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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2012-07-06 20:45:04

Comments on the following newsitem

With this newest BAM! feature you can schedule tasks to be executed on your groups or hosts when certain thresholds are reached.

Triggers are having a certain amount of work from a project on your host, reaching a certain amount of credit in a project or simply on time.

A task can set projects on the host to attach/detach, suspend/resume, no new work, delayed detach and abort not started work.

You can for example suspend all projects on a host when a challenge starts (except the challenge project of course), switch your host-group to a new project when you have reached your credit target or set all projects to no new work when your favorite project has work and resume them when this project runs out of work.

You can find the page to manage the tasks in your BAM! menu.
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2012-07-06 20:52:06

Amazing feature! Makes reaching my own personal goals and targets easier and makes borgs more useful. I really admire the hard work and innovative thinking that goes into BOINCstats and BAM - I can't imagine running multiple projects without it. Kudos from us here at Ars Technica.
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2012-07-07 16:03:25

Funny enough, just a couple of hours before this new item appeared, I was thinking about such a function!
Specifically, I was wondering how to automate changing the Resource Share settings based on Reaching a particular credit.
Would that be possible, Willy? If not, at least I can set No New Work - good second-choice for me.

Thanks for the new feature! Looking forward to experimenting over the next few weeks.
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2012-07-11 17:11:02

BAM! hat ein neues Feature: Geplante Aufgaben

Mit diesem neuesten BAM!-Feature könnt Ihr geplante Aufgaben an Eure Gruppen oder Rechner verteilen, die zu bestimmten Anlässen ausgeführt werden.

Als Anlass kommen u.a. in Frage, ein bestimmter Arbeitsvorrat auf dem Rechner, ein Creditziel oder auch schlicht ein Zeitpunkt.

Eine Aufgabe kann bedeuten, ein Projekt an- oder abzumelden, anzuhalten oder wieder zu starten, keine neue Arbeit anzufordern, verzögerte Abmeldung oder Abbruch von nicht begonnener Arbeit.

Du kannst z.B. alle Projekte auf einem Rechner zum Start eines Wettbewerbs anhalten (bis auf das Wettbewerbsprojekt natürlich), Deine Rechnergruppe auf ein anderes Projekt umschwenken, wenn Du eine bestimmte Creditzahl erreicht hast, oder auch alle anderen Projekte auf NNW setzen, wenn Dein Lieblingsprojekt gerade mal wieder Arbeit hat, und die anderen wieder Arbeit holen lassen, sobald die Arbeit aufgebraucht ist.

Zu finden ist das Ganze hier im BAM!-Menü: Aufgabenliste
Grüße vom Sänger
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2012-07-20 20:35:45

I give up. Where in "My BAM! menu" is this feature? Is it "task list"? I tried playing with it, but when I try to set up a task, I cannot choose any project-- the pulldown menu is set to ABC@home (presumably due to default alphabetical order) and grayed out.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2012-07-20 20:56:42

The default trigger is "Time" which doesn't require a project, just a trigger time. Change the trigger to "User credit" or "Work left on host" and you can select a project.

Note this is what causes the task to trigger. Once you've set up the trigger, you can add settings which can work on any project.

Yeah, it needs a manual.
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2012-10-13 10:31:00

I think this Task stuff is brilliant, thanks for taking the time to set it up and having the thought in the first place.

I am however having a problem with it and I wonder if you can help.
I am trying to set up a trigger for a particular host such that when I reach a target on a particular project, it automatically stops that one and starts other projects. I understood from your earlier comment that the if I selected a Trigger of User Credit then I can select a Project Name to which the Trigger Value is checked, and have done this.
However when I save all the details and Synchronise on the Host to test it, I find that it is active straight away despite that project not hitting the target.
When I look at the Task it has flipped to Completed, and shows a Trigger value = my TOTAL CREDIT, Not the credit for my selected project. It appears to ignore the Selected Project.
If I might suggest a small improvement while I am at it it seems to me that if you select User Credit as the Trigger, then you should be able to select either a specific Project - as now - or select "All Projects" - as it appears to behave now!

Thanks for listening/reading, I hope you can just tell me I am doing it wrong

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2012-11-01 14:05:13
last modified: 2012-11-01 14:20:08


I love the concept of the task design. It would serve to be very useful for the many things going on, especially since I am not always available to do things at certain times, or I just plain forget things!

After initial problems, I checked this forum and discovered the info regarding using different triggers to change projects... which solved that matter...

I try then to "add setting" which prompts, "Setting - Save/Cancel"; I select Save, and voila a setting shows up at the bottom of the page... Problem being, it defaults to, again, ABC@home... Even though I already changed the project name (in this case to PrimeGrid! Any attempt to click on/edit the newly added setting just brings up the prompt, "Setting - Save/Cancel" So I now have 4 entries under Settings, none of which I can change the Project name, Setting or Sent to...

I'd like to edit the task so the appropriate task is in play, or at least I coult change it.

This functions is a great idea and I look forward t oseeing it work. Thank you in advance for any assistance you have time for.

BAM!ID: 130321
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2012-11-01 16:14:49

Raubhautz* wrote:
...I try then to "add setting" which prompts, "Setting - Save/Cancel"; I select Save, and voila a setting shows up at the bottom of the page... Problem being, it defaults to, again, ABC@home... Even though I already changed the project name (in this case to PrimeGrid! Any attempt to click on/edit the newly added setting just brings up the prompt, "Setting - Save/Cancel" So I now have 4 entries under Settings, none of which I can change the Project name, Setting or Sent to...

Well, further notes on above issue... It is only an issue on the 64-bit browser. I am able to properly utilize the task function from my 32-bit browsers. Looks great! Thanks Again.

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