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BAM!ID: 180363
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2019-01-24 04:22:11

Rosetta is only intermittent Android work per MOD. Doesn't appear to be any plans for regular work. (Insert Snively Sounds: Wish they had that posted right up front on their website before I went adding it to all my Droids.)

WCG - Smash Childhood Cancer is on break as a whole while scientists do their thing, but more work is in the future, so they say.
WCG - OpenZika is the only remaining WCG Android project. Work looks steady.
BAM!ID: 180363
Joined: 2015-01-26
Posts: 297
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2019-01-24 04:27:52

DrugDiscovery is dead. BOINC site is inactive and last news article is over 2 years old.

2019-01-24 07:00:18

@Yavanius. I appreciate you reporting of a projects status. Thank You...
BAM!ID: 239
Joined: 2006-05-12
Posts: 662
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2019-02-17 23:08:31
last modified: 2019-02-17 23:49:06

Select 64-bit x86-64, ARM or GPU Applications Sent to Clients

- Acoustics (Linux, Windows)
- Amicable Numbers (ARM, Linux, Windows, OpenCL)
- Asteroids (All, Android, ARM, CUDA)
- CAS (Linux)
- Collatz (All, Android, ARM, CUDA, OpenCL)
- Cosmology (Linux)
- CSG (All)
- DrugDiscovery (ARM, Linux)
- Einstein (All, Android, ARM, CUDA, OpenCL)
- Enigma (Android, ARM)
- Gerasim (CUDA, OpenCL)
- Goofyx (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- GPUGRID (Android, Linux, CUDA)
- LHC Sixtrack (Linux, OSX, Windows)
- Milkyway (All, OpenCL)
- Mind Modeling (Linux, OSX)
- Moo (Android, Linux, OSX, CUDA)
- NFS (All)
- NumberFields (Linux, OSX)
- ODLK (Linux, Windows)
- PrimeGrid (All, Android, CUDA, OpenCL)
- PADLS (ARM, Linux, Windows)
- QCN (Android, ARM, OSX, Windows)
- Radioactive (All, ARM)
- RakeSearch (Linux)
- RNA (Linux, Windows)
- Rosetta (Android, Linux, OSX)
- SETI (Android, ARM, Linux, CUDA, OpenCL)
- SRBase (All)
- TN-Grid (All, ARM)
- Universe (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- VGTU (Linux, Windows)
- WCG (All, Android)
- WEP-M+2 (ARM, Linux, OSX)
- WUProp (Android, ARM, All)
- Yafu (Linux, Windows)
- Yoyo (All, Android, ARM)


