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BAM!ID: 222656
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2024-07-30 16:55:35
last modified: 2024-07-30 16:59:54

Hi! Anyone with the latest beta of BOINC (8.0.4) have any insight?

Laird o' th' wee White Hoose - I am looking at you! You mentioned you had transfer issues with Einstein with a particular rig. Made me curious because I have had issues before with older versions too...

What do you use for a cc_config.xml? You could try some additional logging:


...and then some <options> flags:


...these have always worked for me on all of the platforms I have (including Android and Linux 32bit!)

What do you have.? I figured it is better to chat here in the Forum than the Shoutbox (we don't want to get into trouble)!
m0laki - "Everything you always wanted in a beer...and less."
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose
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2024-07-31 02:00:48

Thank you for your message. It's always a pleasure to connect with like-minded individuals in the name of science. While we might not be able to contribute a PhD, we could certainly offer some spare computing power. And yes, there's definitely more room here than in that tiny left-hand column! :-)

Honestly, I don't have a deep understanding of the inner workings. I choose the latest version of BOINC trusting that there's an improvement, based on the philosophy that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. My IT instructor had some great advice, and one of them was: "If it works, leave it alone".

In BOINC, we see irregular changes and added versions. Most of it is in place and working fine, but occasionally things go completely wrong. Overall, I would say that new versions are generally an improvement. When new versions come to our attention, I believe it is our duty to test them against existing versions so that we can advance development. This is based on the philosophy that standing still is the same as going backwards.

I'm currently working with 8 PCs, and the only one I've had problems with in connection with 8.0.4 is my aging I3-2100, which reports download errors from Einstein (other projects run smoothly). The other PCs seem to work with all projects without irregularities. My difficulties with the old I3-2100 cannot be proven to be caused by 8.0.4, so the benefit of the doubt must go to BOINC. It could also be an OS problem. Only time will tell if it's one or the other.

BAM!ID: 222656
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2024-09-12 16:53:02

My apologies for not replying sooner - and yes: Agreed - we are flying in the same formation!

I am going to attack .04 installs this weekend - just have to make a few pots of tea!

I have an ancient AsusEEE Mini-pc (the OLD N100 proc) running Linux 32bit that had problems like that - but honestly its' age and slow performance were probably more-at fault than BOINC ever could be!

Thanks for responding! I enjoy the crunch - we need to recruit more people!!!
All the best - Rob.
m0laki - "Everything you always wanted in a beer...and less."
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2024-09-30 12:14:43

Synchronization is completely broken in the BOINC 8.x
BAM!ID: 153389
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2024-09-30 12:36:55

The problem is on the BAM side
Laird o' th' wee White Hoose
BAM!ID: 53612
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2024-11-27 03:05:28

@Elle: I'm still hesitant about 8.04. With most of my PCs to be migrated to Linux, it probably won't be the most pressing challenge for me.
BAM!ID: 222656
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2024-12-08 19:14:08
last modified: 2024-12-08 19:16:16

My challenge has recently been moving all the devices to Linux from Windows and maintain the project files and folders for each device. I tried not not lose any of the project data and also maintain the machine name so I can better track what is working and what is not. I have tried to do one thing at a time - OS first and then the upgrade to BOINC. In the process I am certain I have dead-ended some of the data and "lost" some in the process.

I also have been trying to audit each device and project - very tall order. I tried to clear the queue of all WU's for each device/project before trying to migrate - a long wait for some of the WU's that take weeks to complete.

Something I do often is make sure any "duplicate" or "dead-end" devices are either merged or deleted from each project - also a tall order.

Part of the audit is between BOINCstats, FreeDC, the project site itself and what I can tally on each device/project.

One other aspect is power auditing and trying to ensure I am not burning out the CPU/GFX hardware - I already managed to zap a couple of machines - and have had a couple of really nasty bills from the power company - the price to play the game! I try to tailor specific devices to run certain projects (like PrimeGrid for instance) - the long runners I want on my powerful boxes for throughput.

I love the hobby. It can be a lot of work but I still enjoy it after all these years.

Go 8.04 - it works just fine!

Whew! I think it will get much easier when I finally get everything cut over to Linux but I am certain I have "lost" wu's to the ether.
m0laki - "Everything you always wanted in a beer...and less."
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