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BAM!ID: 23207
Joined: 2007-04-13
Posts: 32
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2007-04-28 10:48:25

you cant block EVERY IP RANGE WILL

[BOINCstats] Willy
Forum moderator - Administrator - Developer - Tester - Translator
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2007-04-28 11:59:24

Jack (mayI call you Jack),

Please quit man.

I unblocked all your IP's with the new server, hoping you would behave better.

Now, please: do behave. We have done nothing to you, please stop being an ass.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
Joined: 2006-01-11
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2007-04-28 21:18:44


you have some cheek. you put your BOINCstats sig on your myspace page and in the same breath slander the person created the site you get the sig from. please leave this site. we (i may speak for most of the people who read forum) dont want you here.

Tester - Translator
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2007-04-29 06:28:04


you have some cheek. you put your BOINCstats sig on your myspace page and in the same breath slander the person created the site you get the sig from. please leave this site. we (i may speak for most of the people who read forum) dont want you here.


Full ACK!
Grüße vom Sänger
BAM!ID: 23207
Joined: 2007-04-13
Posts: 32
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2007-05-02 11:53:05
last modified: 2007-05-02 11:59:53


you have some cheek. you put your BOINCstats sig on your myspace page and in the same breath slander the person created the site you get the sig from. please leave this site. we (i may speak for most of the people who read forum) dont want you here.


Full ACK!

Holy cow, he did unblock my IP`s! Either this willy dude really is a cool guy, or hes pulling what Iran did when they released those prisoners. But regardless, this guy willy has the BEST stats site around hands down.

Oh well, hey. I didnt start talking trash, I simply responded to several verbal attacks. So in my opinion there are some real trolls and jerks here whos lives are so pathetic they have to try and jerk the moderator off at any opportunity, I say get a life, what do you want to kiss his ass for anyway?

And as I stated before,

1. I will continue to dominate and grow in numbers with my stats
2. I will create new accounts if I am tossed
3. I will not stop dedicating my talents to help the progress of science.
3. 1/2 I do not have any respect for poeple who boobytrap the internet with virus and trojans, it makes it hard for an honest guy to indescriminately download porn
4. Its all good, some poeple pay to download content, some dont.
5. some poeple are like sheep, you just heard them into the flock , they just do what they are told. Some dont, like me.

Whats that you say? "Bahh-h-h-h-h-"
Well its late and I am tired of counting sheep, im going to bed.

Joined: 2006-01-09
Posts: 1351
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2007-05-02 21:07:06
last modified: 2007-05-02 21:08:25

5. some poeple are like sheep, you just heard them into the flock...

Whats that you say? "Bahh-h-h-h-h-"
Well its late and I am tired of counting sheep, im going to bed.

Greetings from Cori
BAM!ID: 23207
Joined: 2007-04-13
Posts: 32
Credits: 0
World-rank: 0

2007-05-12 09:44:41

5. some poeple are like sheep, you just heard them into the flock...

Whats that you say? "Bahh-h-h-h-h-"
Well its late and I am tired of counting sheep, im going to bed.


Dont bite me, Bite the greedy corporations who have enslaved you.


The true hacker spirit is about freedom of information, that includes data.
Joined: 2006-01-09
Posts: 1351
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2007-05-12 10:34:46

... The true hacker spirit is about freedom of information, that includes data.

Which data? My bank account? My private pc? My BOINC? Certainly NOT!
Greetings from Cori
BAM!ID: 36584
Joined: 2007-10-14
Posts: 30
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World-rank: 240,095

2007-10-24 07:36:02
last modified: 2007-10-24 07:37:16


you have some cheek. you put your BOINCstats sig on your myspace page and in the same breath slander the person created the site you get the sig from. please leave this site. we (i may speak for most of the people who read forum) dont want you here.


Full ACK!

Holy cow, he did unblock my IP`s! Either this willy dude really is a cool guy, or hes pulling what Iran did when they released those prisoners. But regardless, this guy willy has the BEST stats site around hands down.

Oh well, hey. I didnt start talking trash, I simply responded to several verbal attacks. So in my opinion there are some real trolls and jerks here whos lives are so pathetic they have to try and jerk the moderator off at any opportunity, I say get a life, what do you want to kiss his ass for anyway?

And as I stated before,

1. I will continue to dominate and grow in numbers with my stats
2. I will create new accounts if I am tossed
3. I will not stop dedicating my talents to help the progress of science.
3. 1/2 I do not have any respect for poeple who boobytrap the internet with virus and trojans, it makes it hard for an honest guy to indescriminately download porn
4. Its all good, some poeple pay to download content, some dont.
5. some poeple are like sheep, you just heard them into the flock , they just do what they are told. Some dont, like me.

Whats that you say? "Bahh-h-h-h-h-"
Well its late and I am tired of counting sheep, im going to bed.

Hmm sure looks like you would fit right in with the other megalomaniacs at
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