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BAM!ID: 4615
Joined: 2006-08-27
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2020-06-23 02:01:28
last modified: 2020-06-23 02:01:53

From the DENIS News forum on 06/20/2020


Dear volunteers,
First of all, I hope that all of you and those close to you are well in this global pandemic.
This week is the anniversary of one of the hardest moments of this project. Three years ago, during a database update, it was corrupted. With this failure we detected that the backup system of the data base was not working as it should and we were only able to restore a 6-months-old backup. All this situation coincided just at the moment in which we stopped having a person dedicated full time to the project, which supposed an added difficulty.
The results sent by the volunteers were saved in another system and only the tasks in progress were affected.
The main loss of information was the credits obtained by the different volunteers. At that time we were able to recover a large part of them, but all the accounts created between January and June were lost.

Your support and understanding during those days was enormous. However, as I told you at the time, being able to return the credits to you was an important issue: it is the only way we have to thank you for all the support for the project.

Since then, several of you have asked me if we could recover the credits from those accounts, and I didn't want to let it go any further. It was not an easy job because we had the credit information but not a system to connect them with the new accounts you were creating. Thanks to the existence of and the BOINC cross project identifier, part of you will be able to recover your credits. I have been able to find almost 300 of those accounts on, and in the next few days, through, I will send you a link to recover lost credits. You will receive a personalized URL that will add the lost credit to your user and will correct the date since you are collaborating with us. I will send the messages in several days so that does not exceed the limit of messages it can send. I want to publicly thank Will for allowing me to use his platform for all this messages. I will notify you when all are sent.

If you don't have an account on Boincstats, you can create it and associate it with the BOINC projects you collaborate on. I will periodically search for new users to whom we can return credits.

If you have any idea to associate your old accounts with the current ones, do not hesitate to contact me, we will find how to prepare it.

This is the first step to gradually start up this project again. You are an incredible community that we do not want to miss. Unfortunately, we cant afford to hire someone full time for the project so we will go very slowly. We have tried several times to obtain founds for the project and we have had good evaluations, but not enough to get them. We will continue working on it, but until we get it, we will go slowly.

Thank you very much, you have me at your disposal and I hope that, little by little, you will be receiving more messages from me.


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Index :: News :: DENIS Stat's recovery and limited plans to move forward.