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BAM!ID: 239
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2009-03-11 05:52:00
last modified: 2009-03-11 06:24:45

QMC's, N-Queen's and Superlink's applications are rather faster as 64-bit ones.

Native 64-bit Applications Sent to AMD64 Clients:

- SIMAP (Linux)
- Chess960 (Linux)
- ABC & ABC ß
- Predictor (Linux)
- RieselSieve
- Leiden (Linux)
- Cosmology (Linux)
- Tanpaku (Linux)
- Malaria & UCT Malaria ß (Linux)
- SHA-1 (Linux)
- Yoyo
- PrimeGrid
- Sudoku (Linux)
- RCN (Linux)
- SETI & SETI ß (Linux)
- Superlink (Linux)
- 3x+1
- Milkyway
- Ibercivis
- Virtual Prairie
- DECS (Windows)
- GPUGRID (Linux)
- BCL (Linux)
- Ramsey
- pPot
- Docking (Linux)
- Mind Modeling (Linux)
- Genetic Life (Linux)
- N-Queens
- Spinhenge (Windows)
- QMC (Linux)
- FreeHAL (Linux)

- Underlined: 64-bit application is faster than the 32-bit one.
- Crossed-out: retired project.
[BOINCstats] Willy
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2009-03-11 08:22:51

I tried Ibercivis and all I got (on Windows) was 32bit apps.
Please do not PM, IM or email me for support (they will go unread/ignored). Use the forum for support.
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2009-03-11 12:11:56

I tried Ibercivis and all I got (on Windows) was 32bit apps.

I think IBERCIVIS is having - similar to PG - only 64-bit apps for some subprojects.
Unfortunately it's down atm so I can't tell which subprojects actually support 64-bit apps.
Greetings from Cori
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2009-03-11 13:47:10

I tried Ibercivis and all I got (on Windows) was 32bit apps.

I think IBERCIVIS is having - similar to PG - only 64-bit apps for some subprojects.
Unfortunately it's down atm so I can't tell which subprojects actually support 64-bit apps.

Just before it went down, I had a look and saw that only for Linux all applicatioins are available with 64bit support.
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2009-03-11 15:08:36
last modified: 2009-03-11 15:10:08

I tried Ibercivis and all I got (on Windows) was 32bit apps.

I think IBERCIVIS is having - similar to PG - only 64-bit apps for some subprojects.
Unfortunately it's down atm so I can't tell which subprojects actually support 64-bit apps.

Just before it went down, I had a look and saw that only for Linux all applicatioins are available with 64bit support.

Hmm, I could have sworn I had 64-bit WUs under XP as well...

OK, Ibercivis is back, here's the list of apps - only "materiales" is available for Windows 64-bit.
Don't know if there's materiales-WU out there though.
Greetings from Cori
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2009-03-11 16:05:22

OK, Ibercivis is back, here's the list of apps - only "materiales" is available for Windows 64-bit.

And, of course, one must enable the Materiales applications here.

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2009-03-11 16:08:11

When i check yesterday they only had 64 Bit applications on Windows for materiales16, materiales24, materiales32, materiales48 and materiales64. But those were out of WUs.
Unfortunately they had work for materiales128 which is not 64 Bit on Windows.
BAM!ID: 239
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2009-03-11 16:09:36

I think IBERCIVIS is having - similar to PG - only 64-bit apps for some subprojects.

I stopped tracking which applications are 64-bit ones a while ago. Now, one 64-bit application warrants a project to figure in this list.

I'm tracking the OS, though. If the OS is mentioned, a 64-bit application is available only for that OS. Otherwise, both Linux and Windows are implied.

When the 64-bit Mac OS becomes mainstream, I'll start tracking it too.

BAM!ID: 239
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2009-03-11 16:18:14

Unfortunately they had work for materiales128 which is not 64 Bit on Windows.

Ibercivis creates work in a strange way:

As you can see here, work for a project is generated only at its turn in a round-robin fashion in order to avoid saturating their DB server by keeping the number of outstanding WUs roughly constant.

The result for the volunteers is that unless they enable all of the projects, Ibercivis work is going to be intermittent.


2009-03-19 09:43:07

you can add AQUA both for win-x64 and linux-x64 to the list.
BAM!ID: 239
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2009-03-19 14:41:42
last modified: 2009-03-19 14:44:52

Aqua is in the newest member of the 64-bit club (HT to Frankhagen ).

Native 64-bit Applications Sent to AMD64 Clients:

- SIMAP (Linux)
- Chess960 (Linux)
- ABC & ABC ß
- Predictor (Linux)
- RieselSieve
- Leiden (Linux)
- Cosmology (Linux)
- Tanpaku (Linux)
- Malaria & UCT Malaria ß (Linux)
- SHA-1 (Linux)
- Yoyo
- PrimeGrid
- Sudoku (Linux)
- RCN (Linux)
- SETI & SETI ß (Linux)
- Superlink (Linux)
- 3x+1
- Milkyway
- Ibercivis
- Virtual Prairie
- DECS (Windows)
- GPUGRID (Linux)
- BCL (Linux)
- Ramsey
- pPot
- Docking (Linux)
- Mind Modeling (Linux)
- Genetic Life (Linux)
- N-Queens
- Spinhenge (Windows)
- QMC (Linux)
- FreeHAL (Linux)
- Aqua (Linux & Windows)

- Underlined: the 64-bit application is faster than the 32-bit one.
- Crossed-out: retired project.
- Bold: new addition.

