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BAM!ID: 50764
Joined: 2008-04-23
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2008-04-23 23:03:10

escuse my english, i'm french lol

i installed boinc on 2 pcs, both working on Seti project... my laptop is only calculating a ingle thing, and my desktop computer is working on 2 calculations... ...any way to calculate more things at a time? or boinc scans computers to estimate how many works can work together?
BAM!ID: 571
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2008-04-24 07:37:14

BOINC does calculate how much work to send you, you can influence these calculations though. If you increase your "connect interval" and/or your "keep additional work" settings you should get more work queued up for later.

You should also check your "use at most x CPUs" and make sure it is larger than the number of CPUs in your system.

BOINCing since 2002/12/8
BAM!ID: 50764
Joined: 2008-04-23
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2008-04-24 19:40:58
last modified: 2008-04-24 19:43:24

in fact what i'd like is to calculate more things at a time, i calculate 2 by 2 yet, and it looks like it's finely working.

sooooooooooo, i have these settings:

uspend work while computer is on battery power?
(matters only for portable computers) yes

Suspend work while computer is in use? yes

'In use' means mouse/keyboard activity in last 3 minutes

Suspend work if no mouse/keyboard activity in last
(Needed to enter low-power mode on some computers)
Enforced by version 5.10.14+ --- minutes

Do work only between the hours of (no restriction)

Leave applications in memory while suspended?
(suspended applications will consume swap space if 'yes') no

Switch between applications every
(recommended: 60 minutes) 60 minutes

On multiprocessors, use at most
Enforced by version 5.10 and earlier 16 processors

On multiprocessors, use at most
Enforced by version 6.1+ 100 % of the processors

Use at most
(Can be used to reduce CPU heat)
Enforced by version 5.6+ 100 percent of CPU time

Disk and memory usage
Use at most 100 GB disk space

Leave at least
(Values smaller than 0.001 are ignored) 0.001 GB disk space free

Use at most 50% of total disk space

Write to disk at most every 60 seconds

Use at most 75% of page file (swap space)

Use at most
Enforced by version 5.8+ 50% of memory when computer is in use

Use at most
Enforced by version 5.8+ 90% of memory when computer is not in use

Network usage
Computer is connected to the Internet about every
(Leave blank or 0 if always connected.
BOINC will try to maintain at least this much work.) 0 days

Maintain enough work for an additional
Enforced by version 5.10+ 2 days

Confirm before connecting to Internet?
(matters only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection) no

Disconnect when done?
(matters only if you have a modem, ISDN or VPN connection) no

Maximum download rate: no limit

Maximum upload rate: no limit

Use network only between the hours of
Enforced by version 4.46+ (no restriction)

Skip image file verification?
Check this ONLY if your Internet provider modifies image files (UMTS does this, for example).
Skipping verification reduces the security of BOINC. no

can i change something to calculate more things together?
thanks for your answer ^^
and oh, here's my config, if that can help yiou to figure out what i can do:
amd 6400+ dual core 3.2ghz,
2go ddr2 ram 800mhz,
2.2to storage
BAM!ID: 115
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2008-04-24 20:49:30
last modified: 2008-04-24 20:54:04

can i change something to calculate more things together?

Your computer

A dual core will only do two things at a time. If you want to do more, you need a CPU with more cores.
Not running BOINC anymore for several reasons...
BAM!ID: 3895
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2008-04-24 20:49:58

here's my config, if that can help yiou to figure out what i can do:
amd 6400+ dual core 3.2ghz,
2go ddr2 ram 800mhz,
2.2to storage

With 2 cores you can process two WU's at a time (one for each core). That is for CPU intensive WU's, however a project may have CPU nonintensive WU's that can also run, limited in number running only by project preferences. The only project currently like this is DepSpid, it is network intensive though.

Now, if you want to have more WU's in the queue, so you don't have to connect to the internet so often, then just put a larger number for connect to internet, that controls the cache, or amount of work available for times when network connections are not available.
This signature was stolen from somewhere.

BAM!ID: 50764
Joined: 2008-04-23
Posts: 3
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2008-04-24 21:50:44

ok, so 4 wu's means 4 cores, get it
thanks guyz, and hi from france wherever u come from
Pages: [1]

Index :: BOINC :: over 2 works possible?