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BAM!ID: 4615
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2019-05-11 01:21:23

Reason you should upgrade BOINC
"If it ain't broke, don't fix work" isn't a terrible rule of thumb, but not in this case.

We've just updated most of PrimeGrid's apps, but to take advantage of them you'll need to be running a version of BOINC that isn't too ancient.

On the apps that use wrappers (currently all of the LLR apps and 321-Sieve) the priority of the wrapper is increased above idle priority. This may help avoid some infrequent crashes attributed to the wrapper. You'll need at least BOINC 7.4+ to take advantage of this feature. The LLR apps are already updated, and 321-Sieve will be updated in the near future.

All of the binary files will now be sent gzipped, which will reduce data transfer by about 50%. You'll need at least BOINC 7.0+ to take advantage of this feature.

If you're running a really old version of BOINC, you now have a reason to upgrade!

8 May 2019 | 13:03:36 UTC
Pages: [1]

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