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[B^S] Leprichon
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2008-01-03 20:29:56

Is there a way to remove a taskbar icon but still have it running in the background? (NOT XPs HIDE INACTIVE ICONs < -- the program would be active)...
I want to remove an icon from the taskbar but still have it running in the background. Any help would be appreciated. Whether its a tweak or a program.
I dont want to hide the taskbar either (so that when you hover over where it ought to be it appears--or anything similar). I just want the icon not to show in the task bar...
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2008-01-04 02:46:50

Install BOINC as a service and don't run the manager.
Not running BOINC anymore for several reasons...
[B^S] Leprichon
BAM!ID: 33870
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2008-01-04 05:38:07

Im unsure what you mean...the only BOINC download I know of comes with the icon in the task bar...
is there a different thing I should dowload then?
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2008-01-04 06:58:49

Im unsure what you mean...the only BOINC download I know of comes with the icon in the task bar...
is there a different thing I should dowload then?

Not a different way of DL but a different way of install.
It would be without graphics as well, but that would be OK I think, as it's even more hidden.

Don't install it as single or multiuser but as a service. It will run even with no-one logged in and won't show anywhere.
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2008-01-04 17:40:51

You may need to uninstall BOINC first, before installing it as a service. One of the final questions will be run BOINC manager on start up or something. Answer no.
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[B^S] Leprichon
BAM!ID: 33870
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2008-01-04 17:41:52
last modified: 2008-01-04 18:17:24

I think your really on to somthing, but I tried what you suggested (installed as a service) twice with the same results...the BOINC icon is still in the systemtray (this was after reboot as well)...browser neaded a refesh - I just saw y0ur post WyerByter...on the not to run on startup option - wouldnt that mean if the system was rebooted BOINC wouldnt run?..
update...Ive done what you both suggested and the issue seems to be the same...if the program is running it remains in the taskbar (the only difference with the service install and the button unchecked for "laod at startup" seems to be that BOINC needs to be manually started after boot...oh, and I didnt notice that there was any loss of color (or anything else different) with the service mode install...(just to be clear - the simple fix of just rightclicking on the icon on the taskbar to remove it seems to shut the program down as well)...
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2008-01-04 18:48:50

You keep confusing us: What is "the program" you keep mentioning? The manager, the client, the science apps, the icon on the tray, what?

If you install as a service, closing BOINC Manager (which is no more than a GUI) won't stop the BOINC client (which is invisible and does the actual work). Install as a service, and remove BOINC Manager from the startup folder. No more icon.
Not running BOINC anymore for several reasons...
[B^S] Leprichon
BAM!ID: 33870
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2008-01-05 04:36:30
last modified: 2008-01-05 04:57:08

Appologies PovAddict if I got you two confused (did I mention Im an idiot)...I removed BOINC manage (the gui for boinc) from the startup folder (also deleted boinc folder in start menu -programs leaving the main BOINC client -in c:program files- alone). I rebooted and checked out the processes in task manager and lo and behold rosetta was in there... Everything seems so simple in hindsight...I would have guessed that since there is no BOINC in startup folder (or startup inspector program I run) that BOINC (neither the manager or core client) would auto start after reboot, however this doesnt seem to be the to explain?...
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2008-01-05 04:59:04

Services start even before you log in. So you're already crunching when you're at the XP welcome screen.

Services don't show on the startup folder. You'd have like 50 items there otherwise
Not running BOINC anymore for several reasons...
[B^S] Leprichon
BAM!ID: 33870
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2008-01-05 05:01:48

If we learn from our mistakes...Im getting a GREAT edjucation!!
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Index :: BOINC :: remove taskbar BOINC icon?