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Hello all,<br />
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It has come to my attention that there are some people who are having trouble resetting their passwords. More specifically when requesting a link to reset their password, the email with the link to change their password never arrives in their inbox or spam. At the moment, I have been able to reproduce this problem with gmail accounts and some temporary email accounts. So far, I've only been able to get my university email account to receive a password reset link. While I will continue to troubleshoot this issue, I humbly request help in this matter. If you could request a password change and tell me whether or not you receive an email with the password reset link, as well as what email type you are using (gmail, hotmail, yahoo, edu, etc.), it will help me immensely with identifying the root of this problem. I am not asking for you to change your password; I only need to know if the email arrives.<br />
Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.<br />
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-Eric Mendelsohn