- 123 (Linux)
- 3x+1 (Linux, Windows)
- ABC (All)
- ABC Lattice (OSX)
- AlmereGrid (All)
- Anderson Attack (CUDA, Linux, Windows)
- APS (Linux, Windows)
- Aqua (All, CUDA)
- ATLAS (All)
- BCL (Linux)
- Beal (Linux, Windows)
- BealF (Linux)
- Beauty (All)
- BigData (Linux)
- BitCoin (Linux)
- BMG (Windows)
- CESC (Linux, Windows)
- Chess960 (Linux)
- Climate (All)
- CMS (All)
- Condorb (Linux)
- Constellation (All)
- Correlizer (All, ARM)
- dDM (Linux, Windows)
- DECS (Windows)
- Denis (All)
- DNA (All)
- Docking (Linux)
- EDGeS (Linux)
- EDGI (Linux)
- eOn (Linux, OSX)
- Evo (Linux, OSX)
- FiND (ARM, Linux)
- Fiit (Linux, Windows)
- FreeHAL (Linux)
- Genetic Life (Linux)
- GPUGRID Donate (OpenCL)
- Gridcoin Finance (Windows)
- Hydrogen (CUDA)
- iGEM (Linux)
- IBERCIVIS (Linux, Windows)
- inCell (Linux)
- Lattice (All)
- Leiden (Linux)
- Lux (Linux, Windows)
- Malaria (Linux)
- Mersenne (Linux, Windows)
- N-Queens (Linux)
- Nanosurf (Linux, Windows)
- Neurona (Linux, Windows)
- NRG (All)
- Oproject (All, Android, ARM)
- Palm (Linux, OSX)
- PicEvolvr (Windows, CUDA)
- Plagiarism (Linux)
- Physics (ARM, Linux, Windows)
- POEM (Linux, OSX, OpenCL)
- POGS (All, Android)
- Predictor (Linux)
- Pruebas (Windows)
- Putra (Linux)
- QMC (Linux, Windows)
- QoS (Windows)
- QuantumFIRE (Linux)
- Ramsey (Linux, Windows)
- RCN (Linux)
- RenderFarm (All)
- RieselSieve (Linux, Windows)
- Rioja (Linux, OSX)
- Russian Words (Windows)
- SAT (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- SHA-1 (Linux)
- SIMAP (Android, Linux, Windows)
- SimOne (Linux)
- Solar (Linux, OSX)
- SourceFinder (All)
- Spinhenge (Windows)
- Stop (All)
- SubsetSum (All)
- Sudoku (Linux)
- Sudoku.TW (Linux)
- Superlink (Linux)
- Surveill (Linux)
- Sustainable Grid (Linux, Windows)
- SZTAKI (All)
- Tanpaku (Linux)
- TDG (All)
- TSP (Linux, Windows)
- UCT Malaria (Linux)
- VBOINC (Linux)
- Virtual Prairie (Linux, Windows)
- Volpex (Linux)
- Wildlife (Linux, OSX)


- Bold: new change.
- Crossed-out: retired project.
- Underlined: the 64-bit CPU application is faster than the 32-bit one.
- All: 64-bit CPU applications for x86-64 Linux, OSX and Windows.
- Android: CPU application for Android.
- ARM: CPU application for ARM Linux.
- Linux: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 Linux.
- OSX: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 OSX.
- Windows: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 Windows.
- CUDA: GPU application for nVidia CUDA.
- OpenCL: CPU or GPU OpenCL application for AMD, Intel or nVidia.

BAM!ID: 239
Joined: 2006-05-12
Posts: 662
Credits: 18,928,018
World-rank: 35,216

2019-07-06 14:49:42
last modified: 2019-07-06 15:46:22

Select 64-bit x86-64, ARM or GPU Applications Sent to Clients

- Acoustics (Linux, Windows)
- Amicable Numbers (ARM, Linux, Windows, OpenCL)
- Asteroids (All, Android, ARM, CUDA)
- CAS (Linux)
- Collatz (All, Android, ARM, CUDA, OpenCL)
- Cosmology (Linux)
- CSG (All)
- Einstein (All, Android, ARM, CUDA, OpenCL)
- Enigma (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- Gerasim (CUDA, OpenCL, Windows)
- Goofyx (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- GPUGRID (Android, Linux, CUDA)
- LHC Sixtrack (Android, ARM, Linux, OSX, Windows)
- Milkyway (All, OpenCL)
- Mind Modeling (Linux, OSX)
- Moo (Android, Linux, OSX, CUDA, OpenCL)
- nanoHUB (All)
- NFS (All)
- NumberFields (Linux, OSX, Windows, CUDA, OpenCL)
- ODLK & ODLK1 (Linux, Windows)
- PrimeGrid (All, Android, CUDA, OpenCL)
- Tomáš Brada PADLS (ARM, Linux, Windows)
- QCN (Android, ARM, OSX, Windows)
- Radioactive (All, ARM)
- RakeSearch (Linux)
- RNA (Linux, Windows)
- Rosetta (Android, Linux, OSX)
- SETI (Android, ARM, Linux, CUDA, OpenCL)
- SRBase (All)
- TN-Grid (All, ARM)
- Universe (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- VGTU (Linux, Windows)
- WCG (All, Android)
- WEP-M+2 (ARM, Linux, OSX)
- WUProp (Android, ARM, All)
- Yafu (Linux, Windows)
- Yoyo (All, Android, ARM)


