gemini8, Dr Who Fan, BOINCstats Willy
New Update:
I'm not sure what's going on now. To briefly recap the situation, my computer died, I got a new one. I installed BOINC, added the BAM! using my old username. None of my projects were automatically added to the app. I manually added the three projects I was participating in, by clicking existing user and entering my username/password. That appeared to work, tasks were immediately downloaded and began processing. I thought everything was resolved.
Then today I went to check my stats just to make sure that everything is still OK - and this is the new problem.
When I look under BAM!:My Projects, I see all three projects listed - Einstein, Milky Way, and Rosetta. Great! When I click the icon under Stats for Einstein, it takes me to a page that says "User ID doesn't exist in Einstein@Home or doesn't have any credit." UH Oh!
When I click the Einstein project to go to that specific dashboard, I see my now-dead computer and my new one listed and credit is showing under both (~3.1M for my old computer, and 24k for my new one.) And when I click the new computer from that page, I can pull up a list of tasks and I see that I have completed and validated tasks, and it says credit was given.
When I pull up my new computer on the Einstein dashboard, there are 2 icons under Cross Project Credit. When I click those, I get the same type of error. BoincStats says "Host ID doesn't exist in BOINC combined or doesn't have any credit." and Free-DC says "No host found with that cpid. Perhaps this project is not exporting stats yet?"
Also, when I pull up the dashboard for the other 2 projects, down at the bottom is a list of all projects that I'm in, and Einstein doesn't show up there either.
That is the issue I am mainly concerned about. Additionally, I also am not showing any new stats under Milky Way or Rosetta - despite having completed and validated tasks for both today, as shown on their respective dashboards - but at least I'm not being told that the User or Host or CPID can't be found for those 2 projects. Does it just take time for new credit to populate through the system?
I have set Einstein to no new tasks until I can get this figured out. I want to ensure that I'm getting credit for the work being done, and I'm just very confused why I'm seeing credits on one page, but not even showing the project on others - and being told that my User/Host/CPID aren't found on yet others. I hope someone can help me figure out what is going on and let me know what to do to correct this. Sorry for the long post, but thanks for any help you can offer.