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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2014-09-24 19:10:20

It looks like a broken sas raid controller. Have to take the server with me for repairs.So, until it's repaired BOINCstats is running on one webserver which will make things slow.

The daily update was completed without errors but it's not on the webserver. This will fix itself.
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[BOINCstats] Willy
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2014-09-24 20:13:57
last modified: 2014-09-25 11:17:00

To clarify what happened:

  • webserver3 went down (just locked up, nothing broken). webserver4 was working properly.
  • the PDU (to remote reboot a server) was unreachable so I could not reboot webserver3.
  • I drove to the data-center to reboot webserver3 and to see what was wrong with the PDU. The PDU was in an error state and needed a hard reboot which means power down on all servers
  • I powered down all servers, rebooted the PDU which worked properly after that webserver3 booted just fine.
  • webserver4 did not boot. It only showed a blinking cursor on screen and it beeped continuously. This turned out to be the RAID controller. Without it the server boots (but without disks not much happens). I've reset the RAID controller to defaults but that didn't help. Finally took it home for repairs.

So, in short: went there to fix webserver3, came home with a broken webserver4.

If the RAID controller is really broken I'm looking at a €529 replacement. Plus probably a re-install of the server.

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2014-09-25 06:59:25

Thanks for the heads-up Willy.
Good luck for these repairs
BAM!ID: 317
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2014-09-25 09:15:12

Thank you for information and crossing my fingers to get all issues fixed. At the moment all looks fine but the statistics for "theSkyNet POGS" seem completely be broken
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2014-09-25 09:56:31

I have tested the RAID controller in another mainboard and it's very broken. I replaced it with a new one and for once Murphy forgot to interfere and the new controller found the old RAID configuration without problem and a quick config later it booted Linux without problems.

The server is back at the DC and everything is back up and running. There may however be some weird stats behavior as the stats data on the two webservers will only be in sync after the daily update has completed.

I will not add a donation item for the RAID controller. If you'd like to help out, please consider helping out with the existing donation items. We're a little bit behind.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
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2014-09-25 11:13:02

BOINCstats Willy wrote:
If you'd like to help out, please consider helping out with the existing donation items. We're a little bit behind.

Maybe you missed my donation (~21-8) directly to your banking account and/or your wife bought pizza's for it.
Let me know if that wasn't enough and I'll double it.
You also may consider opening a Litecoin wallet and I'll dump my 5.8 Litecoins into it.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2014-09-25 11:15:15

Crystal Pellet wrote:

BOINCstats Willy wrote:
If you'd like to help out, please consider helping out with the existing donation items. We're a little bit behind.

Maybe you missed my donation (~21-8) directly to your banking account and/or your wife bought pizza's for it.
Let me know if that wasn't enough and I'll double it.
You also may consider opening a Litecoin wallet and I'll dump my 5.8 Litecoins into it.

Didn't miss it but apparently forgot to fix your crown. Will rectify that.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
BAM!ID: 317
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2014-09-25 11:18:03
last modified: 2014-09-25 11:24:23

Elektra* wrote:

Thank you for information and crossing my fingers to get all issues fixed. At the moment all looks fine but the statistics for "theSkyNet POGS" seem completely be broken

Just after posting an error message I could see the issue has been fixed

[BOINCstats] Willy
Forum moderator - Administrator - Developer - Tester - Translator
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2014-09-25 15:41:06

Crystal Pellet wrote:

You also may consider opening a Litecoin wallet and I'll dump my 5.8 Litecoins into it.

BTW: I have a Litecoin address (and possibly an address for almost all cryptocurrencies): LSRAhBo5Gz3WGPNv4isbqUbYLqk7CnESdu
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
BAM!ID: 64136
Joined: 1970-01-01
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2014-09-25 16:55:14

BOINCstats Willy wrote:
BTW: I have a Litecoin address (and possibly an address for almost all cryptocurrencies): LSRAhBo5Gz3WGPNv4isbqUbYLqk7CnESdu

Add the Litecoin address to BOINCstats donation page

Only 0.0011 LTC in my wallet left Transaction confirmed.
Pages: [1]

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