- 123 (Linux)
- 3x+1 (Linux, Windows)
- ABC (All)
- ABC Lattice (OSX)
- AlmereGrid (All)
- Anderson Attack (CUDA, Linux, Windows)
- APS (Linux, Windows)
- Aqua (All, CUDA)
- ATLAS (All)
- BCL (Linux)
- Beal (Linux, Windows)
- BealF (Linux)
- Beauty (All)
- BigData (Linux)
- BitCoin (Linux)
- BMG (Windows)
- CESC (Linux, Windows)
- Chess960 (Linux)
- Climate (All)
- CMS (All)
- Condorb (Linux)
- Constellation (All)
- Correlizer (All, ARM)
- dDM (Linux, Windows)
- DECS (Windows)
- Denis (All)
- DNA (All)
- Docking (Linux)
- DrugDiscovery (ARM, Linux)
- EDGeS (Linux)
- EDGI (Linux)
- eOn (Linux, OSX)
- Evo (Linux, OSX)
- FiND (ARM, Linux)
- Fiit (Linux, Windows)
- FreeHAL (Linux)
- Genetic Life (Linux)
- GPUGRID Donate (OpenCL)
- Gridcoin Finance (Windows)
- Hydrogen (CUDA)
- iGEM (Linux)
- IBERCIVIS (Linux, Windows)
- inCell (Linux)
- Lattice (All)
- Leiden (Linux)
- Lux (Linux, Windows)
- Malaria (Linux)
- Mersenne (Linux, Windows)
- N-Queens (Linux)
- Nanosurf (Linux, Windows)
- Neurona (Linux, Windows)
- NRG (All)
- Oproject (All, Android, ARM)
- Palm (Linux, OSX)
- PicEvolvr (Windows, CUDA)
- Plagiarism (Linux)
- Physics (ARM, Linux, Windows)
- POEM (Linux, OSX, OpenCL)
- POGS (All, Android)
- Predictor (Linux)
- Pruebas (Windows)
- Putra (Linux)
- QMC (Linux, Windows)
- QoS (Windows)
- QuantumFIRE (Linux)
- Ramsey (Linux, Windows)
- RCN (Linux)
- RenderFarm (All)
- RieselSieve (Linux, Windows)
- Rioja (Linux, OSX)
- Russian Words (Windows)
- SAT (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- SHA-1 (Linux)
- SIMAP (Android, Linux, Windows)
- SimOne (Linux)
- Solar (Linux, OSX)
- SourceFinder (All)
- Spinhenge (Windows)
- Stop (All)
- SubsetSum (All)
- Sudoku (Linux)
- Sudoku.TW (Linux)
- Superlink (Linux)
- Surveill (Linux)
- Sustainable Grid (Linux, Windows)
- SZTAKI (All)
- Tanpaku (Linux)
- TDG (All)
- TSP (Linux, Windows)
- UCT Malaria (Linux)
- VBOINC (Linux)
- Virtual Prairie (Linux, Windows)
- Volpex (Linux)
- Wildlife (Linux, OSX)


- Bold: new change.
- Crossed-out: retired project.
- Underlined: the 64-bit CPU application is faster than the 32-bit one.
- All: 64-bit CPU applications for x86-64 Linux, OSX and Windows.
- Android: CPU application for Android.
- ARM: CPU application for ARM Linux.
- Linux: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 Linux.
- OSX: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 OSX.
- Windows: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 Windows.
- CUDA: GPU application for nVidia CUDA.
- OpenCL: CPU or GPU OpenCL application for AMD, Intel or nVidia.

