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BAM!ID: 12734
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2009-12-30 04:26:23

I am not sure if this has been discussed. I couldn't find any threads for it. Can some one please tell me how to stop BOINC from
asking for GPU work units all the time. Even with projects that dont have GPU work units. Example, uFluids does not have GPU wus
but BOINC keeps asking for them. I have been without uFluids wus for three days. Reseting the project the project got me three
CPU work units. I have three days of messages of BOINC asking for GPU instead of CPU wu. It really is getting irrating. Is there a
a way to limit BOINC to 30% GPU and 70% CPU requests?? And to ask only the projects with GPU wu for them, leaving the rest for CPU
only? It seems like this would be a rather simple fix. Any of you gurus tell me how to fix this?
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2009-12-31 09:44:16

I don't believe there is a way to limit GPU requests or to not request GPU units from projects that don't have a GPU app.

However, if the project is setup right you can tell the project not to send GPU wu's by going into your account and going to "Preferences for this project" and click on that link for it. I see uFluids doesn't have the option but you can in Seti and PrimeGrid to name a few.
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2009-12-31 09:58:31
last modified: 2009-12-31 09:59:57

I think asking for GPU & CPU Work from Projects is built right into the BOINC Client now and there's nothing you can do about it. I see it all the time too from Projects that don't even have GPU Work ... Phantom's right though, if a Project does have GPU work you can either request it or block it at the Projects in your account pages.
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2009-12-31 11:39:50
last modified: 2009-12-31 11:40:27

Well, you can use the cc_config.xml with this entries:


The cc_config.xml needs to be in the same directory as the other xmls for BOINC (mostly the data directory). If you don't have one, create it per Notepad and put the code in it. Restart BOINC.
This of course blocks all projects to not asking for GPUs.
If you want it back, you simply can rename the file or delete it.
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2009-12-31 11:56:05

You could also look at these app files for Collatz & Milkyway and tailor them to suit your needs maybe > Application Files
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2009-12-31 16:18:40

However, I chose to disable CPU WUs on a project and it resulted in disabling CPU WUs for all projects at the client level. Perhaps it was an older client, I don't quite remember, but I'd tread carefully about it. Did anyone else observe this?

BAM!ID: 57534
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2009-12-31 20:39:41

Augustine wrote:
However, I chose to disable CPU WUs on a project and it resulted in disabling CPU WUs for all projects at the client level. Perhaps it was an older client, I don't quite remember, but I'd tread carefully about it. Did anyone else observe this?


Yup, I could see that happening since changes made in your Account Propagate across the Projects, so it might be something you might want to do in your local Preferences for each Box you want to Disable the CPU or GPU on ...
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2010-01-02 14:26:13

ThePhantom86 wrote:
I don't believe there is a way to limit GPU requests or to not request GPU units from projects that don't have a GPU app.

However, if the project is setup right you can tell the project not to send GPU wu's by going into your account and going to "Preferences for this project" and click on that link for it. I see uFluids doesn't have the option but you can in Seti and PrimeGrid to name a few.

I have all the GPU projects I crunch for initatied. I would like to see the next BOINC upgrades address this annoying issue. Create a preference to adjust the percentage of GPU/CPU for each project you process for, from 0-100%. If any of you are in the BOINC programming loop, please add this to the 'to do' list. Or direct me to the people who can. I have seen many complaints on this issue and I think it should be addressed. When BOINC communictes with a project, it identifies if that project has GPU WUs or not. If so then it uses your preferences to download how many of each. As with Prime grid, I keep getting 100s of GPU WU because that all Boinc asks for from Prime, even though Prime as CPU WUs available. GRRRR! TIA
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2010-01-04 13:36:07

Augustine wrote:
However, I chose to disable CPU WUs on a project and it resulted in disabling CPU WUs for all projects at the client level. Perhaps it was an older client, I don't quite remember, but I'd tread carefully about it. Did anyone else observe this?


I haven't seen this. I've disabled all cpu wu's in Seti and still get cpu wu's from other projects.
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2010-01-04 14:09:13
last modified: 2010-01-04 14:09:57

ThePhantom86 wrote:
Augustine wrote:
However, I chose to disable CPU WUs on a project and it resulted in disabling CPU WUs for all projects at the client level. Perhaps it was an older client, I don't quite remember, but I'd tread carefully about it. Did anyone else observe this?


I haven't seen this. I've disabled all cpu wu's in Seti and still get cpu wu's from other projects.

It might depend on the Server Software the project is using whether the CPU Settings Propagate across the projects or not ...
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