BAM!ID: 833
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2009-03-19 16:03:49

What is about to add the other OSes (FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris) to your list ?
BAM!ID: 239
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2009-03-19 18:41:06

What is about to add the other OSes (FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris) to your list ?

There are so few projects that support them and their users are usually pretty knowledgeable that I'm not sure if that would be very useful. Would you like to see it tracked here?


2009-03-19 20:05:17

guys on AQUA seem to get pretty active: "Intel 64-bit Mac support added"
BAM!ID: 239
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2009-05-07 16:29:13

Jack has been pretty busy lately.

Native 64-bit Applications Sent to AMD64 Clients:

- SIMAP (Linux)
- Chess960 (Linux)
- ABC & ABC ß
- Predictor (Linux)
- RieselSieve
- Leiden (Linux)
- Cosmology (Linux)
- Tanpaku (Linux)
- Malaria & UCT Malaria ß (Linux)
- SHA-1 (Linux)
- Yoyo
- PrimeGrid
- Sudoku (Linux)
- RCN (Linux)
- SETI & SETI ß (Linux)
- Superlink (Linux)
- 3x+1
- Milkyway
- Ibercivis
- Virtual Prairie
- DECS (Windows)
- GPUGRID (Linux)
- BCL (Linux)
- Ramsey
- pPot
- Docking (Linux)
- Mind Modeling (Linux)
- Genetic Life (Linux)
- N-Queens
- Spinhenge (Windows)
- QMC (Linux)
- FreeHAL (Linux)
- Aqua (Linux & Windows)
- Hydrogen (Linux)
- DrugDiscovery (Linux)

PS: goodbye TSP.

- Underlined: the 64-bit application is faster than the 32-bit one.
- Crossed-out: retired project.
- Bold: new addition.

BAM!ID: 42351
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2009-05-25 08:17:45
last modified: 2009-05-25 08:26:23

Is there something I'm missing? I just tried QMC on a x86-64 machine and was sent a 32-bit app binary. Are you sure this project does a 64 bit app?
Volunteer tester
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2009-05-25 09:26:59

MLx wrote:
Is there something I'm missing? I just tried QMC on a x86-64 machine and was sent a 32-bit app binary. Are you sure this project does a 64 bit app?

It has a 64-Bit app, unfortunetaly only for one series of WUs, the orca-prealphas.
Look here.
BOINC@Heidelberg & BOINC Confederation-member

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2009-05-25 09:29:35

MLx wrote:
Is there something I'm missing? I just tried QMC on a x86-64 machine and was sent a 32-bit app binary. Are you sure this project does a 64 bit app?

(Linux) behind the projectnames in Augustines overview means only 64bit for Linux OS.
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2009-05-25 10:21:49

@Crystal Pellet: Um, yeah, I noticed and am running Linux, thankyouverymuch.

@DoctorNow: Hm, is there anything I can do to be assigned this app? From the link you gave:
This happens automatically; you don't have to do anything.
So I assume "no, because that this app is out of WUs"? If that is indeed the case, can anyone tell me which of the projects in Augustine's list are fully 64bit - ie. I can run the client on a 64bit machine with no 32bit libs and without wasting WUs?

BAM!ID: 64136
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2009-05-25 11:29:57

MLx wrote:
..., can anyone tell me which of the projects in Augustine's list are fully 64bit - ie. I can run the client on a 64bit machine with no 32bit libs and without wasting WUs?


Give ABC a try. A lot of projects have only for Linux 64bit applications or
only certain subprojects have a clear advantage of running 64bits e.g. Sieve subprojects of the PrimeGrid project.
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2009-05-25 18:34:02
last modified: 2009-05-25 18:35:40

MLx wrote:
@DoctorNow: Hm, is there anything I can do to be assigned this app? From the link you gave:
This happens automatically; you don't have to do anything.
So I assume "no, because that this app is out of WUs"? If that is indeed the case, can anyone tell me which of the projects in Augustine's list are fully 64bit - ie. I can run the client on a 64bit machine with no 32bit libs and without wasting WUs?

Unfortunately I didn't crunch QMC for a while, not sure if they still have some orca prealphas. And I think, they were only available with the "run test apps" option enabled.
As for other 64-Bit projects with good credit payments I crunch:
ABC, AQUA, PrimeGrid, MilkyWay, SETI (with optimised apps), some PrimeGrid subprojects (Sieves and AP26) and yoyo (especially some of the ECMs give good credits)
BOINC@Heidelberg & BOINC Confederation-member

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BAM!ID: 239
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2009-06-05 15:57:28
last modified: 2009-06-05 16:00:54

ABC ß is back on for the time being, but with an even faster AMD64 application.