BAM!ID: 239
Joined: 2006-05-12
Posts: 662
Credits: 18,928,018
World-rank: 35,216

2019-07-06 15:51:35
last modified: 2019-07-06 16:08:08

Select 64-bit x86-64, ARM or GPU Applications Sent to Clients

- Acoustics (Linux, Windows)
- Amicable Numbers (ARM, Linux, Windows, OpenCL)
- Asteroids (All, Android, ARM, CUDA)
- CAS (Linux)
- Collatz (All, Android, ARM, CUDA, OpenCL)
- Cosmology (Linux)
- CSG (All)
- Einstein (All, Android, ARM, CUDA, OpenCL)
- Enigma (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- Gerasim (CUDA, OpenCL, Windows)
- Goofyx (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- GPUGRID (Android, Linux, CUDA)
- LHC Sixtrack (Android, ARM, Linux, OSX, Windows)
- Milkyway (All, OpenCL)
- Mind Modeling (Linux, OSX)
- Moo (Android, Linux, OSX, CUDA, OpenCL)
- nanoHUB (All)
- NFS (All)
- NumberFields (Linux, OSX, Windows, CUDA, OpenCL)
- ODLK & ODLK1 (Linux, Windows)
- PrimeGrid (All, Android, CUDA, OpenCL)
- QCN (Android, ARM, OSX, Windows)
- Radioactive (All, ARM)
- RakeSearch (Linux)
- RNA (Linux, Windows)
- Rosetta (Android, Linux, OSX, Windows)
- SETI (Android, ARM, Linux, CUDA, OpenCL)
- SRBase (All)
- TN-Grid (All, ARM)
- Tomáš Brada PADLS (ARM, Linux, Windows)
- Universe (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- VGTU (Linux, Windows)
- WCG (All, Android)
- WEP-M+2 (ARM, Linux, OSX)
- WUProp (Android, ARM, All)
- Yafu (Android, Linux, Windows)
- Yoyo (All, Android, ARM)


- 123 (Linux)
- 3x+1 (Linux, Windows)
- ABC (All)
- ABC Lattice (OSX)
- AlmereGrid (All)
- Anderson Attack (CUDA, Linux, Windows)
- APS (Linux, Windows)
- Aqua (All, CUDA)
- ATLAS (All)
- BCL (Linux)
- Beal (Linux, Windows)
- BealF (Linux)
- Beauty (All)
- BigData (Linux)
- BitCoin (Linux)
- BMG (Windows)
- CESC (Linux, Windows)
- Chess960 (Linux)
- Climate (All)
- CMS (All)
- Condorb (Linux)
- Constellation (All)
- Correlizer (All, ARM)
- dDM (Linux, Windows)
- DECS (Windows)
- Denis (All)
- DNA (All)
- Docking (Linux)
- DrugDiscovery (ARM, Linux)
- EDGeS (Linux)
- EDGI (Linux)
- eOn (Linux, OSX)
- Evo (Linux, OSX)
- FiND (ARM, Linux)
- Fiit (Linux, Windows)
- FreeHAL (Linux)
- Genetic Life (Linux)
- GPUGRID Donate (OpenCL)
- Gridcoin Finance (Windows)
- Hydrogen (CUDA)
- iGEM (Linux)
- IBERCIVIS (Linux, Windows)
- inCell (Linux)
- Lattice (All)
- Leiden (Linux)
- Lux (Linux, Windows)
- Malaria (Linux)
- Mersenne (Linux, Windows)
- N-Queens (Linux)
- Nanosurf (Linux, Windows)
- Neurona (Linux, Windows)
- NRG (All)
- Oproject (All, Android, ARM)
- Palm (Linux, OSX)
- PicEvolvr (Windows, CUDA)
- Plagiarism (Linux)
- Physics (ARM, Linux, Windows)
- POEM (Linux, OSX, OpenCL)
- POGS (All, Android)
- Predictor (Linux)
- Pruebas (Windows)
- Putra (Linux)
- QMC (Linux, Windows)
- QoS (Windows)
- QuantumFIRE (Linux)
- Ramsey (Linux, Windows)
- RCN (Linux)
- RenderFarm (All)
- RieselSieve (Linux, Windows)
- Rioja (Linux, OSX)
- Russian Words (Windows)
- SAT (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- SHA-1 (Linux)
- SIMAP (Android, Linux, Windows)
- SimOne (Linux)
- Solar (Linux, OSX)
- SourceFinder (All)
- Spinhenge (Windows)
- Stop (All)
- SubsetSum (All)
- Sudoku (Linux)
- Sudoku.TW (Linux)
- Superlink (Linux)
- Surveill (Linux)
- Sustainable Grid (Linux, Windows)
- SZTAKI (All)
- Tanpaku (Linux)
- TDG (All)
- TSP (Linux, Windows)
- UCT Malaria (Linux)
- VBOINC (Linux)
- Virtual Prairie (Linux, Windows)
- Volpex (Linux)
- Wildlife (Linux, OSX)


