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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-01 14:24:01
last modified: 2017-04-01 14:25:12

TeeVeeEss wrote:
Cloud relieves you of the hassle/responsibility for the bare metal parts of BOINCstats.

That's what I'm going for.

TeeVeeEss wrote:
On the other hand you loose some flexibility in selecting parts on which you know BOINCstats behaves well.

It's behaving quite well on the cloud now.

TeeVeeEss wrote:
Or get them for free from a sponsor .

Then I still have to maintain the hardware and deal with parts breaking down or other failures (like the loss of power last year). The cloud can also break down (I think Amazon had a huge problem a couple of weeks ago (yep, here it is)), I know that, but at least it doesn't require me to drive to the datacenter to fix things. I can just turn on my PC and do it from home. Me happy and it has a greater WAF as well . I would like it if Google sponsored some of the cost though

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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-02 13:01:14

I'm going page by page through all the code to make it working with the changed environment. Lot's of things to look at, different MySQL version and new PHP version which is really too unforgiving towards my code. I also make improvements when needed.

All in all it's looking like it's going to work but it's a lot of work with not much free time to do it in.

I guestimate I need another week or two to complete the changes.

Stats on Google cloud should be correct now, let me know if you spot weird things.
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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-03 11:25:45

Does anybody have a spare Google cloud promotion code?
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Tuna Ertemalp
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2017-04-03 16:18:17

[BOINCstats Willy wrote:

Does anybody have a spare Google cloud promotion code?

Posted the question on my FB page. Don't know if there is anyone I know who is working at Google etc., but we'll see. I wouldn't hold my breath, though...
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-03 16:50:30

Tuna Ertemalp wrote:

[BOINCstats Willy wrote:

Does anybody have a spare Google cloud promotion code?

Posted the question on my FB page. Don't know if there is anyone I know who is working at Google etc., but we'll see. I wouldn't hold my breath, though...

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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-05 15:38:36

Trial promotion of $300 is gone
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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-07 14:03:39

Most pages are running pretty decent on the cloud server. Overtake stats however are way too slow, especially with the larger tables like boinc hosts. Waiting five minutes for a page to load is a bit long.

I'm trying to optimize this but it doesn't want to play along.

Currently I'm seeing this as the only hurdle left.
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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-09 11:49:44

Overtake stats for hosts is still ridiculously slow on the cloud server. I "improved" it by adding a "loading" animation and a progress bar. It can easily take five minutes to complete for the larger projects and combined.
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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-16 13:08:48

BOINCstats is now running from Google Cloud. Performance seams to be OK except the daily hosts update. Individual projects update fine but the host combined update (in asic and non-asic flavors) is taking way too long to complete. It's an issue with the mandatory InnoDB database structure on Google Cloud. It takes much longer to insert the combined data than in the MyIsam tables on the metal server.

So I wondered, how many people are actually interested in combined host statistics? According to Google Analytics, 0.8% of all page views is a combined host list (vs 5.7% for combined user list). SO there is an interest. Most of these views however are users looking at their own hosts, not how well they rank in the stats. Only 0.1% is looking at how the host ranks in the stats.

What do we want to see in host combined stats? I always considered unreliable stats and not very interesting because the CPID of a host changes so often. If you really like combined hosts stats let me know! And tell me what you're looking at, what you need from it.


The metal servers are still running and updating stats. If needed we can switch back easily.
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2017-04-16 15:08:39

Looks you performed a smooth migration to Google Cloud, no strange or unexpected reactions from the site. I did not know until I read your last post
Dr Who Fan
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2017-04-16 17:32:16

Yes the Google Cloud does seem to be struggling a bit. Daily Updates is still lagging behind.

Last daily update:
2017-04-15 16:30:52 UTC
1 Giorno 00:50:40 ago
Last incremental update:
2017-04-16 13:42:41 UTC
03:42:48 ago
BOINCstats server time:
2017-04-16 17:26:23 UTC

As to where each individual computer stands in relation to other users computers, not an important issue for me.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-16 17:42:39

Well, the last days the update completed in about the same time as the metal server, but today I experimented with other MySQL queries to make the host update faster and one of those queries is stuck and running for 22794 second at the time of writing and it's slowing everything else down. Guess I won't use that query.
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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-17 12:53:41

Removed some information from the BOINCstats stats page and to compensate added something new: an update history list.
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2017-04-19 14:32:56

[BOINCstats Willy wrote:

Removed some information from the BOINCstats stats page and to compensate added something new: an update history list.
Nice feature, shows us once again how much work is done in the background to present us up to date pages!
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-22 15:36:11

Running a little more than a month now on the Google Cloud of which one week in which BOINCstats was completely switched over so in the last week costs per day were slightly higher because of egress traffic charges.