Native 64-bit Applications Sent to AMD64 Clients:

- SIMAP (Linux)
- Chess960 (Linux)
- ABC & ABC ß
- Predictor (Linux)
- RieselSieve
- Leiden (Linux)
- Cosmology (Linux)
- Tanpaku (Linux)
- Malaria & UCT Malaria ß (Linux)
- SHA-1 (Linux)
- Yoyo
- PrimeGrid
- Sudoku (Linux)
- RCN (Linux)
- SETI & SETI ß (Linux)
- Superlink (Linux)
- 3x+1
- Milkyway
- Ibercivis
- Virtual Prairie
- DECS (Windows)
- GPUGRID (Linux)
- BCL (Linux)
- Ramsey
- pPot
- Docking (Linux)
- Mind Modeling (Linux)
- Genetic Life (Linux)
- N-Queens
- Spinhenge (Windows)
- QMC (Linux)
- FreeHAL (Linux)
- Aqua
- Hydrogen (Linux)
- DrugDiscovery (Linux)

- Bold: new addition.
- Crossed-out: retired project.
- Underlined: the 64-bit application is faster than the 32-bit one.
- Linux: 64-bit application for Linux only.
- Windows: 64-bit application for Windows only.

BAM!ID: 239
Joined: 2006-05-12
Posts: 662
Credits: 18,928,018
World-rank: 35,248

2009-06-16 15:01:10
last modified: 2009-06-16 15:07:22

It's time to track 64-bit OSX too.

Native 64-bit Applications Sent to 64-bit Clients:

- SIMAP (Linux)
- Chess960 (Linux)
- ABC & ABC ß (Linux, OSX & Windows)
- Predictor (Linux)
- RieselSieve (Linux & Windows)
- Leiden (Linux)
- APS (Linux & Windows)
- Cosmology (Linux)
- Tanpaku (Linux)
- Malaria & UCT Malaria ß (Linux)
- SHA-1 (Linux)
- Yoyo (Linux, OSX & Windows)
- PrimeGrid (Linux, OSX & Windows)
- Sudoku (Linux)
- TSP (Linux & Windows)
- RCN (Linux)
- SETI & SETI ß (Linux)
- Superlink (Linux)
- 3x+1 (Linux & Windows)
- Milkyway (Linux, OSX & Windows)
- Ibercivis (Linux & Windows)
- Virtual Prairie (Linux & Windows)
- DECS (Windows)
- GPUGRID (Linux)
- BCL (Linux)
- Ramsey (Linux & Windows)
- pPot (Linux & Windows)
- Docking (Linux)
- Mind Modeling (Linux)
- Genetic Life (Linux)
- N-Queens (Linux & Windows)
- Spinhenge (Windows)
- QMC (Linux)
- FreeHAL (Linux)
- Aqua (Linux, OSX & Windows)
- Hydrogen (Linux)
- DrugDiscovery (Linux)

- Bold: new addition.
- Crossed-out: retired project.
- Underlined: the 64-bit application is faster than the 32-bit one.
- Linux: 64-bit application for Linux only.
- OSX: 64-bit application for OSX only.
- Windows: 64-bit application for Windows only.

BAM!ID: 239
Joined: 2006-05-12
Posts: 662
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World-rank: 35,248

2009-07-09 16:26:08
last modified: 2009-07-09 16:26:46

QCN's first foray in 64-bit applications.

Native 64-bit Applications Sent to 64-bit Clients:

- SIMAP (Linux)
- Chess960 (Linux)
- ABC & ABC ß
- Predictor (Linux)
- RieselSieve (Linux & Windows)
- Leiden (Linux)
- APS (Linux & Windows)
- Cosmology (Linux)
- Tanpaku (Linux)
- Malaria & UCT Malaria ß (Linux)
- SHA-1 (Linux)
- Yoyo
- PrimeGrid
- Sudoku (Linux)
- TSP (Linux & Windows)
- RCN (Linux)
- SETI & SETI ß (Linux)
- Superlink (Linux)
- 3x+1 (Linux & Windows)
- Milkyway
- Ibercivis (Linux & Windows)
- Virtual Prairie (Linux & Windows)
- DECS (Windows)
- GPUGRID (Linux)
- BCL (Linux)
- Ramsey (Linux & Windows)
- pPot (Linux & Windows)
- Docking (Linux)
- Mind Modeling (Linux)
- Genetic Life (Linux)
- N-Queens (Linux & Windows)
- Spinhenge (Windows)
- QMC (Linux)
- FreeHAL (Linux)
- Aqua
- Hydrogen (Linux)
- DrugDiscovery (Linux)
- QCN (OSX & Windows)

- Bold: new addition.
- Crossed-out: retired project.
- Underlined: the 64-bit application is faster than the 32-bit one.
- Linux: 64-bit application for Linux only.
- OSX: 64-bit application for OSX only.
- Windows: 64-bit application for Windows only.

Forum moderator - BOINCstats SOFA member
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2009-07-09 17:33:18


World Community Grid's Help Conquer Cancer and Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy Phase 2 subprojects give roughly 25% advantage for 64-bit OS's.

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