- Bold: new change.
- Crossed-out: retired project.
- Underlined: the 64-bit CPU application is faster than the 32-bit one.
- All: 64-bit CPU applications for x86-64 Linux, OSX and Windows.
- Android: CPU application for Android.
- ARM: CPU application for ARM Linux.
- Linux: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 Linux.
- OSX: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 OSX.
- Windows: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 Windows.
- CUDA: GPU application for nVidia CUDA.
- OpenCL: CPU or GPU OpenCL application for AMD, Intel or nVidia.

BAM!ID: 180363
Joined: 2015-01-26
Posts: 297
Credits: 25,982,416
World-rank: 28,375

2019-07-11 01:40:52

XANSONS is officially retired:
BAM!ID: 239
Joined: 2006-05-12
Posts: 662
Credits: 18,928,018
World-rank: 35,216

2019-10-27 21:38:16

Retired Mind Modeling and XANSONS.

Select 64-bit x86-64, ARM or GPU Applications Sent to Clients

- Acoustics (Linux, Windows)
- Amicable Numbers (ARM, Linux, Windows, OpenCL)
- Asteroids (All, Android, ARM, CUDA)
- CAS (Linux)
- Collatz (All, Android, ARM, CUDA, OpenCL)
- Cosmology (Linux)
- CSG (All)
- Einstein (All, Android, ARM, CUDA, OpenCL)
- Enigma (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- Gerasim (CUDA, OpenCL, Windows)
- Goofyx (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- GPUGRID (Android, Linux, CUDA)
- LHC Sixtrack (Android, ARM, Linux, OSX, Windows)
- Milkyway (All, OpenCL)
- Moo (Android, Linux, OSX, CUDA, OpenCL)
- nanoHUB (All)
- NFS (All)
- NumberFields (Linux, OSX, Windows, CUDA, OpenCL)
- ODLK & ODLK1 (Linux, Windows)
- PrimeGrid (All, Android, CUDA, OpenCL)
- QCN (Android, ARM, OSX, Windows)
- Radioactive (All, ARM)
- RakeSearch (Linux)
- RNA (Linux, Windows)
- Rosetta (Android, Linux, OSX, Windows)
- SETI (Android, ARM, Linux, CUDA, OpenCL)
- SRBase (All)
- TN-Grid (All, ARM)
- Tomáš Brada PADLS (ARM, Linux, Windows)
- Universe (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- VGTU (Linux, Windows)
- WCG (All, Android)
- WEP-M+2 (ARM, Linux, OSX)
- WUProp (Android, ARM, All)
- Yafu (Android, Linux, Windows)
- Yoyo (All, Android, ARM)


