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BAM!ID: 50063
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2008-05-13 10:53:27

[BOINCstats] Willy, good day!

I have some problems with my BOINCstats account. I sent you 2 private messages: first - around 3 weeks ago, second - around 2 weeks ago; but didn't receive any answer. Today I sent another one: please, answer it.

Thank you.
BAM!ID: 3895
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2008-05-13 14:38:45

[BOINCstats] Willy, good day!

I have some problems with my BOINCstats account. I sent you 2 private messages: first - around 3 weeks ago, second - around 2 weeks ago; but didn't receive any answer. Today I sent another one: please, answer it.

Thank you.

Apparently you have not read Willy's signature. He specifically states (in the fine print) that he will not respond to PM's, IM's or e-mail's for support. Please post your support request here. Willy or one of the other helpful denizens of these forums will be glad to give you assistance. You may also find that the FAQ's have the information you need or the search box above may lead you to it.
This signature was stolen from somewhere.


2008-05-13 18:31:27

Apparently you have not read Willy's signature. He specifically states (in the fine print) that he will not respond to PM's, IM's or e-mail's for support. Please post your support request here. Willy or one of the other helpful denizens of these forums will be glad to give you assistance. You may also find that the FAQ's have the information you need or the search box above may lead you to it.

Yup - Just like you say. The fine print is:

"Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored)."

If the OP posts the problem, we'll fix it

BAM!ID: 50063
Joined: 2008-04-13
Posts: 2
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World-rank: 145,457

2008-05-18 06:29:54

Good day!

Thanks for all replies!

Yes, I didn't even try to read his signatures . But my problem is quite specific - that why I used PM.

Now, if I haven't another way out, I'll post my message to [BOINCstats] Willy there.

Around 1.5 year ago I registered account name “Art”. All was perfect, but approximately 1 month ago I decided to change account e-mail address (I registered global BOINC account and specified for it another address). Unfortunately, I made mistake, when was typing new address, but didn’t notice it. And more: for my big regret, that day I deleted record with my account password (probably, it was unlucky day, ). Now I can’t change e-mail address, because don’t remember password – and can’t change password, because wrong e-mail address. In this situation it will be great, if you give me opportunity to recover my account password with my old e-mail address (maybe it remain in backup of database) or with e-mail address of “artf” account, from which I’m writing now (that address is a right, not misspelled, new address for account with name “Art” – you can compare the wrong and the right variants of e-mail address and will see, that they differ only by one symbol); you can even delete my new account, with name “artf”, if that will help.

Thank you.
Pages: [1]

Index :: BOINCstats general :: Problems with account. [BOINCstats] Willy, please, help.