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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2019-05-08 20:53:31

Comments on the following newsitem

I have to make test with project when databse is on my NAS because performanceis very low then I have everythink on VM with disk on NFS.<br />
If project will have some break is mean it's just me testing new solutions.<br />
If I could have a clater/ceph solution it could be better <- it dependents on you <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
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2019-05-08 20:57:54

User credits have not been posted to Boinc Stats for at least 8 days and admin fails to respond to requests for an explanation. Is this project even a valid Boinc project any longer?
Poway, CA
Dr Who Fan
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2019-05-09 01:00:49

Bharritt wrote:

User credits have not been posted to Boinc Stats for at least 8 days and admin fails to respond to requests for an explanation. Is this project even a valid Boinc project any longer?

Nothing new that GoofyxGrid (project admin / owner) is GONE for extended periods of time (day, weeks and sometimes months) and suddenly reappears with a NEW PROBLEM(S).

Pages: [1]

Index :: News :: 2019-04-17: GoofyxGrid@Home NCI - Maintance break #22 (4790415)