- 123 (Linux)
- 3x+1 (Linux, Windows)
- ABC (All)
- ABC Lattice (OSX)
- AlmereGrid (All)
- Anderson Attack (CUDA, Linux, Windows)
- APS (Linux, Windows)
- Aqua (All, CUDA)
- ATLAS (All)
- BCL (Linux)
- Beal (Linux, Windows)
- BealF (Linux)
- Beauty (All)
- BigData (Linux)
- BitCoin (Linux)
- BMG (Windows)
- CESC (Linux, Windows)
- Chess960 (Linux)
- Climate (All)
- CMS (All)
- Condorb (Linux)
- Constellation (All)
- Correlizer (All, ARM)
- dDM (Linux, Windows)
- DECS (Windows)
- Denis (All)
- DNA (All)
- Docking (Linux)
- DrugDiscovery (ARM, Linux)
- EDGeS (Linux)
- EDGI (Linux)
- eOn (Linux, OSX)
- Evo (Linux, OSX)
- FiND (ARM, Linux)
- Fiit (Linux, Windows)
- FreeHAL (Linux)
- Genetic Life (Linux)
- GPUGRID Donate (OpenCL)
- Gridcoin Finance (Windows)
- Hydrogen (CUDA)
- iGEM (Linux)
- IBERCIVIS (Linux, Windows)
- inCell (Linux)
- Lattice (All)
- Leiden (Linux)
- Lux (Linux, Windows)
- Malaria (Linux)
- Mersenne (Linux, Windows)
- Mind Modeling (Linux, OSX)
- N-Queens (Linux)
- Nanosurf (Linux, Windows)
- Neurona (Linux, Windows)
- NRG (All)
- Oproject (All, Android, ARM)
- Palm (Linux, OSX)
- PicEvolvr (Windows, CUDA)
- Plagiarism (Linux)
- Physics (ARM, Linux, Windows)
- POEM (Linux, OSX, OpenCL)
- POGS (All, Android)
- Predictor (Linux)
- Pruebas (Windows)
- Putra (Linux)
- QMC (Linux, Windows)
- QoS (Windows)
- QuantumFIRE (Linux)
- Ramsey (Linux, Windows)
- RCN (Linux)
- RenderFarm (All)
- RieselSieve (Linux, Windows)
- Rioja (Linux, OSX)
- Russian Words (Windows)
- SAT (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- SHA-1 (Linux)
- SIMAP (Android, Linux, Windows)
- SimOne (Linux)
- Solar (Linux, OSX)
- SourceFinder (All)
- Spinhenge (Windows)
- Stop (All)
- SubsetSum (All)
- Sudoku (Linux)
- Sudoku.TW (Linux)
- Superlink (Linux)
- Surveill (Linux)
- Sustainable Grid (Linux, Windows)
- SZTAKI (All)
- Tanpaku (Linux)
- TDG (All)
- TSP (Linux, Windows)
- UCT Malaria (Linux)
- VBOINC (Linux)
- Virtual Prairie (Linux, Windows)
- Volpex (Linux)
- Wildlife (Linux, OSX)


- Bold: new change.
- Crossed-out: retired project.
- Underlined: the 64-bit CPU application is faster than the 32-bit one.
- All: 64-bit CPU applications for x86-64 Linux, OSX and Windows.
- Android: CPU application for Android.
- ARM: CPU application for ARM Linux.
- Linux: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 Linux.
- OSX: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 OSX.
- Windows: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 Windows.
- CUDA: GPU application for nVidia CUDA.
- OpenCL: CPU or GPU OpenCL application for AMD, Intel or nVidia.

BAM!ID: 180363
Joined: 2015-01-26
Posts: 297
Credits: 25,982,416
World-rank: 28,375

2020-03-29 03:59:07

Acoustics is shut down. There was some kind of server relocation they never were able to come back from.

QCN has gone education institutes only and are not taking individual registrations.

FYI: WCG is back with Smash Childhood Cancer and now has Mapping Cancer Markers on Android.

FYI: Rosetta came out with a new Android client recently and Android work is running again.

SETI@home should be noted they are on hiatus for unknown period of time. Remaining work has been exhausted during this week.

Some of these I don't recall seeing recently, but I don't have links for them offhand.


BAM!ID: 180363
Joined: 2015-01-26
Posts: 297
Credits: 25,982,416
World-rank: 28,375

2020-07-25 19:48:34

Quick Updates:

CAS is gone.
GoofyX looks to be indefinitely offline (completely unreachable).
SETI@home is on indefinite hiatus (if you hadn't heard somehow).
Rosetta has an ARM64 client (Linux).
Rosetta has Rosetta (not Mini) for Android.