Total cost for the last month turned out to be a little more than €500. That's €150 more than the co-locating. However, if I commit to a three year contract I can shave off maybe €50 per month.

So, I'm at the decision point now: do I switch to GC for real and terminate the co-location. Or not.

Got a scary email from Google this week about redundancy in the cloud and that even though they do their very best, bad things can happen. According to Google, best practice would be to have a completely duplicate setup in another region so that when a region goes down, BOINCstats doesn't go down with it, but another €500 per month is way too expensive.
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Tuna Ertemalp
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2017-04-22 17:26:54

[BOINCstats Willy wrote:

Got a scary email from Google this week about redundancy in the cloud and that even though they do their very best, bad things can happen. According to Google, best practice would be to have a completely duplicate setup in another region so that when a region goes down, BOINCstats doesn't go down with it, but another €500 per month is way too expensive.

I'm gonna guess this is a "covering our asses due to the lawyers, because people sued us when we lost connectivity in one place for more than a few minutes". In other words, they are shifting responsibility to the user.

In reality, we should be fine. That is no different than some HD or switch giving up in your real-hardware setup, and us waiting while you recover from it.

Their "broken" data center will not evaporate forever, so we'll just ride it out. If it really does evaporate, I don't think BOINC is what we all will care about on that day...

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2017-04-25 08:40:03

Hi Willy,

did you confront AWS with the Google pricing? As far as I understood it it was one year ago that you had contact with them, maybe prices has decreased since then and they are willing to offer you a better price for their services
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-25 08:43:58

Tom_unoduetre wrote:

Hi Willy,

did you confront AWS with the Google pricing? As far as I understood it it was one year ago that you had contact with them, maybe prices has decreased since then and they are willing to offer you a better price for their services

I did not. I'm not eager to move everything again. Just got it working on Google Cloud. I think not much code changes are needed to run it on AWS but it needs to be tested again, especially the stats updates which ran slow during the last test. It would mean at least one month of double costs on top of the current double costs.
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2017-04-27 08:15:31

Ok, I see.

Is it ok to communicate the new URL already externally or should I wait until you give an official announcement?

And for testing purpose I just tried to change the BAM URL in my Boinctask client from to
but that gave an error (wrong URL), so I assume something needs to be switched tehre as well on server side?
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-04-27 08:32:37

Tom_unoduetre wrote:

Ok, I see.

Is it ok to communicate the new URL already externally or should I wait until you give an official announcement?

And for testing purpose I just tried to change the BAM URL in my Boinctask client from to
but that gave an error (wrong URL), so I assume something needs to be switched tehre as well on server side?

There is no new URL. It remains has always existed and redirected to .com. At the moment it is the testing site.
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2017-04-27 08:59:44

Ups, ok, I got that completely wrong then , thanks for the clarification.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-05-05 11:07:41
last modified: 2017-05-05 11:08:17

Last week I have terminated my co-location contract (still waiting for them to confirm), today I have shut down the two webservers. About twenty minutes later the cloud sql server had an unexpected reboot . Fortunately no full update was running so no data was corrupted. I did not notice it until after the server was running again, but I think some users have seen errors while trying to view BOINCstats.

So, I wanted to ask Google, WTF dudes... Or actually of they can tell me why it rebooted (I was running a SQL query to clean up history tables which took a long time, maybe I overloaded something). Turns out I have to pay $150 per month to be able to ask the question

So, here's hoping it will never do that during the daily update.
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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2017-05-06 15:00:01

Four pictures showing the end of a metal BOINCstats:
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2020-05-19 04:19:46

Hey Willy,

I'm trying to get in contact with you about getting you some Google Cloud credits, however it seems that the private messages are broken (I already tried to send you two, but they don't show up in my "Outbox", so I guess they didn't go through?

Anyway, ping me at the email from my profile if you're interested.

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