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Pierre A Renaud
BAM!ID: 219574
Joined: 2017-07-09
Posts: 22
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2019-07-06 08:29:13

WCG/OpenZika - Likely pause in work available
Projected pause: July 1 - 7
Actual pause: 6 - "13'',41703

We will likely have a break in work available for this project starting in about a week when existing work runs out. The break is expected to be short based on estimates from the researchers (current estimates are a break of less than a week).

[Jun 24, 2019 1:10:08 PM]
Pierre A Renaud
BAM!ID: 219574
Joined: 2017-07-09
Posts: 22
Credits: 0
World-rank: 0

2019-07-10 14:23:05
last modified: 2019-07-10 14:25:02

OpenZika Nears End of Work on World Community Grid


Right now, there is a pause in work units while our developers and the researchers build approximately 20,000 new batches. Once those are launched (in 1-2 weeks), they will be the final work units for the project.

We don't know how exactly how long it will take for volunteers to process these work units--our rough estimate is that the final work will be done in late September or early October.

Thank you to everyone who has supported this project! The Zika virus may not be front-page news anymore in much of the world, but it's still a threat. Your support has been very important.

Pierre A Renaud wrote:

WCG/OpenZika - Likely pause in work available
Projected pause: July 1 - 7
Actual pause: 6 - "13'',41703

We will likely have a break in work available for this project starting in about a week when existing work runs out. The break is expected to be short based on estimates from the researchers (current estimates are a break of less than a week).

[Jun 24, 2019 1:10:08 PM]

Pages: [1]

Index :: News :: WCG/OpenZika - Likely pause in work available