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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2005-05-13 02:23:05

Around 7:30GMT on Friday the 13th (hmmmmm) BOINCstats will be down for at least 30 minutes to install a new CPU cooler.
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2005-05-13 16:19:54

Friday the the way, which one did you choose to get? And is there any real signifigence? ( Did I spell that right?) Good luck...
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2005-05-13 18:09:55
last modified: 2005-10-26 04:02:44

I took the Thermaltake Big Typhoon and exchanged the standard fan with a Pabst with a higher RPM.

Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.

2005-05-14 03:43:32

That thing is awesome!!!!! F%#@!!!! Its almost as big as I am! LOL I hope you dont want to install another'll have to find a card that bends and twists just to get around that thing. HAhahahahahah..

On another note...I hope it works for ya.
Steve Cressman
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2005-05-14 17:02:17

Just wondering what your temps are now Willy? It looks like it should do the job very well. Myself have always liked Thermaltake.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2005-05-14 17:28:33

Temps are much better now, but occasionally it still goes over the threshold. But this is 4~6 times a day instead of 4~6 times a minute, so I’m happy with it.

One thing is for sure: the next BOINCstats server (needed when we pass the 1 million users ) will NOT have a Precott or similar CPU .
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Brian D from Georgia
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2005-05-15 00:44:14

and I bet that new cooler will keep the Prescott out of thermal limiting entirely. I am curious what temp setting are you using to trigger the throttling? I haven't researched the recommended settings yet but on my new system with the 3.2GHz Prescott I read it has a max. thermal rating of 73C. I initially set my BIOS to begin throttling at 65C but the CPU has never gotten above 52C even when running 100% usage on BOINC crunches. My room temp is only 22-24C though, much lower than your rack temps. Is there any way you can persuade the rack owner to drop the cooling a few more degree's??? This might buy you a few more months of usage out of this before the workload forces an additional HW upgrade.

[BOINCstats] Willy
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2005-05-15 06:32:01

They already lowered the temp with 2 degrees.

Main problem is that the server is at the top of the rack. When a new rack is placed, or when a place somewhere near the bottom in an existing rack becomes available the server will be moved there.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.

2005-05-20 07:07:35

thats one <span style='font-size:30pt;line-height:100%'>HUGE</span> fan.
Almost as big as the case itself.

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