march of this year and have accumulated 11 million credits. Is there anything else I should do?
Dr Who Fan
BAM!ID: 1075
Joined: 2006-05-31
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2013-09-19 12:39:21

Sit back relax, read the site's F.A.Q. / New here? section and continue crunching.
Status are posted once per day. It can take 2 or sometimes 3 days for your stats to appear.

Sir Mick
BAM!ID: 152711
Joined: 2013-09-18
Posts: 6
Credits: 126,931,811
World-rank: 9,582

2013-09-26 22:48:41

Ok, now it's 7 days and still nothing. Is there anything else I can do?
Tester - BOINCstats SOFA member
BAM!ID: 47291
Joined: 2008-03-03
Posts: 441
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2013-09-26 23:30:06

Is this you?

If so compare the listed BOINC Cross Project IDentifier to the CPID on your Main account page. Let us know if they match.
Sir Mick
BAM!ID: 152711
Joined: 2013-09-18
Posts: 6
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2013-09-27 00:23:11

That is me. The CPID on my main account page is empty.
Tester - BOINCstats SOFA member
BAM!ID: 47291
Joined: 2008-03-03
Posts: 441
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2013-09-27 03:44:37

Okay that verifies this is not a display issue but your BAM account is not getting matched to the incoming project stats. I know you said you were using the same email but please check this. Email forms the primary key for matching your BAM account to your stats. When you look at the email address make sure they are exactly the same, case included.
Sir Mick
BAM!ID: 152711
Joined: 2013-09-18
Posts: 6
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2013-09-27 12:02:03

The email address are absolutly identical- all lower case.
BAM!ID: 13859
Joined: 2006-12-03
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2013-09-28 02:20:00
last modified: 2013-09-28 02:20:18

Are you using BAM, or just the stats? You need to "attach" a project to BAM in order for the stats to be associated with your BAM account.
Sir Mick
BAM!ID: 152711
Joined: 2013-09-18
Posts: 6
Credits: 126,931,811
World-rank: 9,582

2013-09-28 15:46:59

The instruction for joining is extremely vague. Just added my projects ( thought that they were added automatically) now having trouble with my team association. It is just putting a number in and having trouble putting my team in. With this done I think that this is all I need to do. Is that correct?
BAM!ID: 13859
Joined: 2006-12-03
Posts: 838
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2013-09-29 03:40:40

Have a look at the note on the Teams page about the number thing... That should be a temporary thing.

It should be noted that you don't need an account if all you want to do is look at stats, since BOINCstats uses the public stats export from all the projects. An account is only needed if you want to take advantage of the account manager, forum, or other advanced features. However, we're beyond that point now.
Sir Mick
BAM!ID: 152711
Joined: 2013-09-18
Posts: 6
Credits: 126,931,811
World-rank: 9,582

2013-09-29 12:27:52

I realy joined Boincstats for the team challenge but because of all the delays missed the deadline. Thank you all for the help.
Pages: [1]

Index :: BOINCstats Bug Report :: newly registered but no stats