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BAM!ID: 19779
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2007-12-08 22:22:14

Not sure where to post this - so i am putting it here.

For the longest time, my resource share numbers do not match from the BAM website (resources) to the several computers I use to run BOINC. I have tried updating from the website, synchronizing from within the Boinc program, all to no avail. I have, over time, changed the resources numbers and it appears that some of my old numbers are mixed in with the new ones. I run about 8 programs - 6 have a resource share of 10, the other two have 20. On my Boinc, it shows several at 10, one at 6, and one at 100.

Is there something I am missing? Why won't it snych up correctly??

Thanks in advance!
BAM!ID: 19779
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2007-12-10 13:43:44

Quick update - I am using version 5.10.20.

I went to each project's website and individually updated each one with my desired resource share and then updated from within Boinc. Each of the projects then showed the correct share on Boinc. That was two days ago. Now, several of the projects have reverted to their prior resource share numbers! ARG!

Please help.
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2007-12-10 15:36:18

The 100 is likely WCG. It won't change resource allocations as it is not 100% synched.

BAM!ID: 36194
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2008-03-20 12:26:16

I have same problem now with Climateprediction.
in BAM --> Resources is 60, and all in my computers has 25, and updating don't fix it. I noticed this few days ago, earlier it worked perfectly
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2008-03-20 13:46:56

I have same problem now with Climateprediction.
in BAM --> Resources is 60, and all in my computers has 25, and updating don't fix it. I noticed this few days ago, earlier it worked perfectly

In BAM resources can be controlled in two places. One is the Resources page for global settings. The other is the host page, to set values for specific hosts.

Each host will use the host specific values, if available. So, check to make sure you did not set any host specific values. To clear the host specific values place a dash(-) in the resource box for the project on the host page and then click update. The next time that the host syncs with BAM the host specific values will go away.
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2008-03-20 13:52:41

I've already checked all my host specific values and i have "-" in all places.
Reed Young
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2008-03-27 22:46:49

Each host will use the host specific values, if available. So, check to make sure you did not set any host specific values. To clear the host specific values place a dash(-) in the resource box for the project on the host page and then click update. The next time that the host syncs with BAM the host specific values will go away.

Thanks WyerByter, updating the host-specific values to the desired level solves the problem for me.

I guessed that the host-specific levels function as an effective maximum, so that to 1000 on the project page then setting lower values on BAM as desired would result in the lower value being used, to maximize the convenience of BAM. That doesn't seem possible with After trying that, when I updated the BOINC client the resource share was then set to match 1000, not to the BAM number (300). Like ilmoitusasu, I found no way to remove any host-specific values. Entering "-" was not allowed by and "0" was changed to "100." For at least, I see no way to change resource share using BAM.
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2008-03-28 16:14:22

Entering "-" was not allowed by and "0" was changed to "100." For at least, I see no way to change resource share using BAM.

The "-" only works in the host resource settings here on BAM.

When using host specific preferences, when the global resource share changes for a project, the host will go with the new value from the project until the host syncs with BAM.

CPDN does have issues with resource setting from BAM, as does WCG. If you are noticing a problem like this, then check the project site and see if it is set properly.
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2008-12-16 20:33:26

Hi Willy

I'm one of the CPDN moderators. I don't use the BAM manager myself so I can't check what's been said about CPDN not respecting BAM crunchers' resource shares. But in this CPDN forum thread three of our members have said they've had this problem with BAM and CPDN for a long time.

Is there something Milo (our CPDN admin/programmer) needs to do to activate this?

[BOINCstats] Willy
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2008-12-19 17:37:02

Is there something Milo (our CPDN admin/programmer) needs to do to activate this?

Using proper BOINC server code helps, but the specific RPC is am_set_info.php. If that script is properly implemented setting resource shares from BAM! will work fine.
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2008-12-19 17:42:40

Thank you, Willy. I will copy your advice to Milo.
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2008-12-19 21:26:53

Just thought I would mention CPDN did not obey resource share from BAM for me as well. I could log into the CPDN site and see it did not take what BAM has set and I can change the resource share on the site and have it obey.
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2009-01-09 00:34:09

Me to, I've just tried to change 'Global settings' in 'Computing preferences' in Boincstats (BAM) site. Seti@Home and Spinhenge@home sites updated changes immediately, but Climateprediction - settings left same as it was long time ago. I can change it only manually in CPDN site.

It would be great is someone would resolve this issue.
BAM!ID: 25128
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2009-01-09 01:17:08

Thank you for these reports. Milo at CPDN admin was on holiday for two weeks over Christmas and New Year. This BAM problem is on his rather long to-do list. There are only two CPDN programmers for a massive project which is why some things don't get done immediately. The problem hasn't been forgotten.

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2009-09-24 21:24:24

I take it this problem apparently has not been fixed? As you can see in the picture below, there is some
sort of communication problem between BAM and CPDN. Also even though BAM has updated SETI
to the new Resource values and the SETI site reflects those new values, when ever BAM syncronizes is sets
the SETI resource to 200 which is a previous setting I had set through BAM.

Any help in resolving this would be appreciated


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2009-09-25 14:04:16

I'll find the CPDN thread where this was discussed and will send Milo a private message.

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2009-09-25 15:45:53

thanks for the reply... Was this problem fixed already and i just didn't find the answer?
BAM!ID: 25128
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2009-09-25 22:53:26

Hi Starchaser

I don't think the problem can have been fixed, otherwise you probably wouldn't have posted the graphic that you did. Milo certainly didn't post here to say he'd found and fixed the problem as he usually does. I think this must have got lost on an overlong to-do list.

He received my PM about this but says he won't be around in the computer room at CPDN for a week or two but will look at what's going on after that.

In the meantime it would be helpful if one or two other BAM members could confirm that they still have the same problem.
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2009-09-26 07:54:30

I can confirm the resource share problem with CPDN.
BAM!ID: 25128
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2009-10-09 16:58:36

I emailed Willy about the problem and he says: 'BAM! is using the correct URL ( for AMS-RPC's.'

He actually sent me that email two or three days ago but I haven't been well for a few days.

I've posted his reply on the CPDN forum here and have told Milo.

BAM!ID: 25128
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2009-10-12 14:30:09

Milo has asked on the CPDN forum here whether a BAM! member could see if they can now successfully update their CPDN resource share preferences. I would prefer an answer from more than one member.
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2009-10-12 18:35:31

I just tried to update from BAM and still receive the message "Incorrect response from project" So apparently it's still a problem..
BAM!ID: 25128
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2009-10-12 19:31:46
last modified: 2009-10-12 19:32:10

A member has posted to say the same thing on the CPDN forum so Milo will have to try a different solution.
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