2019-09-28 04:13:39
The Project has posted under news that they are now GDR compliant and that users will have to Opt in to have stat's released.
The climateprediction.net project has now completed it's work on GDPR compliance. This has a number of effects:
- New users will only be able to create an account via the web site.
- Existing users will be asked to consent to the project terms and conditions next time they login to the web site.
- For all users there will be a new preference in the project preferences: 'Do you consent to exporting your data to BOINC statistics aggregation Web sites?'. By default this become 'No'. If you wish to continue to have your statistics exported to the BOINCstats site, you will need to logon to the website https://www.cpdn.org/login_form.php and go to https://www.cpdn.org/prefs_edit.php?subset=project and select the tick box.
Bill F