Pages: [1]

2006-04-17 14:46:14

On the summary screen, I have credits for BOINC, SETI@HOME and ClimatePrediction, showing my credits, position, etc., within each category.

If I click on my position in BOINC or SETI@home, I find my stats in the list of members, for BOINC or SETI@HOME.

If I click on ClimatePrediction, I am not listed in the member list, even though I am taken to the appropriate place in the list. My position number shows that someone else holds that position and I can't find my ID.

What is going on?

Lee Carre
BAM!ID: 41
Joined: 2006-04-19
Posts: 262
Credits: 299,581
World-rank: 397,049

2006-04-19 16:22:16
last modified: 2006-04-19 16:23:09

On the summary screen, I have credits for BOINC, SETI@HOME and ClimatePrediction, showing my credits, position, etc., within each category.

If I click on my position in BOINC or SETI@home, I find my stats in the list of members, for BOINC or SETI@HOME.

If I click on ClimatePrediction, I am not listed in the member list, even though I am taken to the appropriate place in the list. My position number shows that someone else holds that position and I can't find my ID.

could you provide a link/url to your summary page so that it's easier to find

when you say "summary page" i assume you're talking about one like this: My "Summary Page" ?
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2006-04-20 16:57:52

On the summary screen, I have credits for BOINC, SETI@HOME and ClimatePrediction, showing my credits, position, etc., within each category.

If I click on my position in BOINC or SETI@home, I find my stats in the list of members, for BOINC or SETI@HOME.

If I click on ClimatePrediction, I am not listed in the member list, even though I am taken to the appropriate place in the list. My position number shows that someone else holds that position and I can't find my ID.

What is going on?

It's working now. Maybe I didn't have enough credit built up to see the stats.

could you provide a link/url to your summary page so that it's easier to find

when you say "summary page" i assume you're talking about one like this: My "Summary Page" ?

From the home page, key in a member ID and click on search button. You will be presented with a list of all projects, in which you are participating. For each project, your relative position is displayed. If you click on your relative position for the project, you will be taken to the list for that project. You should see your name at the same relative location, as was identified in the search list of projects.

In my case, I key in "Puddleduck" in the search window, and click on search button.

The problem, now cleared up, was that my user ID did not appear in the list for the position, identified.
Pages: [1]

Index :: BOINCstats Bug Report :: Climateprediction