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BOINCstats SOFA member
BAM!ID: 63474
Joined: 2008-12-30
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2009-08-04 17:49:11

I don't know of many people who frequent this site who are also Facebook junkies, but for those of us who are, GridRepublic and Intel have just launched a Facebook App that allows you to show off your BOINCing to your Facebook friends.

Even though it is branded by GridRepublic, you can connect it to your current BOINC account, and do not need to install any additional software. It retrieves stats from BOINC the same way BOINCstats does.

To see an example of what the app looks like once installed, check out my profile at

You can add the app yourself at
BAM!ID: 13859
Joined: 2006-12-03
Posts: 839
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2009-08-11 01:08:44

One side affect that I noticed, is that it sets your account name to your real (Facebook, anyway) name by default, which then leaks out into the projects you're attached to. I noticed this, when my real name popped up on my signature graphic instead of my BAM/BOINC name. I went to GridRepublic and changed it back; hopefully all should be back to normal, and I can still use the Facebook app.

I wonder if anyone here at BOINCstats/BAM knows enough about Facebook apps to make one? WCG has one as well, although I can't get it to show up.
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