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Sid Celery
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2019-08-21 20:57:47

Tuna Ertemalp wrote:

Sid Celery wrote:

Under "Detailed stats" on the "Chart" tab, is there any way to make the charts 2D as a default? Very slow loading in 3D

Interesting. It took only 4s for them to load for me on my machine. I wonder what is slowing you down. Or, you mean that ~4s is too slow?


Yes, 4 or 5 seconds now. That's probably ok.

However, I also find 3D quite unreadable and would still prefer a 2D display? Can I chose that? How?
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2019-08-22 17:01:27

I appreciate the work and I know how frustrating it is when it's not universally well-received! Well done on the overall roll-out of the project!

However, please consider allowing us to dial in the font size, or increase it slightly, as the tables, text, menus and the rest of the content is mostly whitespace with super thin font. The site looks ok when viewed in half-window on a regular 1080p monitor with no special scaling on. As soon as you go full screen, it is a little too spread out. I realise this is an attempt to make it mobile friendly, but there could be some bounding on those tables to prevent them spanning the entire page.

I like the light theme - it's fairly clean (though not a fan of the menu backdrop, even though it is a nod to the previous incarnation).
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2019-08-22 21:26:25
last modified: 2019-08-22 21:28:18

There are remarkably few issues visible at the User end. Many more problems could be reasonably expected with a change of this size and nature, and I am amazed that there were so few - take a bow, Well Done.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2019-08-25 09:09:35
last modified: 2019-08-25 09:28:46

BrotherBloat wrote:

please consider allowing us to dial in the font size, or increase it slightly, as the tables, text, menus and the rest of the content is mostly whitespace with super thin font.
not a fan of the menu backdrop, even though it is a nod to the previous incarnation

Active supporters of BOINCstats (either donated in the last year or not blocking the ads) can now change some style settings here: Custom layout. You can change colors (create your own dark theme) remove the background image from the menu and change the font size of the stats tables.

Edit: you need to have an account on BOINCstats.

I will take suggestions for more customization under consideration.
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Tuna Ertemalp
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2019-08-25 16:56:54

[BOINCstats Willy wrote:

change the font size of the stats tables.

There might be a bug lurking there. To make sure I wasn't chasing a ghost:

- BAM!, Custom Layout, Reset to Defaults, EDIT, verify that Custom=No and Font=10
- BAM!, My Detailed Stats, verify that the fonts are the default font size too small for my aging eyes
- BAM!, Custom Layout, EDIT, Set Custom=YES, leave Font=10 still at default (which I assume is the size of the font used by default when Custom=No), Save Changes, RELOAD
- BAM!, My Detailed Stats, verify that the fonts are now huge, seemingly way bigger than 10
- BAM!, Custom Layout, EDIT, Set Custom=YES, set Font=20, Save Changes, RELOAD
- BAM!, My Detailed Stats, verify that the fonts are still huge, and still the same size as they were when custom font size was left at 10 in the previous step

This is under the latest Chrome Version 76.0.3809.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Win10 (v1903, Build 18362.295).

Might be important: Before creating the above repro steps, I did go to Custom Settings, and initially set the font=20, just to make it really obvious to see where the font size was taking effect. Then, I went back and set it to something like 12, and didn't see any changes; they were still huge. That is when I realized that I seem to be able to get only the default small or the custom huge. Maybe my initial experimental setting to 20 ended up creating an entry under my account that is sticking around whenever Custom=Yes and not getting properly set to the Font Size selection. That is why I started my repro steps with a Reset, hoping that it would get rid of any such remnants.

And a suggestion: If at all possible, please also do create a font size option that will be applicable to non-tables, like the whole menu dock on the left, forum, etc. With the default font, my eyes are having difficult time reading the new smaller font on the home page and everywhere else, not just in the tables. The only solution I found to that is to use Chrome's Zoom function.

Thank you for your work, as always...


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2019-09-20 22:11:24

I go to my detailed stats page and cannot see any stats for me at all. I am logged in. Using latest Chrome browser. Here is a link to what I got if this helps.
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2019-09-20 22:17:00

Even using the link to old stats I cannot find my stats or any details for a project. Something is seriously wrong for me or the update made me stupid. Either way, not having fun.
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2019-09-21 02:29:22

My detailed stats detailed data cannot be obtained and the signature picture is stopped from being updated

[BOINCstats] Willy
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2019-09-21 05:34:33

@Freewill, @husq: here is the reason why you are not seeing any stats.

Since the scrapers come from many different IP's I can't differentiate between bots and regular users. Two ways for you to enable stats are to either disable your ad blocker for BOINCstats or to donate a small amount.
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2019-09-21 07:56:59


Thanks for the reply. I'm in China on business and my company laptop has ad-blocking, apparently. Nothing I can do about either of those things at the moment.
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2019-10-26 07:51:20

Gresse Olivier
BAM!ID: 25601
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2019-11-19 13:30:03

-It's a pain to have always to click the 'burger' to access info.
-The real info is lost in menus and ads => pain
Still looking at the PROS of the new style. Sorry.
Mads Nissen
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2019-11-25 21:45:13

togethia wrote:

The new design really does "suck".

Its fiddly, the menu is bland and colourless.

Items are hard to find unless you know where to look.

The landing page after you log in, is just 100% tragically dismal.

I hope the classic page stays up long enough to outlive this mess.

And i totally agree to that unfortunately
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2019-12-13 10:22:25

Oh what have you done... where the heck is the menu on the left?

No offense, but i don't like the new layout tbh.

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2020-02-16 20:13:19

Thank you for your help! I've just located the problem. Best wishes.
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