The last 2 were courtesy of Neocortix working with them as part of their PhonePaycheck project (not BOINC):

If you do Folding@home, they are working towards releasing an Android client for Folding! Info is at their website along with working with Rosetta.
BAM!ID: 180363
Joined: 2015-01-26
Posts: 297
Credits: 25,982,416
World-rank: 28,375

2020-07-26 03:10:56

GoofyX seems to be back...again.
Forum moderator - Tester - Volunteer tester
BAM!ID: 101557
Joined: 2011-06-14
Posts: 108
Credits: 4,600,486,089
World-rank: 713

2020-08-14 06:30:05

MLC@home has Linux and Windows applications for both 32bit and 64bit, as well as a Linux on ARM64 one.
Minecraft@home has Linux and Windows applications for AMD, Intel and Nvidia GPUs, running on both 32bit and 64bit systems. No CPU application available.
Mindmodeling had some occasional work this year, as well as news postings.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Greetings, Jens
BAM!ID: 4615
Joined: 2006-08-27
Posts: 468
Credits: 680,044,145
World-rank: 2,975

2020-09-29 02:42:07

World Community Grid, Universe and Einstein all have Android work available if you have Androids doing nothing.

Bill F

BAM!ID: 180363
Joined: 2015-01-26
Posts: 297
Credits: 25,982,416
World-rank: 28,375

2020-09-29 16:07:03


LHC has 64 bit client for its classic app (non-V which newer devices are. The downside is there's little work currently apparently...

There's also some for the math projects too.
BAM!ID: 180363
Joined: 2015-01-26
Posts: 297
Credits: 25,982,416
World-rank: 28,375

2021-03-03 05:28:17

FYI. Neocortix aided in a major revamp of Rosetta@home clients, including Android. Plenty of work although it's focused on COVID at the moment.

On a side note: If you have PIs, there is a Folding@home client (also courtesy of Neocortix) available.

Also, if somehow you missed it, SETI@home shut down in April last year which interestingly foreshadowed the end of Arecibo...
BAM!ID: 239
Joined: 2006-05-12
Posts: 662
Credits: 18,928,018
World-rank: 35,216

2021-05-03 20:13:49

Update for WCG.

Select 64-bit x86-64, ARM or GPU Applications Sent to Clients

- Acoustics (Linux, Windows)
- Amicable Numbers (ARM, Linux, Windows, OpenCL)
- Asteroids (All, Android, ARM, CUDA)
- CAS (Linux)
- Collatz (All, Android, ARM, CUDA, OpenCL)
- Cosmology (Linux)
- CSG (All)
- Einstein (All, Android, ARM, CUDA, OpenCL)
- Enigma (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- Gerasim (CUDA, OpenCL, Windows)
- Goofyx (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- GPUGRID (Android, Linux, CUDA)
- LHC Sixtrack (Android, ARM, Linux, OSX, Windows)
- Milkyway (All, OpenCL)
- Moo (Android, Linux, OSX, CUDA, OpenCL)
- nanoHUB (All)
- NFS (All)
- NumberFields (Linux, OSX, Windows, CUDA, OpenCL)
- ODLK & ODLK1 (Linux, Windows)
- PrimeGrid (All, Android, CUDA, OpenCL)
- QCN (Android, ARM, OSX, Windows)
- Radioactive (All, ARM)
- RakeSearch (Linux)
- RNA (Linux, Windows)
- Rosetta (Android, Linux, OSX, Windows)
- SETI (Android, ARM, Linux, CUDA, OpenCL)
- SRBase (All)
- TN-Grid (All, ARM)
- Tomáš Brada PADLS (ARM, Linux, Windows)
- Universe (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- VGTU (Linux, Windows)
- WCG (All, Android, OpenCL)
- WEP-M+2 (ARM, Linux, OSX)
- WUProp (Android, ARM, All)
- Yafu (Android, Linux, Windows)
- Yoyo (All, Android, ARM)


