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BAM!ID: 165813
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2014-11-29 14:52:18

I have a different team set up for Bitcoin utopia as there was a huge uproar about the absurdity of the points in my main team.

But the points are going to both teams: Crunching@evga member list crunching@evga charts mining@evga with all the points as well.

So my whole point of having the project on a separate team is still causing the blowblack. Other stat sites do not have this issue. And on top of that have started separating the bitcoin utopia project from the rest due to the insane point returns due to asic miners.

[BOINCstats] Willy
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2014-11-30 08:07:19

Those numbers are reported by the project. Any issue about the distribution of the credits should be directed to the project.
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BAM!ID: 165813
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2014-11-30 17:42:34

Yes it's reported by the project, but it's actually based on the cpid. So all points under the same email address go to the same account on your stats site. Regardless of team. which means it goes to both teams, so there are obviously a lot of bolstered stats on here. Basically anybody with 2 or more teams under the same email address. This is an issue that needs to be fixed!
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2014-11-30 20:04:07

I think the problem is a misunderstanding of what these pages are displaying. While it may seem like credits are being double counted they are not, but all the pages you listed show a different way of counting/displaying credit amounts.

Crunching@evga member list
This is a listing of all people associated with team crunching@evga and their personal combined credit count. At BOINCSstats for combined pages you are associated with the team you have the most project team memberships with. This display of user totals within a team is the same behavior for teams at individual projects.

crunching@evga charts
This is actually your personal account charts.
This link is the team crunching@evga charts --
I am not sure what issue you were trying to show with the charts link. But if you look at the team charts you will see the credit production dropped on Nov 23rd when you moved your BU account to a new team.

mining@evga with all the points as well
This is the team mining@evga project listing. So yes it correctly shows the members of the team and their current total project credits, just like you see on the project team pages.
If you look at the team details page you will see that the current team total of 1.6B is less than the total of the two current members 2.6B because some of the credit had already been assigned to a different team.

If what you are asking for is how to get that 1B of BU credits off the team crunching@evga listing then you just need to delete the team on the BU site and wait a day or two for it to vanish here as well.
If what you want is for your BU credits to not be included in your combined total shown on the team crunching@evga listing then, as you pointed out, you need to use a different email address at BU so you get a different CPID.
BAM!ID: 165813
Joined: 2014-04-30
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2014-11-30 23:09:19
last modified: 2014-11-30 23:40:01

Jeff17 wrote:

I think the problem is a misunderstanding of what these pages are displaying. While it may seem like credits are being double counted they are not, but all the pages you listed show a different way of counting/displaying credit amounts.

Crunching@evga member list
This is a listing of all people associated with team crunching@evga and their personal combined credit count. At BOINCSstats for combined pages you are associated with the team you have the most project team memberships with. This display of user totals within a team is the same behavior for teams at individual projects.

You're right I would never have though that any team member list would show a cumulative score from other teams.. This has caused a lot of frustration with myself and other members in the community. I do see the other teams list with the correct score since the switch.

Problem with a whole new user is it defeats the whole purpose of stat tracking under one name... But if splitting up my scores is the only way to do it... since it is an issue with the cpid itself.

I'll see if deleting the project is an option.

I do think the bulk of the confusion comes from how the stats are accessed, unless you're paying attention to the URL it's impossible to tell. Especially when it just says your team or your username at the top of the page. Maybe some sub text would clear these things up. Now I know you basically have to start over everytime you want to look at stats for a team or a user. When you access your team list from your user panel it's a combined from all teams, etc. You can't just jump around in the lists like you would think.

Thank you for clearing that up.
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Index :: BOINCstats Bug Report :: Multiple Team Issue!!!!! Major Stats Messup!!! Points going to multiple teams!!!