- 123 (Linux)
- 3x+1 (Linux, Windows)
- ABC (All)
- ABC Lattice (OSX)
- AlmereGrid (All)
- Anderson Attack (CUDA, Linux, Windows)
- APS (Linux, Windows)
- Aqua (All, CUDA)
- ATLAS (All)
- BCL (Linux)
- Beal (Linux, Windows)
- BealF (Linux)
- Beauty (All)
- BigData (Linux)
- BitCoin (Linux)
- BMG (Windows)
- CESC (Linux, Windows)
- Chess960 (Linux)
- Climate (All)
- CMS (All)
- Condorb (Linux)
- Constellation (All)
- Correlizer (All, ARM)
- dDM (Linux, Windows)
- DECS (Windows)
- Denis (All)
- DNA (All)
- Docking (Linux)
- DrugDiscovery (ARM, Linux)
- EDGeS (Linux)
- EDGI (Linux)
- eOn (Linux, OSX)
- Evo (Linux, OSX)
- FiND (ARM, Linux)
- Fiit (Linux, Windows)
- FreeHAL (Linux)
- Genetic Life (Linux)
- GPUGRID Donate (OpenCL)
- Gridcoin Finance (Windows)
- Hydrogen (CUDA)
- iGEM (Linux)
- IBERCIVIS (Linux, Windows)
- inCell (Linux)
- Lattice (All)
- Leiden (Linux)
- Lux (Linux, Windows)
- Malaria (Linux)
- Mersenne (Linux, Windows)
- Mind Modeling (Linux, OSX)
- N-Queens (Linux)
- Nanosurf (Linux, Windows)
- Neurona (Linux, Windows)
- NRG (All)
- Oproject (All, Android, ARM)
- Palm (Linux, OSX)
- PicEvolvr (Windows, CUDA)
- Plagiarism (Linux)
- Physics (ARM, Linux, Windows)
- POEM (Linux, OSX, OpenCL)
- POGS (All, Android)
- Predictor (Linux)
- Pruebas (Windows)
- Putra (Linux)
- QMC (Linux, Windows)
- QoS (Windows)
- QuantumFIRE (Linux)
- Ramsey (Linux, Windows)
- RCN (Linux)
- RenderFarm (All)
- RieselSieve (Linux, Windows)
- Rioja (Linux, OSX)
- Russian Words (Windows)
- SAT (Android, ARM, Linux, Windows)
- SHA-1 (Linux)
- SIMAP (Android, Linux, Windows)
- SimOne (Linux)
- Solar (Linux, OSX)
- SourceFinder (All)
- Spinhenge (Windows)
- Stop (All)
- SubsetSum (All)
- Sudoku (Linux)
- Sudoku.TW (Linux)
- Superlink (Linux)
- Surveill (Linux)
- Sustainable Grid (Linux, Windows)
- SZTAKI (All)
- Tanpaku (Linux)
- TDG (All)
- TSP (Linux, Windows)
- UCT Malaria (Linux)
- VBOINC (Linux)
- Virtual Prairie (Linux, Windows)
- Volpex (Linux)
- Wildlife (Linux, OSX)


- Bold: new change.
- Crossed-out: retired project.
- Underlined: the 64-bit CPU application is faster than the 32-bit one.
- All: 64-bit CPU applications for x86-64 Linux, OSX and Windows.
- Android: CPU application for Android.
- ARM: CPU application for ARM Linux.
- Linux: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 Linux.
- OSX: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 OSX.
- Windows: 64-bit CPU application for x86-64 Windows.
- CUDA: GPU application for nVidia CUDA.
- OpenCL: CPU or GPU OpenCL application for AMD, Intel or nVidia.

BAM!ID: 4615
Joined: 2006-08-27
Posts: 468
Credits: 680,044,145
World-rank: 2,975

2021-05-04 01:55:52

- VGTU (Linux, Windows)

Has been removed from BONICStats for being inactive for over 810 days and for Project main site being 404 code "lost is space"

Bill F

Dr Who Fan
BAM!ID: 1075
Joined: 2006-05-31
Posts: 964
Credits: 152,272,932
World-rank: 8,522

2021-05-04 06:46:15

You can also retire two more projects that are no longer available/active:
CSG - website still there but project admin has abandoned the project and moved elsewhere no work in about TWO years now or more.
GOOFYXGRID - One day project quit sending work then shortly afterwards website disappeared into the ether.

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